Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Vitality measures the life energy inside of you. When you get in touch with your sources of rejuvenation, you not only have more energy to be more active and do more, but you also feel engaged and present. You can feel the energy of life coursing through you.
Deeply ingrained in Eastern ideas and therapeutic practices is the idea of vitality. There is an underlying life energy or force that flows through all living things and is the basis of life and health. The ancient Chinese concept of Chi, the Japanese concept of Ki, the Balinese concept of Bayu, and the Indian concept of Prana all relate to this force. Ancient and enduring health practices, from acupuncture to reiki to yoga, focus on manipulating and increasing life energy.
Early Western psychodynamic psychologists, such as Freud, Jung, Reich, and Winnicott, incorporated the notion of life energy into their theories of mental health and illness. At the heart of these theories was the notion that humans have a finite amount of psychic energy, or, as Freud called it, libido. Internal conflict, stress, and repression detract from this energy, and freeing yourself from this conflict allows greater access to this energy.
Vitality! That’s the pursuit of life, isn’t it? ~ Katharine Hepburn
Literally, the word “vital” implies “full of life.” It is the process of empowerment, productivity, creativity, health, and well-being. The ability to handle everything, no matter how unforeseen or challenging, is what it means to live with vitality. It also means being able to appreciate each day with ease and enthusiasm that comes from within.
Although general physical and mental health and vitality are closely related, the connection is not straightforward. According to research, most factors that negatively affect one’s physical health or mood also impact one’s vitality. Vitality and health are all significantly affected by smoking, eating poorly, inactivity, and stressful environments.
Consider the following scenario: you’re employed in a job you detest and have little energy. Even when it’s not in your best interest to remain there, you still find it difficult to leave your job because it consumes so much of your time and energy. To look for alternative income streams, though, you would need more vitality, which would make the decision to quit your work easier.
Awakening works by the same principle. Without spending additional energy, it won’t be easy for you to focus on it. You need the energy to learn and practice mindfulness, introspection, compassion, empathy, intuition, and insight. Once you cultivate your vitality, you will save some energy for the spiritual path that awaits.
Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy, and spirit you possess or takes away from it. ~ Ann Wigmore
Humans are innately equipped to handle significant stresses and difficulties in life. But it’s getting harder and harder for you to control your daily triggers as modern life becomes more and more demanding, and noisy, with information overload.
Even if it’s unpleasant, it’s simpler to concentrate on the bigger picture than to pay attention to each small stressor that occurs throughout the day. There, you cultivate your vitality. It’s an ongoing process and a journey. Here are some pointers for beginning and maintaining the present moment on your path to increased vitality.
When you are outside on the beach or hiking in the woods, you feel balanced, clear, and creative. Scientific studies show that spending time in the great outdoors increases well-being, gives you more energy, decreases stress, provides better sleep, increases self-esteem, and you become more productive. You don’t have to hike every day to be joyful. Still, something as simple as having your morning tea on your back deck can skyrocket the joy in your life.
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. ~ Martha Graham
Research has shown a lack of close relationships weakens your immune system and saps your vitality. Maintaining strong social ties with others improves many aspects of both health and happiness. So does volunteering. Feeling connected to other people gives you energy and makes you feel alive because social relationships are the pillars of mental health. Connecting to other people is something that can help you see a different perspective. It also can give you the boost in inspiration you need to overcome stress.
The sense that you belong somewhere, with someone, is what keeps your head above the surface even at your darkest moments. It can be a meaningful talk about what’s upsetting you or simply quality time spent with people who make you feel understood and valued. However, it’s not always about your closest and most private relationships. It can feel wonderful for both of you to be kind to a cab driver or the grocery store cashier you see regularly. Even if you don’t wind up becoming best friends, you may still encourage one another by forging a quiet bond during each interaction.
People who continue to nurture long-term and new friendships as they grow older are more likely to enjoy health and vitality. ~ Deepak Chopra
Longer, healthier lives result from having more education. Putting your attention on your development is another technique to foster a good outlook and vigor. You’re stagnant if there are no issues to be resolved and no challenges to face. There are countless ways to push oneself.
Try learning to write in one of the easier programming languages, for instance, if you’re not tech-savvy. Anyone who is not math and IT-oriented will find this to be extremely difficult, but it is also gratifying and opens up a completely new way of looking at the world.
You can push yourself in other areas of your life, too. You can decide on a change you’d like to see in your relationship or social life as a goal. Sometimes committing to any work or skill challenge you have set for yourself might be considerably more difficult than carrying out your plans for dinner or being present during your romantic break.
Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation… even so inaction saps the vigor of the mind. ~ Leonardo da Vinci
Note your energy leaks. Examine your sedentary routines, unfulfilling work, toxic relationships, bad habits, and other activities that sap your vitality. Chronic stress can shorten your life expectancy by releasing hormones that harm organ systems, cells, tissues, and tissues.
As a result, you need to stop the energy leaks and establish connections with the things that give you energy and keep you going. The doors to energy comprise conscious exercise, wholesome eating, and loving relationships. The uncomplicated, free amusing activities that are easily done but overlooked, like petting your dog, watering your garden, and taking a few deep breaths—are what give you energy and vitality.
Powerful people come from all walks of life and leave their mark upon the world in a variety of ways. But one thing is common to them all. They move through the world with pure vitality. It is as though all their switches have been turned on. ~ Chris Kilham
They have shown exercises that improve breathing to lower stress levels, relax tense muscles, and increase blood flow throughout the body. Improved energy and vitality nearly always follow a stress reduction. Even though they don’t have to take much time, breathing exercises are quite beneficial for reducing stress. Exercises like yoga are great for reviving and centering you since they help you concentrate on your breathing.
As we begin to love and appreciate ourselves as we are, our channels open and we access the infinite vitality of life force. ~ Shakti Gawain
There are many benefits to getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep affects energy levels not only for the following day but also for the following weeks. Sleep is essential for well-being, recovery, and mental and physical performance. To have a decent night’s sleep, make sure all electrical devices are turned off, including your phone.
Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sometimes it seems like there is always something to do and clean up. But be sure to take time to play. Even if doing the laundry is a necessary evil, it’s crucial to make sure that you spend quality time on more fun activities. You can control stress by making other aspects of life happier, whether it be spending time with family, taking part in sports, or reading a good book. You can reduce stress levels by focusing on something enjoyable for even a short period each day. For energy to be balanced and pleasure to increase, learning stress management techniques is essential.
You’re spending your life without renewing it. You’ve got to be amused, properly healthily amused. You’re spending your vitality without making any. ~ D. H. Lawrence
Many people believe that the opposite of depression is happiness, but it’s not. Vitality is enthusiasm for life. It’s that firm belief in what you are doing which allows you to succeed with pure determination. Understanding that your fears sap your vitality means you can see the cost of allowing your egoic mind to control how you react to life.
Those areas of your life where you become irritated by the egoic voice and look for soulful solutions within are how ideas are born and brought forth into your reality. Vitality is that inner energy that overcomes internal fears and allows you to transform your life.
Live a vital life. If you live well, you will earn well. If you live well, it will show in your face; it will show in the texture of your voice. There will be something unique and magical about you if you live well. It will infuse not only your personal life but also your business life. And it will give you a vitality nothing else can give. ~ Jim Rohn
Do you need help to cultivate your vitality? Are you looking for support to help you deal with energy leaks? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? Consider contacting me about my coaching services at TerriKozlowski.com. Together, we can create an action plan for you to advance your life.
To hear about how I gained more vitality, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or by visiting RavenTranscendingFear.com.
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