Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Hello, I’m Terri, I’m a recovering control freak. As a great planner, I’ve used much energy to prevent things from messing up my perfect plan. Over time I’ve learned that I’m wasting energy on things I cannot predict. Adhering to those things that no longer serve me, I keep the magic of flow from reaching my life.
Attachments anchor us. They chain us to things we may need to be free from to move forward with our lives. Letting go involves submission to what is. Whatever the circumstances are, we have to accept them. That doesn’t mean we can’t alter them, but for us to do so, we must first recognize what is.
By releasing our attachments, we pull up the anchor to the past and set sail for the ocean of unlimited possibilities that are ahead of us. We need to recognize that we aren’t in control of the circumstances around us. Because we are responsible for the choices and actions we have taken, but that is all. We are to allow events to happen naturally, not force them.
The secret of happiness lies in the mind’s release from worldly ties. ~ Gautama Buddha
Fear of an outcome that we’ve become attached to because it’s what we want. What we think is the best outcome for us. But that’s limiting the Universe from giving us more. The endless possibilities that are available to us, we’ve closed the door on as we attach ourselves to this one way, this plan, this one outcome.
The amount of energy that is needed to maintain our control is exhausting. It uses all our mental capacities and causes physical changes in our bodies as our heart rate accelerates, and our breathing becomes shallow. We aren’t in the present moment as we shift from looking at the past to focusing on the future.
We base the future on past events, what we previously experienced. But this isn’t the best way of proceeding as it doesn’t account for the growth we have gained since that time. We are limited in what we are seeing instead of looking at the bigger picture. Micromanaging anything actually gives you less control of the situation.
Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen – trusting that whichever way it goes. It’s for the best. ~ Mandy Hale
We all compare ourselves to others despite knowing the shortcomings. Since we can’t have all the information about how the other person attained the goal, there is little to gain in this exercise, but much resentment can build within ourselves. We need to let go of the image that others have of us.
We compare because we are concern that we won’t measure up, that we are unworthy in some way. It’s not an act of empowerment as it is focused outward instead of the internal, which we can change. By releasing the concern of how others will perceive us, we enable ourselves to be authentic.
We can develop and grow as we need to instead of trying to be like everyone else. You were created to be a unique individual, so comparing dilutes your talents. Your contributions are meant to be different because of your uniqueness. Focus on your development and reclaim the power to make the changes you want in your life. This way, you can let go of the fear of being authentically you.
Art and life really are the same, and both can only be about a spiritual journey, a path towards a re-union with a supreme creator, with god, with the divine; and this is true no matter how unlikely, how strange, how unorthodox, one’s particular life path might appear to one’s self or others at any given moment. ~ Genesis P-Orridge
Human beings are creatures that blame, shame, and give excuses, but these are things we need to let go so the magic of flow can occur. Making excuses is a habit that can be changed. To do so, we need to become aware of why we rationalize our conduct instead of taking responsibility for our choices and actions.
Blame is a disempowering act to avoid accountability. Still, it doesn’t release us from the consequences of our actions or choices. By taking responsibility for the role we played in our circumstances, we allow the opportunity for growth.
Shame is the ego’s tool to keep us under its control by making us feel unworthy. Although others can trigger this feeling, we are responsible for this self-inflicted wound. We need to expose this injury to allow it to heal so we can free ourselves from being trapped in the past.
The ego uses blame, shame, and excuses as a way to cope with feelings of inadequacy. But the ego lies. We are capable, and we can change these bad behaviors by letting taking responsibility and letting them go.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. ~ Alan Wilson Watts
Negativity comes into our lives from many places. We need to let go of all of them to allow the magic of flow into our lives. There are negative nellies in our lives that we need to distance ourselves from so that they don’t influence our outcomes.
But the most significant negativity is our own negative beliefs and attitudes we hold that keep us stagnate. Some limiting beliefs we’ve had since we were children and couldn’t fully understand what was happening in our lives, we need to reevaluate them as adults. We need to move away from this fixed mindset into a growth mindset.
The damaging self-talk of the egoic mind that keeps us small by holding us in a constant state of fear. Words are powerful, especially the words we speak to ourselves. We need to reframe how we tell our stories for us to move past our egoic mind so that the stories we tell show our resilience. Our beliefs should empower us not tear us down. Let go of the negativity. By doing so, you overcome the negative influences of the ego.
