Have Courage To Open Your Eyes and Clearly See Projection Makes Perception

How you feel affects how you perceive. If you’re content, life flows. But if you’re upset, then you’ll see more negativity. Why? Because your perception of the world is a projection from your egoic mind. So, this means that you have control over what you perceive simply by changing your mind about what you see.

Right now, you’re projecting the contents of your egoic mind out into the world. These projections result in the thoughts and experiences you have. Projection is neither good nor bad. It’s how you process the world around you based on your beliefs, mindset, emotions, and experiences.

They come up as projections when you repress those things about you you don’t like or want to deal with, like a negative experience. For example, I don’t like people who micromanage.  And yet, I do what I don’t want to others.  So, when I see controlling people others, what I am seeing is a part of myself. I am projecting onto others those things in myself and or my egoic mind.

See, everything and everyone is connected because it’s conceived in your mind. But for you to overcome what the egoic mind sees, you must look through the eyes of the soul. 

Life is all about perception. Positive versus negative. Whichever you choose will affect, and more than likely reflect your outcomes. ~ Sonya Teclai

The Perception Of Your Mind’s Eyes

The ego sees through the lens of fear. Its job is to protect you, so it’s conditioned to see everything as harmful. It’s supposed to see the negative of each situation. The ego believes you are separate, and you need things outside of yourself to be accepted.  It wants to keep you small and for you to think you are fragile. Therefore, it looks for ways to keep you safe and urges you to conform so it can keep you secure in a cruel world.

The soul, however, sees everything through the lens of love. Its job is to help you grow into your most authentic self. It’s going to see the positive aspect of the surrounding conditions. It reminds you that your true nature is connectedness, and all you need is within you. Consequently, it looks for ways for you to grow and encourages you to be yourself. 

So, each time you look at a set of circumstances, you have the option to perceive from the lens of fear or the lens of love. Which one do you use more often?  Why do you think you lean towards that viewpoint?

When you examine how you react or respond to life, you will determine which set of eyes you used to filter and process the world around you. So, is it time for a change in your perceptive powers?

What is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them. ~ Gary Zukav

The World You Projected Into Being

What you see reflects what your egoic mind thinks it wants. The world you see is an eyewitness to your state of mind. So, when you look at the world around you, notice it’s reflecting the inward condition of your mind.  How much joy and peace do you see in your world?

Once you recognize the state in which you created, understand you have the power to change it instantly.  You have the ability within you to alter your perspective of the world around you. Choose to change the lens through which you look. By choosing to see through the lens of love, you allow yourself to live in a better world of your creation. 

The power of choice allows you to pick what you want to perceive and permits the soul to direct its vision. Again, it’s about looking to see verses overlooking the parts you’d rather not comprehend.

Perception is a choice of awareness, not necessarily reality. So remember, your truth may differ from mine. Still, they are both valid, just like your perception may differ from mine because we’re each seeing through our soulful lenses, which vary.  

So, you must decide if you like the world your egoic mind is projecting.  If you don’t, then you must believe you’re strong enough to change it.  And you are.  All you have to do is to see through the lens of the soul, see the love and connectedness that already exist all around you.

The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you. ~ Roy T. Bennett

How Do You Perceive Yourself?

Your perception of yourself determines the world in which you live. Do you see the world is out to get you, and you fear that the next ax is about to fall at any moment? Do you believe you have to earn love, happiness is fleeting, and peace elusive?  This perspective is a lie of the ego to keep you separate and small by allowing fear to rule over your emotions.

Do you see the blessing, miracles, and synchronicities of the Universe all around you as a natural part of your day?  Do you believe that love, joy, and peace are your birthright and these soulful qualities rise from within you? This perception of yourself is who you authentically are.

To change the world you live in, you need to go within and see the oneness the soul is projecting. But the egoic mind doesn’t want you to become empowered, so it tries to make you feel guilty for whatever it can.  This lie keeps you from seeing the inner light that’s shining, waiting for you to allow the rest of the world to see it, too.

Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they’re all a projection of you. ~ Deepak Chopra

Projecting The Ego Or Extending The Soul

As you’ve seen, the egoic mind projects its fears onto what you perceive as the world around you. So, when you stop projecting, what happens? Of course, you still have to process what you see through the lens of the soul, but now you see through the eyes of love.

The soul extends itself into the world by the inner light that shines from within you.  Your authenticity and your living your truth allow it to broaden your horizons.  It expands through encouraging others, acts of service, and how you positively influence those around you. 

This extension of your soul helps others expand their souls, too.  Why? Because love is inclusive, and it naturally strengthens one another through the authentic bonds it creates.  The power of love is so strong it melts away fear and all its other associated feelings: anger, resentment, anxiety, dread, depression, irritation, resentment, annoyance, bitterness, hatred, apathy, and unhappiness. 

Your thoughts are the only thing that limits you. Yet, you are a limitless being of light, which is supposed to be living out your best life by extending your soul to others through love.

Why can’t you believe that of yourself? Why do you think that fear overrides love? Your soul will never force you to see the difference because it’s quiet compared to the shrieks of the ego.  So, get quiet and go within. What do you have to lose? Just think about what you could gain–the life of your dreams!

Reality is ultimately a selective act of perception and interpretation. A shift in our perception and interpretation enables us to break old habits and awaken new possibilities for balance, healing, and transformation. ~ David Simon

Opening Soulful Eyes

When you recognize your connection to the Universe, you allow love to flood your being. You realize your worthiness isn’t outside of you and your acceptance as a being of light isn’t conditional. Then you rediscover all the answers you were looking for you already had within you, including love, acceptance, and confidence.

You take responsibility for your past actions and choices and no longer blame anyone, including yourself, because you see the lesson you were to learn. And you see others as a part of you and feel the oneness of humanity. As a result, you become excited to connect with others and encourage them to be their authentic selves. Furthermore, everyone helps one another to grow and develop. 

As you learn to reframe your thinking and alter your perspective, you can rewire your brain to see from the soulful perspective. This realignment empowers you to live the life of your dreams as you consciously decide based on the truth you see from the perception of your soul.   

The loving connection with the Universe and humanity empowers you to trust the process of life. It gives you the confidence to trust your intuition and take risks to live out your dreams.  And as you take action, you will see more compassion in the world around you. 

Your perception creates your reality. You can look at life and see scarcity or abundance. It depends on your mindset. ~ Joe Vitale

Moving Forward With Eyes Wide Open

When you get quiet and go within, you are reconnecting with Source, which alters your perspective. What you put into the world is reflected back to you. You only see what your mind will comprehend. So, what do you want to perceive? 

As you raise your level of awareness of what you’re perceiving, projecting, or reflecting, you can learn to change it.  By swapping the lens for which you view the world from fear to love, you become an infinite being as you remove the limitations you imposed on yourself through the nightmare the egoic mind wants you to live.

See, opening your eyes isn’t passive. It requires you to take action. It’s this action step that creates your reality.  Most errors in how you think aren’t about logic, but about your perspective. Are you building your world from an egoic place or a soulful place?

The reality of life is that your perceptions–right or wrong–influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place. ~ Roger Birkman

Do you need help to open your eyes to the projections you place on the world around you? Do you want to perceive from a soulful perspective and see love instead of fear? If so, please reach out to me at TerriKozlowski.com, and we can put together an action plan to live the life of your dreams.

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Have Courage To Open Your Eyes and Clearly See Projection Makes Perception
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Have Courage To Open Your Eyes and Clearly See Projection Makes Perception
You project your inner state of mind outward and create the perception of the world around you. You can alter how you see life, see how.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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