Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
As authentic individuals, we live life from a perspective that who we are matters to the world around us. We recognize that our inspiration and creativity are beneficial and can help others. We can draw others to us and encourage others to be their authentic selves. Also, we recognize when we are out of balance and can evaluate the situation we are in so we can make necessary changes to realign ourselves and the course we want our lives to take. So when the ego rears its ugly head and causes us to falter, we can bounce back by remembering the following elements of successful living. Click on each heading below to read the full description of each component.
Excellence is the space between average and exceptional. We can exceed expectations and consistently deliver superior quality. In developing habits of excellence, we achieve influence and stand out from the pack. By cultivating a culture of excellence, we attract new supporters and win the loyalty of long-standing connections.
People react positively to excellence with loyalty, and they reward excellent leaders with support. Doing your best in every situation; you find yourself in isn’t hard to do. Therefore excellence is not difficult to achieve as a part of successful living.
In a long term study at the University of Pennsylvania, summarized by Martin Seligman in his book Learned Optimism, was able to determine that optimism is the most important quality you can develop for personal success and happiness. Optimistic people are effective in almost every area of life. Why you ask…because optimists approach the world with gratitude and hope rather than fear and regret. Optimists have four unique behaviors, which can all be learned through conscious and daily practice.
We’ve all been told that writing down your goals gives you a better chance of achieving them. Scientifically based on the fact that by writing them down, you are using both hemispheres of your brain, thereby increasing the desire for the body, not just the mind, to work towards our desires.
Read about my year-long experiment and how writing down your goals creates more success for the vision you have for your life. Goals help you grow and to focus your attention to succeed. To achieve your goals, you have to have a strategy. You have to plan your success and the approach you can use to live successfully.
If you need help in your goal setting, I have created 21-Questions to Extraordinary Goal Setting worksheet for you to use. Click here to download it for free, along with a pretty My Goals Sheet to document your successful living goals.
Confidence is not boasting or showing off, or an overt pretense of courage. Self-assurance is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others. Confidence is quiet. It is a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard. It comes as no surprise that all great leaders share these nine qualities concerning confidence.
When you look at those leaders that you admire, you will see these qualities reflected. They are building others up while listening to what they have to say. They are admitting to the mistakes that they have made and tell you what they learned from them. In exhibiting these qualities, they build better teams and help others around them succeed.
We all know on a surface level that words can be cruel because they have power. We have all been hurt by what someone has said to us. We know that words have staying power because we all carry wounds from our youth were someone said something to us or called us a name, and it still makes us twinge now that we think about it. So, if we know this, why are we still so careless with our words? Why do we more easily spew negativity instead of using the power of words to build ourselves, and those around us, up and be a positive influence?
Negativity more easily comes from our ego-mind then something encouraging. Remember, the ego instills fear, not reassurance. The egoic mind is our worse critic. The things we say to ourselves are far worse than we would ever actually speak to another. Why do we do this? I find it amazing that the worst suffering I endured all occurred within my mind, by the negative words I spoke to myself. So, to alter this paradigm, we need to understand how we use words and change our mindset to use them positively for successful living
Self-care is a popular term. Some people look at it as if others are condoning selfishness, but that is because they do not understand what self-care is. Self-care is everything that we consciously do that is a part of caring for our mental, emotional, and physical health. While it’s a simple notion, it’s something we frequently overlook. Basic self-care is vital to improving mood and reducing stress. It is about refueling ourselves so that we can continue to do those things that we are passionate about. We are given opportunities to improve our lives. We need to stop and make a plan- a Self-Care Plan of Action is easy to achieve.
We are all busy with our lives, but are we being productive? Being busy and productivity do not go hand and hand. I have spent much time looking industrious but didn’t necessarily accomplish much. We occupy our time with our electronic devices checking social media, watching television, weekly errands, social engagements, especially if we have kids in our lives. However, we may be using these types of activities as an excuse as to why we don’t accomplish more; then, we could do each week. Or, maybe we are staying busy, so we don’t have to deal with a situation that is upsetting or difficult.
Distraction is one of the many tools that the ego uses to keep our focus on something it doesn’t want to deal with. It will even use those things that are admirable, like volunteering for a good cause, to make you feel better about not working on those things that you know you need to for your self-care. I did this for about a decade before I realized what I was doing. Being more productive with your time is vital. Find out ways to be less busy doing unimportant things and more focused on productivity to live successfully.
