Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Visionaries use their purpose to inspire themselves. They are big-picture thinkers who want to grow and develop their dreams, yet they don’t mire themselves in details. You’re broadening your focus while encouraging cooperation and persistence in the face of adversity. The responsibility of a visionary like yourself is to foster innovation and a fresh course for building your dream based on your purpose in life.
Despite having an intense focus on what you’re trying to accomplish, don’t fall into the trap of having a one-track mind. Be receptive to unlimited possibilities and be open to considering the need to pivot in a new direction. As a visionary, you are excited to learn new skills and take a few risks to move forward because you have a positive outlook for the future.
Remember that your purpose happens and is fulfilled in the present moment. Yes, you are building your dream in the future, but if you are so preoccupied with the future and achieving a goal, you cannot consider circumstances that need your attention in the present. So stay present and coordinate your efforts with the overarching purpose of your vision.
The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion. ~ Terry Orlick
Do you feel you know your purpose? Psychologists have been researching how lifelong, significant goals develop. Launching a business, learning a new skill, or teaching children to read are examples of objectives that have the potential to improve the lives of others.
In fact, a feeling of purpose seems to have developed in humans as a way do to great things together, which explains why it’s linked to improved physical and mental health. As it relates to evolution, the purpose is adaptive. It promotes the survival of all individuals.
According to a 2010 study in the journal Applied Psychology, people who experience a sense of control, a sense of purpose, and a sense that what they do is worthwhile—live longer. Additionally, studies show a connection between having a sense of purpose and good health outcomes, including fewer heart attacks and strokes, improved sleep, and a lower incidence of dementia. Finally, those who have a feeling of purpose earn more money than those who believe their jobs are meaningless.
The good news is that it does not force you to choose between a wealthy lifestyle and a fulfilling existence. You might discover that the greater your sense of purpose, the more money you’ll make. Given these advantages, finding meaning and purpose in your life is crucial. However, determining a person’s purpose takes time.
Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. ~ Buddha
It’s a good habit for visionaries to approach finding their purpose by creating a vision board. As you look at pictures, words, and scenes, those that make your heart leap or give you the sense to pause with awe, are those things that are a part of your purpose.
Allow your vision to be broad to start and narrow it as you move forward. You are aware of the destination, but are you the one to handle all the details? This is where you either delve into all of it or involve others who are interested in helping you. Visionary leaders must be open and honest about the resources, actions, and people required to achieve the objective. And if they want or need support to accomplish the goal.
Here are five ways for you to discover your purpose.
Reading fosters cross-temporal and cross-spatial connections with individuals you’ll never meet. And this activity, according to studies, is associated with a sense of meaning and purpose. Fiction reading enables people to consider the entire lives of characters, providing them with detailed knowledge of a lifetime without having to have lived most of their own. Young adults are more inclined to recognize purpose in their own lives if they can see it in the lives of others. In this sense, having a purpose is a creative endeavor. Therefore, if you’re experiencing a crisis of purpose in your life, visit a bookstore or library. Find books that are important to you or speak to your soul. They may aid in your understanding of what is important in your own life.
Finding your mission requires more than just thought; you also need to experience it. Because of this, your purpose can arise from overcoming adversity, just like I have. I want others who had trauma growing up to understand they can have bright futures. People need to understand they aren’t broken and are worthy, just as they are. I want everyone to recognize that despite their circumstances of birth. They are just as deserving of respect and are more than enough.
Examine the distinction between a happy life and one that is meaningful. Discover how finding meaning in life can be aided by helping others. Realize the health advantages of having a purpose. Awe, gratitude, and selflessness are three emotions and acts that help you feel good and have a purpose in life. Studies have demonstrated the feeling of wonder makes you feel linked to something bigger than yourself. This can serve as the emotional basis for a sense of purpose.
Naturally, awe by itself won’t offer you a reason to live. You must also have the desire to change the world; it’s not enough to feel like a small piece of something larger. That’s where appreciation and giving are useful. Because altruism and gratitude are neurologically connected and activate the same reward circuits in the brain. People who practice more altruistic actions, such as volunteering or making financial donations, felt more meaning in their life.
You can also find meaning in the compliments you receive. Appreciation strengthens cherished connections, and relationships are frequently the source of purpose. The company you keep is frequently a reflection of the nobleness of your purpose. Look at the individuals around you if you’re having problems defining your purpose. What do you share with them, exactly? What do they seek to represent? Will they have an effect on the world? Is that effect constructive? Can you help them make that effect? What are they lacking? You could give it to them. If the answers to those questions don’t inspire you, you may need to look for a new tribe; this may also lead to the discovery of a new purpose.
Finding your purpose can be aided by reading, but so can writing. Curiosity about your own life frequently leads to purpose. What challenges have you faced? What traits gave you the edge over them? How did others assist you? How did your abilities improve the lives of others? Everyone can create a story out of their own experiences. It provides you with insight into your own life, teaches you how to comprehend yourself, provides you with a framework that extends beyond the ordinary, and essentially aids in helping you make sense of your experiences.
That is why I wrote my memoir, Raven Transcending Fear. After my childhood trauma, I felt devastated and fearful, but I found new strengths in myself. Now, I am using my book and podcast, Soul Solutions, to empower others to overcome their fears and limiting beliefs. People who perceive significance and purpose in their life can share a tale of transformation and progress in which they overcame challenges. To put it another way, writing a story like mine can help you see your strengths and how using those talents might change the world, which raises your sense of self-efficacy. With my desire to share my story and the awareness that so many other individuals have experienced the same journey, my feeling of purpose has significantly increased.
If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily. ~ Jack Canfield
The distinction between making a living and making a life is having a soulful purpose. Giving one’s all to a cause matters most in life. And developing a purposeful thought process can help you join the empowered people who only view failure as a necessary step on the road to success.
Situations never make life intolerable; only a lack of meaning and purpose can. Understand that a sense of your authentic self is synonymous with having a purpose. So honoring your calling is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. That’s why you were created. And how you genuinely come to life. Your noble efforts to behold your purpose guarantee living a fulfilling life.
Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others. ~ Roy T. Bennett
Do you need help to transform your pain? Are you looking for support in learning to become fully present? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? If so, please get in touch with me, and we can put together an action plan for you to be a visionary by finding your purpose.
To discover how I learned to transform my pain, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to RavenTranscendingFear.com for more information.
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