Actually, Ambition Is Powerful To Help You Build Your Dream

What’s your dream? Is it tied to your ambitions? If it is, then you’ll most likely build your reality based on that vision you desire.  If you tied your inner drive to your goals, then you’re ready to dive in and take deliberate actions to realize the vision you set for yourself. See, dreams are imaginative, and only when they are combined with ambition can they become your reality.

Fantasizing about your life is fun, but it’s deficient if it’s not aligned with your purpose. This is where ambition comes in because it’s that passionate drive to achieve a specific result or goal. Consider that dreaming is passive while ambition is action-oriented.

Your drive to make your dream a reality allows you to create an action plan. The diligence you have to move your objectives forward is ambition. It’s the power and energy behind you pushing you to implement a plan towards your goals.

So, ambition arises from the goal you have. But to reach an objective or to realize your dream, you must have the ambition to drive you forward, push past obstacles, and overcome objections. Without it, when hindrances occur, you’ll just stop moving forward because it’s too hard.

Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy. ~ Bryant McGill

Dream Big

Whatever your dream, think big. But don’t get overwhelmed. Yes, there may be a mountain you have to climb. However, you can break it down into manageable steps.

For example, writing a book is a huge undertaking. But you can break it down into writing one chapter at a time or even by so many words written per day. So, if you wrote 2000 words per day, in one month you could have a rough draft of a 60,000-word or 240-page book.

But it takes ambition, the inner drive, to be disciplined enough to sit down and write 2000 words. And starting is normally the most troublesome part.  Why? Because you feel inadequate so you procrastinate, then you get overwhelmed so you make excuses because you’re not making progress.

To overcome this egoic tactic to keep you within your comfort zone, you need to make the action steps small enough that you won’t talk yourself out of doing it. Creating my blog and producing my podcast, Soul Solutions, can seem like a vast undertaking each week. But I’ve broken it down into fourteen distinctive steps. So, I see it as one task at a time that can easily be completed over the week.

When your ambition is greater than your fear, your life will get bigger than your dream. ~ Farshad Asl

Blind Ambition

Everything in moderation, even ambition. You need to live your life in balance and harmony. Ambition drives you towards success as it gives you the aspiration to take action and push forward even during the rough patches. It’s the passion, energy, and will that keep you focused on the goal ahead.

Blind ambition is when you ignore and become blind to those things that need your attention. Things like your values and your health. Or you become unclear and unfocused, but you don’t stop to re-evaluate where you are. Someone with blind ambition can be their own worst enemy because there is the drive but not the clear direction or proper preparation.

Without clarity and purpose, there is confusion. And this leads to reacting instead of responding when issues arise. Don’t become blinded by the objectives you want to achieve and not learn from the experiences you are having. Keep your eyes open, looking forward, and staying focused on the target so you have long-term benefits as you build the life of your dreams.

With blind ambition, you aren’t growing. Why? Because achieving your dreams is about changing where you are. Being blind to change closes you off from personal growth, making authentic connections, and serving others

Sometimes, our highest goal becomes our big enemy when we move towards our goal blindly without focusing on the path we follow. ~ Durgesh Satpathy

Tools To Support Your Ambitions

Ambitious people take control of their lives. They have tenacity and determination. Go-getters understand where they are heading, and what they must do to get there. They’re adaptable and can change and live boldly. Achievers are always seeking possibilities and opportunities that are available to those who notice and grab them.

Here are seven tactics you can employ to support your ambitions.

1. Write your ambitions down.  Whether you journal about your day, write things in your calendar, or create a daily to-do list, writing out your goals, plans, and objectives helps you organize your time and your thoughts. This also gives you a time capsule to review what you’ve completed, overcame, and altered to inspire you.

2.    Be aware. Self-awareness will assist you in setting appropriate goals and keep your stress levels down. Through prayer, mediation, or breathing exercises, you enable yourself to soothe and re-align as needed. This way you consistently align with your purpose and are in flow with the Universe.

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. ~ Bill Bradley

3.    Watch your self-talk.  With self-awareness, you can monitor how your egoic voice is speaking to you. This is vital, because if you don’t think you can obtain your goal when you already conceded to failure. If you expect less than the best, your performance will reflect that belief. I recommend you eliminate the word “try” from your vocabulary. Commit to accomplishing something or don’t. The term “try” implies a lack of commitment.

  • Personal development. When you invest in your growth, you recognize your intrinsic worth and seek opportunities to become your authentic self. Find a mentor or life coach, like me, to help you stay accountable to your objectives.

Ambitions reveal direction. ~ Mace Windu

  • Ingenuity. Nobody knows your potential and qualities as well as you do. Determine your strongest points and draw energy from them. When faced with what looks to be an intractable situation, consider what you can do right away to improve or fix the problem. Ask for help if you need it. Asking for support strengthens one’s resolve. Seek the advice and insight of others to help you overcome the setbacks or problems that are inhibiting your progress.
  • Ambitious expectations. Regardless of what is going on in your life — or even the world at large–set lofty goals for yourself. For example, because of my aspirations and expectations, I’ve been labeled “too enthusiastic” and “unrealistic”. However, I’ve always understood the fundamental virtue of never settling. And I have complete faith in my ability to fulfill, achieve, and sustain my goals.

Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose. ~ Frank Tyger

  • Evaluate your progress regularly. When evaluating the advancement you make towards your dreams, you need to be kind and honest with yourself. Identify any obstructions that may be in your way, whether they are bad habits, a lack of self-discipline, or a lack of direction. Assessing the circumstances will help with clarity, determine your progress, and pivot if necessary. Be open to your goals evolving.

Ambition is more than mere desire. It is desire plus incentive—determination—will to achieve the desire. ~ Herbert Armstrong

Ambitiously Moving Forward

People who lack ambition aren’t honest with themselves: they don’t take the risks necessary for success. They don’t prepare themselves to reach their full potential.

Ambitious people, however, know what they want, have specific goals, and work hard to achieve them. They welcome and enjoy challenges because they know they are vital for growth.

Those that aspire to be more, know more, do more, give more, or have more have a goal and a strong internal drive that propels them to dream bigger and go further. Their ambition leads them to advance and achieve their objectives.

Ambition, when focused and backed by ideals, displays healthy self-esteem and a greater ability to visualize the future. As you approach your goals, you’ll have a sparkle in your eyes. You’ll have a higher vibration and a contagious zeal. You will inspire others.

See, there is power in ambition and dreaming big. They are major factors in achieving success.

A dream without ambition is like a car without gas. You’re not going anywhere. ~ Sean Hampton

As you become more conscious of your ambitions, you can direct them to transform your life.

Do you need help to overcome blind ambition? Are you looking for support adjusting your self-talk? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? If so, please get in touch with me, and we can put together an action plan for you to use your ambitions to build the life of your dreams.

To learn about how I used my ambitions to create a better life, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to for more information.

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