Most people experience some degree of stress in their life. But if you understand the most common types of stress and know how to spot them, you can manage your pressure much better. This management, in turn, helps you to work productively, build better relationships, and live a healthier life. Dr. Karl Albrecht is a pioneer in the development of stress-reduction training for business people. He defined four common types of stress in his book, “Stress and the Manager”: Time stress, Anticipatory stress, Situational stress, and Encounter stress. Learn to identify four different types of tension and learn ways to manage each of them to be more productive and less stressed in your life.
How well do you manage your time? If you’re like many, your response may not be very positive. Maybe you feel overloaded. Or you work late to make your deadlines. Perhaps you go from one crisis to another. If you do any of these things, then you are probably feeling very stressed. Many of us know that we could be managing our time more effectively. However, it can be challenging to identify the mistakes that we’re making and to understand how we could improve.
When we do manage our time well, however, we’re exceptionally productive, and our stress levels drop dramatically. In short, we’re happier! All time-management skills are learnable. With proper time management skills in place, you can lessen your stress, increase your productivity, and live a successful life.
All teams at all levels of any organization need an All-Around Leader. These are the type of leaders who lead up-to the top levels of the organization. They lead across the association among their peers. And they lead down to their team members as well as others outside of their influence.
A versatile leader leads through influence, not through the position they hold, nor through any power they may or may not have. Some people believe that a person can’t lead unless that person is at the “top” of the totem pole…they fail to recognize that true leaders lead even if they are at the bottom. We can all choose to better our organization and help fulfill a better vision by serving as an All-Around Leader.
Many team members silently wonder if they can help their superior or executive. On a rare occasion, they may ask how they can help. Here are ten ways you can support your leadership, add value to your organization, and distinguish yourself from the rest of the team by doing your part with excellence.
Leadership is really about the ability to influence those that you are leading. Just because someone has a title, doesn’t mean that person is a leader, it just means that they have a position with a designation. The only way that a person can prove that they are a leader is found by looking at their followers.
An organization is only as great as its people. There are many myths about leadership, and some people fall into the trap of just trying to manage their team without influencing them. Some people become complacent and are only concerned with getting the job done, which we need to do, but we need to grow the organization as well.
For successful living, all of us must stand as leaders in our communities, regardless of the position we may or may not have, and influence the influencers. Seven factors can attribute to emerging as a real leader and not just a person with a position and title, or the loudest person in the room.
Leading your team is where you have the most influence as you have direct and consistent communication with them. Therefore, it is with your personnel that you have the most impact. Overall, these seven principles will help an All-Around Leader in leading those they directly supervise, influence the results, and, more importantly, help develop them to grow into better human beings. You really do have much influence to inspire your personnel even if you do not realize it.
Due to my angst with alcohol, I am not one to get drunk or even tipsy drinking. Even now, I don’t understand the desire to have a chemical alter your brain chemistry and become something else. But, for me, I realize that it’s about not wanting to lose control.
I have questioned others about their desire to get tipsy, why they want to do it, and how it makes them feel. Most of the replies I get are about how alcohol enables them to relax and become more self-confident. They say it allows them to be themselves.
When we consume alcohol, it alters the functions of the brain and the body. Although there seems to be more confidence, what’s being exhibited is a relaxation of inhibitions. The reduction of restraint is based on the change in our emotional state. There’s an increase in antagonism, unhappiness, or euphoria. Most people seek a euphoric state.
As the amount of liquor increases in the bloodstream, judgment becomes impaired, risk-taking increases, attention span reduces, and it negatively affects memory. Additionally, the heart rate decreases and breathing slows, causing a lack of coordination, slower motor responses, and vision problems.
Despite rarely partaking of enough alcohol to become tipsy or drunk, I think I have felt all of this while living a life of fear. I allowed my anxiety to alter the functions of my brain, and my body just like liquor does, and I become drunk on the ego.
We are all worthy, and we all deserve love despite our behavior. Now, our conduct does determine how people treat us, but that is outside of our worthiness. We are worthy of love because we are a being of light and love, whether we believe that truth or not. Bad behavior is changeable, but we have to become aware of the cause of our reactions to situations.
By realizing that it’s our behavior that may be causing the situations we find ourselves in, we awaken to the possibilities that we can alter our conduct. This awareness empowers us to create the changes we need to make in our lives.
How we got to this place actually doesn’t matter. We are not looking to blame others or ourselves. What we want to do is recognize that we don’t want to be in a particular situation and take responsibility to make the changes we want to see in our lives. We are all worthy of living fabulous lives. Still, we must stop participating in bad behaviors that harm our well-being and our happiness.
