How to Get Along with Personality Quirks

The definition of a quirk is: a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; an individual peculiarity of character; mannerism or foible.

We all have our own personal quirky traits that make us who we are and sometimes these quirks can rub people the wrong way. The trouble with quirks is that other people notice them, while we do not, for us, it is normal behavior.  Let’s look at seven personality quirks and how to deal with them.

1. The Whiner, the Complainer, the Moaner. 

No matter what, they are the ones that are upset about something. It’s raining, it’s too hot, it’s too cold, it’s too humid…it doesn’t matter if it is a picture perfect day…they WILL find something to complain about.  It is in their nature, part of their personality. Remember, everything cannot be perfect. We aren’t and they aren’t.  Let’s all find something to be thankful for instead.

2. The Drama King or Queen, the Exaggerator.  

To this person every little thing is an enormous ordeal. Every mole hill looks like a mountain they must scale and they must do all alone. These people seem to like being the center of attention and they act out their dramas to get it. However, high drama tends to make most people want to leave the excitement for calmer waters.  Hence they end up alone.  Let’s show some empathy and suggest a solution to this personality type.  Maybe that will defuse the situation.

3. Eeyore, the Negative Nellie, the Naysayer.

This is “the woe is me” person who is always negative about all aspects of life and/or themselves. These people will find everything that can possibly go wrong and see it as the natural outcome. They put themselves down.  They will even use humor to put themselves down.  We need to be optimistic around these folks.  We need to show this personality some things turn out just fine. Remember, everyone has their own burdens to bear and sometimes we can share the load.

4. The Control freak, the Back Seat Driver.

Their unsolicited advice—however well-intention, can at times just be annoying.  However, this personality can be put to work.  We can utilize this person to help us as long as they have the freedom to do it their way within the guidelines laid out for them.  They can be very helpful individuals if we let them.  Everyone wants to understand what is happening and why. We all want a measure of control of our surroundings.  It is a comfort to believe that we are in control of the uncontrollable world. 

5. The Grump, the Crab, the Cranky One.

This personality is the one that is irritated easily.  They seem like they are always mad about something. This also makes people want to leave their company as not to get in the way of their wrath.  They are easily upset over seemingly small matters.  We have all been upset over insignificant matters and still have snapped at someone.  Our response should be one of love and not vengeance. We can take the high road and not continue the negative energy from moving on. 

6. The Know it All, the Cocky One.

This person thinks they are always right.  They are the debaters.  With this type of person you need to keep an open mind. Discuss, but don’t argue. Agree to disagree. It is the mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. 

7. The Wisecracker, the Smart Ass, the Clown.

This is the person who teases others and makes a joke most likely at someone else’s expense.  With this personality you just need to go with the flow. We all have teased someone.  We have all poked someone in a tender spot.  As long as we take what we give, are not hurtful, and everyone is laughing it can all be in good fun.  Every-one will be the bus driver at some point and everyone will be under the bus at some point. Just enjoy each other’s company and the fun we have with one another.

The Art of Getting Along

We need to let people be and let them have their quirks, like we have ours. We need to respect the other person’s personality and the right to be different from us. No two personalities are ever molded by precisely the same forces.

Tools we can utilize to Get Along with everyone are quite simple:

  • Be Kind to all you meet. Compassion for others shows that you care for them as a human being.
  • Be Patient with all those you come in contact with. Tolerance and understanding shows that you are not judging them for who they are.
  • Be Cheerful and most importantly Smile.  This helps us tolerate those personality quirks in others that annoy us.  As the Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”   

Our weirdness is what makes us who we are.  We are unique.   What good are we if we are all the same? Everyone ought to be a little peculiar, a bit quirky – everyone is.  Remember…living life is about getting along and having fun!

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