Release and resolve fear and what you want flows freely. ~ Shirley MacLaine
Despite our best efforts to plan our life accordingly, we can’t. We can’t control Mother Nature, we can’t control other people, and we can barely control ourselves. So clinging to the idea that there’s only one outcome that works allows for continued disappointment in our lives.
We need to release the expectations we have placed on ourselves and others so that magic can take the outcomes to places we cannot dream. This releasing doesn’t mean that we don’t have goals or believe in the capabilities of others. It means that we set our intentions, take action towards the dream, and go with the flow. It’s allowing the Universe to work out the details.
We have a choice in how we perceive life unfolding before us. By resisting what we don’t want in our lives, we are focused on that negativity. Instead of accepting what is and looking for a way to alter it. When we surrender to the present moment, we allow the magic of synchronicities to enter our lives.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. ~ Lao Tzu
Surrender means we give up fighting what is. We unhinge the bonds we’ve made to outcomes. We still work towards our dream, but don’t get hung up on the particulars. These dreaded details block us from unlimited potential. Surrender means we’re no longer resisting the Universal flow. We still take action, but with faith that all will be as it should.
Recognize when you are controlling. Becoming aware allows you to make a conscious decision to let it go. This awareness shifts the energy and enables the magic of flow to enter.
I heard Esther Hicks tell a story of how humans continually fight against the magic of flow. She said that we’re all in the river with our canoes paddling, but most of us are paddling upstream against the current. Battling against the natural flow of the river is hard work. We struggle each day, and it’s exhausting.
At night while we sleep, we go with the flow of the river, but the next morning we pick up the paddles and fight the current again. To be in flow, we just need to put down the oars. By doing so, we float with the current. The river does the work by gently pulling us without any of our own efforts As we release our attachments, we allow the magic of flow to enter our lives. Flow enables us to be in harmony, which helps us to live a successful life.
According to Gabby Bernstein’s book, The Universe Has Your Back. It means that what you desire the Universe wants for you too. We need to be open to receive all the Universe has for us based on the intentions we put out into the world. It’s supporting our growth and our dreams. The magic of flow is the freedom you experience by letting go. Its the peace you have in knowing that the Universe is working out the details.
According to Dr. Csikszentmihalyi, there are eight characteristics of flow. Complete concentration on the task is occurring. The goals are clear. Time is transformed. The experience is satisfying. There’s an ease in doing the task. A balance between being challenged and have the skills to complete the job are present. Actions and awareness are merged. There’s a feeling of being in control. When all of these characteristics are present, you have achieved a flow state.
We’ve all experienced flow state where we are in harmony with what we are doing. When the beauty of a sunset catches your breath, and you feel you’re a part of nature instead of watching it. Being one with the experience.
The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes. ~ Adyashanti
Flow is a vital component of successful living. For us to have more of it in our lives, we need to stop sabotaging it by allowing distractions and excuses for our unproductivity. To create more flow, we need to recognize its value to improve our life. Once we are aware, we can design space for it.
Whether we are painting or planning a presentation, focusing on the activity with clear intention allows flow to enter. Remember to enjoy the action, and let it be challenging, so it stretches you, moves you out of your comfort zone. Stay in the present moment, not looking at the past or the future.
Flow isn’t difficult to achieve, but it’s powerful. It allows the beauty and the mystery to be a part of the activities we initiate. When you’re in a flow state, you will experience creativity, new thought patterns, and making new connections. The effortlessness is magical and has limitless possibilities in making our dreams a reality.
The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that well. I don’t like to use the word efficiency. It’s creativity. It’s a belief that every person counts. ~ Jack Welch
Letting go allows the magic of flow. But to let go, we have to recognize that maintaining control is fearful behavior. We have to release comparison to enable ourselves to be authentic. Then we need to take responsibility to move past blame, shame, and excuses by letting go of them. We need to release the negativity we allow in our lives, so it no longer influences our choices and actions.
Once we realize that life can’t be planned, we open ourselves up to the magic of flow, but we have to allow it into our lives. Letting go brings freedom. When you let go, you can finally be yourself. You can finally live life on your terms. You will be ready to reach your full potential as your authentic self.
Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force. ~ Lao Tzu
As you become more conscious of your controlling patterns of behavior and become aware of your attachments, you can overcome the blocks to achieving the magic of flow. If you would like to receive more informative and mindful articles right into your mailbox, fill this out.
Do you need support to help you overcome your controlling ways? Do you want a strategy to help you overcome the ego’s limiting beliefs and live a successful life? If so, please, contact me, and we can put together an action plan for you to create the life you desire.
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