Making excuses, we all do it. We don’t have time to exercise. It costs too much to eat healthily. These explanations make us feel better for a short time, but it impedes our growth and keeps us from improving our lives. The way to overcome clinging to excuses is to take responsibility, to empower yourself.
Excuse makers tend to have a victim mentality. They have a false belief that there’s nothing they can do to overcome the obstacle they perceive in their way. When you’re the victim, you are powerless. You’ve given your power to overcome to the excuse you are using that keeps you thinking small. This unproductive mindset engages in self-pity at the expense of learning lessons from the situation.
Blaming is a tool of the ego that is unproductive. People who blame others instead of taking responsibility earn less, lose status, and perform worse. It also supports that organizations with a culture of blame lose creativity, growth, and productivity. Blaming others in a group setting is contagious. Watching superiors’ fault find allows the egoic mind to believe that blame is an approved way to shift responsibility for a mistake. So blame is spread like a virus. We need to be responsible for ourselves and stop playing the blame game.
The blame game is a negative way to live. It slanders the person being blamed, even if that person did make an error. This defamation explains why people react poorly when things don’t go according to plan. Despite the rationalization, fault finding isn’t about understanding what happened. Its goal is to shift responsibility to another person. It’s avoiding your role in whatever the situation is. By doing so, you are feeding the fear the egoic mind is wanting you to feel.
Hello, I’m Terri, and I’m a recovering perfectionist. I used to believe that being a perfectionist was a good thing. It meant that what I did was of high quality and motivated me to do better each time I undertook a project. But I was surprised to find that perfectionism blocked real success. It did this by having the ego fuel the behavior with negative self-talk, which caused stress, anxiety. It made it harder to reach the goals I set for myself. I realized that I strived for perfection out of my lack of self-worth and fear of failure.
My striving for perfection wasn’t the same as striving to do my best. It wasn’t about achievement and personal growth. It was armor to protect me against the pain of blame, shame, and judgment, whether from others or myself. The correctness of the work I did was a direct reflection of my self-worth, which was a lie of the ego. When I realized that it was fear that pushed me, I was able to change my behavior and learn healthier ways to work towards my goals.
We all know that the one constant in our lives is change. It’s inevitable. Confronting new challenges, circumstances, and uncertainties are how we’ve expanded all the areas of our lives. Human beings are marvels at adapting and changing based on where we find ourselves. However, when we struggle against the situation, it causes suffering. We have to be flexible to thrive in our changing environment.
Research shows that adaptability is the key factor required to succeed. While the inability to do so is the main reason people fail. Those being inflexible cause progress to stop. Their resistance to change undermines all forward momentum, causes disharmony, lack of enthusiasm, and uncooperativeness.
Being able to adapt to changing circumstances is imperative. It’s having a growth mindset and the ability to shift and experiment as things change. It’s the capacity to adjust how you deal with people and their personality quirks. To accept change as neutral despite how it first appears. The ability to revise plans as needed. It’s considering how the change will affect others and helping them adapt.
Hello, I’m Terri, I’m a recovering control freak. As a great planner, I’ve used much energy to prevent things from messing up my perfect plan. Over time I’ve learned that I’m wasting energy on things I cannot predict. Adhering to those things that no longer serve me, I keep the magic of flow from reaching my life.
Attachments anchor us. They chain us to things we may need to be free from to move forward with our lives. Letting go involves submission to what is. Whatever the circumstances are, we have to accept them. That doesn’t mean we can’t alter them, but for us to do so, we must first recognize what is.
By releasing our attachments, we pull up the anchor to the past and set sail for the ocean of unlimited possibilities that are ahead of us. We need to recognize that we aren’t in control of the circumstances around us. Or when we are responsible for the choices and actions we have taken, but that is all. We are to allow events to happen naturally, not force them.
Everything is changing all the time. Many people think of change negatively. They believe that there’s something to lose, a way of doing something, nostalgia, or part of themselves. But it’s neither a positive nor a negative thing. Change is neutral. We determine whether it’s good or bad. It’s a part of life that is ever-evolving around us.
Written over forty years ago in his book Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes, William Bridges discusses the turmoil and the opportunities that change brings into our lives. He outlined how one could transition through the change process for easier adjusting because many of us look at change as a barrier that has disrupted our plans. Adjusting to change is a process that begins with acceptance. To accept what the new situation is, we allow for a smoother transition to the current circumstances. We have to be willing to let go of any fear and be flexible so that we can quickly adapt to what is.
