Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Being fearless by loving others doesn’t sound like it would be complicated. We all want to be loved. The ego does all kinds of crazy things to get others to love us. But the fact is, universal love by its nature has no recognition of hierarchies. What do I mean by this, love is love. We have, as human beings, altered the meaning of what love is. Over time we have accepted other people’s opinions of what love is and how we are to share it with others, as well as loving certain people more than we do others. This hierarchy, or ranking, isn’t what love is supposed to be. Love is unconditional.
There is an understanding that you are more familiar with certain people. Therefore, you will be more accustomed to their behavior and vice-versa, but that isn’t the full expression of what loving one another encompasses. We all experience love differently. We all have our own way of expressing our love via our unique love language. By sharing this loving feeling with another, we are letting them know they are special to us.
The ego feels we are gifting a part of ourselves to them, but again, this is not the case. We are freely choosing to love another. It is a conscious choice that is given freely with no requirement that it be returned. But the ego takes something pure and alters it to cause harm unless we wake up and see that love has no hierarchies.
Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world. ~ Wayne Dyer
There are three ways in which humanity has learned to love based on Greek philosophy. These are philia, eros, and agape.
Philia love is the type we share easily with others. Our co-workers, friends, and family receive our affection and gratitude for them being in our lives. There is reciprocated kindness, aiding one other, and shared interest. Philia represents non-judgmental, non-confrontational relationships that are based on honesty and good character. With business, associations are based more on utility, and when the transaction ends, so does the connection.
Eros was the Greek god of erotic love. Therefore, eros is the desire and passion we have for our significant other that causes us to desire another physically. It’s the love of romance that we seek out.
Agape love is the purest form of love based on the divine love of God to humanity. This brotherly love draws on philia and eros but transcends them as it doesn’t require reciprocity. This devotional and selfless type of love is to be extended to all of humanity, including our enemies.
It’s dividing up love, done by the ego, to deal with others that altered the genuine nature of love. Love is the absolute reality of our soul. It’s the make-up of our spirit that’s connected to the Divine, which is pure love. We are to love all humanity equally as our soul implies universal love.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close. ~ Pablo Neruda
Without love, infants will die, so love isn’t optional; it is required. We are wired to love and be loved. There is scientific evidence that being lonely is as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes, and worse than the effects of obesity. This need for love then causes the ego to settle for whatever it can morph into a relationship, which can cause us much suffering.
Love is a part of the foundation of all things that are knitted through the universe. We choose to love others because we have gone into our nature at the deepest level. Although there are physical reactions that our brain and body have, ultimately, love comes from our soul.
So, the issue we have in finding love is that we look outside ourselves. And when we’re in a relationship, what we believe about love is reflected back to us. Furthermore, we’re attracted to those people who will make us feel whole by seeking out qualities that we lack.
To satisfy our unmet desires for love, we must first love and accept ourselves as we are. What we are acutely seeking is a connection to the unconditional love within ourselves. Ultimately we need to recover our own self-love to fill the void we feel. It requires an inward journey to remember who we really are.
Love is the very foundation, beauty, and fulfillment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi
To love yourself, one has to put yourself on the list of things to care for, and we call this self-care. This compassion for ourselves isn’t selfish; it’s preservation. What you need is essential to living a balanced life. It allows us to maintain our physical and mental health for us to take care of others in our lives.
Another way we love ourselves is to set personal boundaries. These boundaries are the guidelines, rules, or limits that we create to identify reasonable, safe, and permissible ways for other people to behave towards us. Also, it is about how we respond when someone steps over those boundaries and the consequences of their actions that we impose.
Be your authentic self. Taking this risk can be scary; therefore, your desire to be genuine and true to who you really need to be unwavering, which requires bravery on your part. If you are grounded in knowing that you are worthy, courage isn’t needed. Being genuine supports you in getting to where you want to go in life. As you try on new ideas and concepts as you grow, you will find what fits you and what fades away are those things that no longer belong in your life. This parting may include friends or material things that were only present for a season of life.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha
There’s a Sanskrit expression that says, “The world is my family.” This phrase implies the soul’s desire to love humanity universally. If we knowingly leave others out of the love we share, then that gives them the option of not loving us.
Everyone is lovable. When we start labeling people as unlovable, we begin to allow the ego to separate us from one another. Labels are not about organizing but separating. Feeling different or feeling that we have to protect what’s ours causes us to become insecure, which is an illusion of the ego to try to protect you. But instead, it causes you to become indifferent and separated.
The expression of universal love is harmony with everyone and everything as you are a part of it all. We’re all connected to one another and the entire universe. We comprehend that the separation was an illusion of the ego. Through universal love, we expand our understanding, sympathy, reverence, contentment, and an overall sense of appreciation and kindness. From this soulful place, we recognize that what we lovingly give to the world is returned to us tenfold.
When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self-judgment, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world. ~ Harry Palmer
Unconditional love means that we offer love without conditions; it doesn’t mean that we are a doormat or that there are no boundaries. It means that we continue to love the other through adversities, errors, and frustrations. We can easily understand this with our children as they begin to navigate the world.
The best way I have found to explain unconditional love is the Sanskrit term, Namaste. Typically said with hands pressed together in prayer and bowing, it translates to, “The Divine light in me bows to the Divine light within you.”
This simple term embodies the idea that we are all connected to one Source. It asserts that besides the differences we think we perceive, we are the same. By stating, Namaste, you affirm that you see the other as their authentic selves. It’s a pronouncement of you choosing to release the ego’s illusion of separatism and embrace the equality of the Divine.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi
As we can see, love is the foundation and the embodiment of our souls. Therefore, it’s not our genuine nature to hate others; it’s a construct of the ego. If we offer our love to another, and it’s met with hate, we should show them compassion as they are fighting against their authentic selves, lost to the illusion of the ego. This is universal, or soul love isn’t romanticized, but a shift in our awareness. It evolves from the awakening of our soul to the realization that we are one. We are connected to all and the Divine.
Soul love is selfless, generous, blissful, safe, autonomous, innocent, simple, compassionate, continuous, expanding, calming, and sacred. It is the foundation of our relationship to self and well as all of humanity.
Be universal in your love. You will see the universe to be the picture of your own being. ~ Sri Chinmoy
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Do you need support in removing the hierarchy that the ego placed in your life concerning love? Do you want a strategy to help you overcome the ego’s limiting beliefs and make authentic connections? If so, please, contact me, and we can put together an action plan for you to be authentically you and for you to create the life you desire.
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