
“To Motivate or Inspire?” That is the Question

It may seem like a subtle difference, but I have found that motivation and inspiration are very different.  When I try to motivate myself, I feel like I’m pushing myself.  Motivation is about psyching people up.  It’s what we’re “supposed” to be doing. It’s a good idea, but not a passionate, burning desire that originates in the core of our being.  Motivation is about moving people to act in a way that achieves a specific and immediate goal.  Inspiration is part of the creative process. To motivate or inspire is what a leader needs to determine.

“Motivation is external, inspiration is internal.” —Simon Lawry

How To Motivate People

  • Tell them exactly what you want them to do: it’s all about getting people to take action, don’t be ambiguous.
  • People want to help and are willing to help if it requires minimal effort on their part; so limit the time and effort you are requesting.
  • Share in the load. Leaders don’t ask people to do what they themselves aren’t willing to do.
  • Appeal to their emotions. People are motivated by excitement, pride, a sense of belonging, and the thrill of achievement.

Motivation is inner drive to fulfill goal. Inspiration is having a glimpse of who you really are.

Inspiration comes from a completely different place. The word inspiration means to be in spirit. Inspiration is about being called to act because you’re in direct alignment with the true potential that is you, your authentic self.

Inspiration involves changing the way people think and feel about themselves so that they want to take positive actions. It taps into our values and desires.  Inspiration appeals to the best aspirations of all of us, and its often unspoken message is “You can become what you want to be.” No reward is promised, other than the reward that comes from within: the sense of personal satisfaction.

As a leader, anytime you talk about values, about identity and about long-term goals, your intent – whether you know it or not – is to inspire.

How To Inspire People

  • Be the change you want to inspire. What others see you do will inspire them more than anything else will. The only way to call the best out of others is to expect the best from you.
  • Tell a story. Stories don’t tell people what to do. Stories engage the imaginations and emotions. They show us what we’re capable of achieving.
  • Appeal to their value system. Ask others to act in a way that is consistent with the values they themselves profess.
  • Trust people. When you’re inspiring people, you’re empowering them to be their best, trusting that they will then do the right thing. And the right thing they do may not be what you were guessing; it may be something beyond your wildest expectations.
  • Challenge them. People aren’t inspired by doing the familiar or by meeting expectations. They’re inspired by the energy, creativity, and high expectations so they can exceed what they themselves thought impossible.

Motivation and inspiration are tools leaders’ use to bring out the best in people. Hopefully we are doing more inspiring then motivating.  If you would like to receive more informative and mindful articles right into your mailbox fill this out now.

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