I’ve been a doer for most of my life. I think we all have. We strive for good grades to please our parents. We do things with friends as part of socializing. Working requires doing tasks necessary to complete the job. Even when we are not at our place of business, we still are doing. We watch tv, surf the web on our cell phones, workout, or pay our bills. But for all the doing, we forget that we are supposed to be human beings.
Society expects us to be busy, doing action-oriented things. Our culture emphasizes productivity and output. And through this doing, we feel like we are accomplishing the things we need to live a fulfilled life. But are we actually feeling satisfied with all our doing? The doing is supposed to mean we are valuable to society, but our lives have worth because of who we are, not what we do.
We all have goals, and to obtain them, we have to do things that move us toward the goal, which makes us happy. There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing unless we are allowing all the busyness to keep us from being. Being with ourselves can seem scary because it’s not action-oriented. It also means that we have to face ourselves and those things that all the doing keeps us from seeing.
It’s interesting how we grow and change. For twenty years, I searched for people who had drama in their lives and tried to help them. Or I’d create drama in my life and draw others in with me. I did this as a way to distract myself from dealing with my own issues. But then, after I went within and healed from past traumas, the idea of self-created or other people’s drama in my life was distasteful.
Drama attracts the egoic mind because it can use it to its advantage. Whether as a distraction from dealing with ourselves by making minor upsets into catastrophes. Or it makes us feel better by seeing other people in their own suffering as friends call you to deal with their issues.
Chaos can seem comfortable because we can blame, shame, and judge others and ourselves instead of dealing with our own masks and armor. It’s a tool of the ego to keep us stuck. We can’t grow and expand if we constantly fight through drama, and the egoic mind likes to fight. Remember, fight or flight are the ego’s primary reactions to life.
We all probably have some drama in our lives that we would like to minimize. So here are six ways to help you keep from getting sucked into the drama that can occur around us.
Attachment to things, people, or a particular way of being invites drama into our lives. Why? Because when we attach to something and change occurs, which is a constant, then there is a fear we lose that which we are bound.
On the other hand, detachment allows for change to occur in which we aren’t tied to a specific outcome. This unbiasedness will enable us to accept what is with ease and allow peace to flow into our lives.
But how do we learn to detach from those things we care about? And why is attachment harmful to us?
It’s incredible how much power we give past events, both happy and devastating. I know I held onto my past trauma for almost a decade before I even considered letting it go. But, when we hold on to the memories and allow them to keep replaying in our minds as if they just happened yesterday, it deprives us of any happiness in the present.
Our brains handle information we receive differently based on if it’s positive or negative. For example, if the experience was upsetting, it requires more processing than if the event was pleasurable. This additional processing time means that we can remember distressing events over fond moments, especially when there is a strong emotional connection.
The other aspect of the ego is to remember the pain we’ve gone through so we can avoid repeating it in the future. So it must remember for it to do its job of protecting us. If it can’t recall past events, then it becomes fearful of the unknown.
Despite not being able to alter how our brains work, we can learn to let go of the negative memories that plague our egoic minds. By releasing the emotional attachments, we have to previous events. Here are six ways to help you let go of the past to live a happy life.
What do you think of when you hear the words childlike spirit? The question was posed to me in a recent podcast interview with Mary Lee on the Un-FAQs podcast. My answer was that it was something I am learning to do again. And what I meant was that I am learning to play again.
So when I was a teenager, I used to paint. But I was told by an art teacher that I was not a talented painter, and I put it up for 30 years. My teacher was wrong. We are all creative, but not necessarily artists. I allowed her negative comment to stop me from doing something I enjoyed for a long time.
So I gave my granddaughter when she was three, a set of finger paints. And when she visits, we paint together. So figuring out how to play again was taught to me by a child. And that’s always the best way to relearn something when it’s something your body and mind are entirely forgotten.
We all want to be more resilient in life. Yet, when we see others bounce back from adversity, we wonder how they were able to do so. Or ask ourselves why we struggle with moving past obstacles when they appear in our lives.
But I believe resiliency is a skill we can all learn. Why? Because I was able to learn it so I know you can too.
Your ability to affect others is based on how you let your inner light shine. Why? Because when others see your light, it inspires them to let their light shine as well. Even in the darkest of times, seeing the light of another brings hope. But you can also help others shine their light by encouraging those around you.
Everyone influences somebody. A parent affects a child, a boss, their employee, or nurturing friends and family. Whatever your role is in any of your relationships, influence is occurring by both parties.
