Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Enthusiasm is highly contagious, engaging, and incredibly powerful. It’s a force that makes new connections and builds relationships. It’s a lot more enjoyable to interact with people who are energized and inspired by what they do than it is to spend time with people who aren’t.
If you repress your emotions about the things you enjoy doing, you risk projecting an appearance of apathy. It may lead to people forming opinions that may not reflect your talent, expertise, and competence. Enthusiasm is about bringing your emotions to life. It is the representation of your passion, and it should communicate confidently and clearly to those you intend to inspire.
Allowing your passion to bubble to the surface will help you reach your objectives faster. Why? Because you will show others how important a particular subject, topic, or facet of your life is to you. You’ll do it in such an interesting way that your enthusiasm will spread and mobilize others to support you. In this way, enthusiasm is a powerful tool of inspiration. It may also be an excellent vehicle for offering value and showing your ability to make a difference.
I have been told that I am too enthusiastic. Most people seem to believe it’s my enthusiasm for life that helps me to pursue excellence and makes me successful in all my endeavors. Don’t allow others to hamper your enthusiasm because it makes them uncomfortable. Instead, connect with them so they can understand why you’re excited.
Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas. ~ Henry Ford
Consider the definition of enthusiasm: an absorbing possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest, keen attention. They derive the term from the Greek words “theos” (god) and “en” (in). It directly translates to “God within.”
Enthusiasm is the energy and power that propels the human soul and mind forward. The will, which develops your force of character and is the sustaining strength of all moral activities, is the primary energy of humans. It’s life’s electricity.
It’s said that enthusiasm is contagious. People like what you enthusiastically do. That’s why enthusiasm overcomes apathy. Two things can arouse enthusiasm: a concept that captures the imagination and an intellectual plan for putting the idea into action. You can’t expect anything positive to happen if you live cynically. You must inspire yourself and others with your positivity, energy, and enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm keeps you young at heart. When you see a friend, your eyes sparkle. It’s the swagger in your walk; it’s the grip of your handshake, and the irresistible urge to hug someone to show you care and are happy to see them. The true secret to never growing old is to carry the child-like spirit with you, which means never losing your enthusiasm.
The spirit of enthusiasm communicates to others your passion for life. This generates charisma, which is extremely successful in conveying your message. Your strength comes from your excitement. There is real magic in being enthusiastic. It makes the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
Nearly all the significant improvements, discoveries, inventions, and achievements that have elevated and blessed humanity have been the triumphs of enthusiasm. ~ Orison Swett Marden
When we convey feelings like eagerness, it’s easy to connect with others. It releases an instantly rejuvenating warmth. There is a connection that goes beyond words. It’s the inner light shining through when people express feelings like enthusiasm, wonder, curiosity, compassion, or love. When we observe somebody beaming with enthusiasm, it’s typically because they’re excited about something. You felt their soulful, inner presence.
Like is aware of like. It’s simple to be elevated when we see this beaming because you identify their soul with your own. Your ultimate enjoyment comes from within. It’s a constant source of strength, joy, and wholeness. It’s the spark of life that exists beyond the confines of the egoic mind. Something that originates deep within yourself.
When you’re in a state of enthusiasm and negative thoughts from a distinct part of your mind, a part that is normally controlling and fearful. But when you’re excited, you feel a fullness and warmth in your heart, as if you can accomplish anything.
Notice the sense of freedom and aliveness that comes with a spontaneous burst of enthusiasm the next time you have one. When fearful thoughts arise, observe how limited and lifeless they are.
This is significant because it allows you to distinguish between the genuine, authentic elements of yourself and the scared, disconnected ego. The more clarity you achieve here, the more options you will have for living authentically and connecting with others.
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success. ~ Dale Carnegie
Since passion and enthusiasm are very personal, it’s an inner spiritual feature of your authenticity. Therefore, one cannot motivate yourself or anyone else to become enthusiastic. It has to be inspired. Here are four ways to inspire enthusiasm.
Seek opportunities to encourage and support others in their ventures. By doing so, you reaffirm to them what they are pursuing. When you acknowledge the work others are doing, it validates their actions. It also helps them stay accountable for the realization others are seeing the work they are producing.
This helps you have empathy for the work you see others doing and helps you self-validate what you’re pursuing and the work you are doing by taking bold action. When you let people know you understand their passion, you made an authentic connection. And through your willingness to see another perspective, you allow breakthroughs for your dreams.
Enthusiastic people are optimistic therefore, they see possibilities, not obstacles. They hopefully speak about their intentions. What do I mean? Well, fear allows negativity to come forward. But passionate people are unaffected by others’ objections, negativity, or the difficulties of the situation. Their emotional self-assurance enables them to believe in the possibilities of an excellent result, even when others do not. Their emotional self-confidence enables them to be authentic and selfless manner. You can reverse any negativity by recognizing the truth of the situation and speaking positively.
When presented with an unexpected or undesirable circumstance, what do you do? Mope and complain to everyone who will listen to you bemoan? Or do you instead look at the situation with the eye of possibility? Enthusiastic people don’t focus on the problem and wonder why it happened. No, they focus their attention on finding a solution and the opportunity which has presented itself.
If you are enthusiastic, then most likely so are the people in your trusted tribe because like attracts like. The contagious nature of passionate people means they are easy to spot. As you make authentic connections with other like-minded people, you’ll find that helping one another with feedback, suggestions, and altering perspectives gives you a boost when you’re feeling down.
Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. ~ Bo Bennett
Once the momentum of an enthusiastic person embraces their dream, it’s hard to keep them from achieving what they desire. This energy is important for the endurance needed to maintain forward movement. Why? Because it’s neither the beginning nor the end of the race that inspiration is needed, it’s in the messy middle where enthusiasm is required.
So I may be too enthusiastic for some people. Yes, I am full of energy. Yes, I can be a force to be reckoned with, but I think the enthusiasm helps me better connect with others by showing them I care about them first. It helps me stay young at heart… have more fun… be happy… be successful… influence others positively… and keep growing.
I hope you continue to take your vitamin E for enthusiasm and are told that you too are too enthusiastic.
We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. ~ Samuel Ullman
If you would like more in-depth help to develop some techniques to become more optimistic, please contact me. I would be happy to help you learn how to share your enthusiasm in ways that better connect you to the people in all areas of your life.
To learn about how I allow my enthusiasm to affect others, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to RavenTranscendingFear.com for more information.
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