Many think influencing another is about persuading them to do something you want or agreeing with you. But influence has a subtle side. You know the saying about being the sum of the five people you spend the most time. It’s about the impact these people have on you and you on them.
Your life affects those around you uniquely. The most impactful work you do is the simple act of service. Serving others allows you to create the ripples in the water of life that help heal the world. Your service is about affecting others positively, which gives them an example to follow to help others and be successful. It’s powerful to serve others. Not just for the receiver, but also for you.
It may seem like a subtle difference, but I believe motivation and inspiration are unique. When I try to motivate, I feel like I’m pushing. Motivation is about moving people to act in a way that achieves a specific and immediate goal for success. Inspiration comes from a completely different place. The word inspiration means to be in spirit. So, it’s about being called to act because you’re in direct alignment with the true potential that is your authentic self.
Unfinished business lurks in the corners of your life. Incomplete projects, untidiness, mental clutter, or confusion are ways it masks itself in your life. This disorder can weigh you down and keep you from moving forward with your goals. It’s essential to have the capacity to finish the things in your life because there is power in competition.
Have you seen Matrix Resurrections? I saw it with my family over the holidays, and we enjoyed it. One line the franchise repeats in each movie is to clear your mind. But want does that mean? The film refers to the ability to see through what you think is real. To be open to infinite possibilities, even ones you feel are unrealistic.
With the new year beginning, one tends to see possibilities. You are willing to start new things, say goodbye to outdated beliefs, and choose to begin again. But I think you should look at each day as an opportunity to start fresh, not just in January. The new year allows hope to rise from within and inspiration to take hold.
What personal baggage are you still carrying around? For example, outdated beliefs you picked up from friends because you wanted to belong. Or generational patterns of behavior taught to you by your family. How about the lies your egoic mind told you to keep you safe from what it thought was an unknown risk?
What does living boldly mean? What I think this means is that you are living on purpose, which implies you are intentional about your choices and actions. It’s also about creatively living life fully, where you feel contentment with the progression you are making. You show your inner courage when you take bold actions and push through any fear you’re feeling and move forward toward your dreams.
I’m someone who researches, inquires, and plans. All smart activities to undertake towards preparing for success in any endeavor. But to make progress forward, one must take deliberate action to implement anything. Do you get stuck in one of the other activities, thinking you’re doing well, but don’t start executing anything towards your goals?
Everyone has dreams, goals, and aspirations they desire to realize. The tough part is linking what you long for and the actions you need to take to get it. You need to create a step-by-step plan to connect them. By embracing the change you need to undertake, you can build the life you dream of living.
What’s your dream? Is it tied to your ambitions? If it is, then you’ll most likely build your reality based on that vision you desire. If you tied your inner drive to your goals, then you’re ready to dive in and take deliberate actions to realize the vision you set for yourself. See, dreams are imaginative, and only when they are combined with ambition can they become your reality.
One of my significant routine spiritual practices is contemplation, especially as a cycle ends. You can see where you were at the beginning of the phase, and you can also see how you’ve grown. To reflect on the year that ended, you might go back chronologically or look back on the various aspects of your life. Purpose and flow are excellent signs that something in your life is flourishing for you.
As a life coach, I frequently ask my clients what they have learned from an experience. And the only answer I find as incorrect is when they say they didn’t learn and start blaming others or making excuses. Every experience you have in your life teaches you something which you are to learn. Part of the awakening of consciousness is the ability to recognize the lessons you have learned from the encounters you have. The ability to learn from what happens in your life is fascinating and transformational, and it’s supposed to happen. That’s why you had the experience.
Reflecting on the past year, are you creating the life you dream of? Are you setting measurable goals toward your desires? When an obstacle presents itself, are you able to push through and not give up? But are you so tenacious that you don’t see that maybe you should pivot? Knowing when to work diligently and when to pivot will determine whether you succeed or take a misstep.
Regret. The one who got away, the job you didn’t accept, the argument you wish you hadn’t gotten into because you were angry, the investment you didn’t make, the money you didn’t save, the move you wish you’d made, and on and on and on… it seems to be a reality of life. Life is predictable in that manner; there will undoubtedly be some decisions you make along the way that you wish you had made differently. Regrets can be major—choosing the incorrect career—or minor, choosing a dress that you truly don’t feel confident wearing. You may experience everyday ones or overarching ones that simply appear to influence everything you do.
I’m an eternal optimist. I believe things will always work out for the best, reconciliation will occur, and responding with love will always be the right course of action. But when my mother died, I realized that reconciliation with her couldn’t happen. The closure I had been waiting patiently and hopefully for would not occur.
What does it mean to elevate your life? Living a better life than you did before is a sign that you are raising and improving your lot in life. Furthermore, living life to the fullest involves doing what you love, spending time with the people that are important to you, being joyful and happy, and taking every day for granted. If you want to live a life you love, you must find something you love and follow it.
What does the word ascension mean? By definition, it’s the path taken by people who consciously advance toward a greater state of illumination. It’s a personal decision to bravely enter the uncharted territory of the inner self to grow into your authentic self. To move into a higher awareness of self is to choose it consciously. The process of ascending entails widening your heart and expanding to reunite with the Universe and all facets of your true nature.
Whether you’re stuck in traffic, dealing with a challenging coworker, or fighting with a loved one, you have experienced times when your emotions got the better of you. The reason for this is you weren’t aware of what was occurring until you were too far along the emotional train to stop it. Because of this lack of emotional control, you often say things you come to regret. And if you can’t control your emotions, you won’t be able to recognize, deal with them or master your response until it’s too late.
Vitality measures the life energy inside of you. When you get in touch with your sources of rejuvenation, you not only have more energy to be more active and do more, but you also feel engaged and present. You can feel the energy of life coursing through you. Internal conflict, stress, and repression detract from this internal energy, and freeing yourself from this conflict allows greater access to this life energy.
Real life is chaotic. And no matter how hard you work to live a perfect life, there will always be good days and bad days. No matter how much of a perfectionist you are, you cannot escape the messiness of life. It’s time to embrace, accept, and come to enjoy the complete mess that can be your life.
Clutter is stressful and may have psychological causes. Because “we not only have clutter in our homes, but we also have clutter in our hearts,” according to Marie Kondo, famed organizer. According to research, if there is clutter in your home, your mind may also be muddled, and if the mess gets out of hand, it may affect your physical and mental health. So living authentically means to tidy up the clutter in your life.
A life plan serves as a reminder and a roadmap for your goals. It enables you to achieve your goals, both personal and professional. If your goals are reasonable, there is no reason you cannot accomplish them. Your dread of failing frequently holds you back. You can get over this fear and accomplish your goals with the aid of a life plan.
People rarely use the word “malleable” to describe feelings or experiences. The word is more frequently used in science to characterize metal. Under pressure, malleable metal can be specifically manipulated, hammered, or molded. However, “malleable” can also characterize a particular personality type. A flexible individual would rather concur with an adversary than engage in discussion.
My biggest tip for indulging in self-care, based on my personal experience, is to tidy up your personal space and thinking. This is because organizing even a small area around me instantly makes me feel calm. I sense an increase in my energy, creativity, and happiness. According to psychology, once your environment is structured, your thoughts will follow suit. Outer order and inner peace go hand in hand.
Everybody has a busy life full of back-to-back appointments, meetings, and to-do lists. In the twenty-first century, perpetual busyness seems to be the new normal. It used to be sporadic enough to distinguish between days when it was hectic and when it wasn’t. But, now, you are overly busy and don’t have time to pause.
In today’s fast-paced world, living in balance is more crucial than ever for your health and well-being. So, what does a balanced, healthy lifestyle mean to you? Since there are so many diverse ideas and viewpoints, no two people’s responses to this question will be the same. Since every person’s body and mind react differently, you must find the ideal balance that works for you.
According to researchers, procrastination has gone up recently. One factor has been technology. Throughout history, procrastination has been documented as a human characteristic. Understanding the reasons behind your procrastination and the role it plays in your life is the first step towards conquering it. Without a thorough understanding of the problem’s underlying causes, it is impossible to develop a workable remedy. The solution to procrastination, like most issues, lies in self-awareness.
Your ability to affect others is based on how you let your inner light shine. Why? Because when others see your light, it inspires them to let their light shine as well. Even in the darkest of times, seeing the light of another brings hope. But you can also help others shine their light by encouraging those around you.
When we strive for excellence as authentic people, we can influence others at all levels by making an authentic connection, with real confidence. As we implement self-care plans for ourselves and learn better time management skills, we see that the stress in our lives is reduced, and we become productive. Successful living is enhanced when we write down our goals and use our words to uplift others.
Authentic individuals recognize that the road to success is paved with giving your best daily and choosing to be happy as you go through life. By taking action each day towards what we want to experience, we create a successful life.
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