
Being Able To Take Chances Is A Part Of Fearless Living

You cannot go toward your goals because of your fear of failing. You prevent yourself from revealing your authentic self because of your fear of being rejected. You repeat the same actions that keep you feeling trapped in a life you don’t want because of your fear of change. You can only truly experience all that life offers when you overcome your fear by taking chances.

Being genuine to yourself requires immense courage. It might be challenging for some to live their truths in a world where success is measured by how many “Likes” you can amass. But with practice, better self-talk, and a willingness to be inspired, you can achieve living a fearless life.

The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear. ~ Aung San Suu Kyi

Taking Chances Is Taking Risks

To take chances in your life, you need to understand and evaluate the risk you are taking. Then consciously choose to be brave and determine what direction to move toward. Risk, R-I-S-K. To take a risk, you are to release attachments, invest in your intention, support your truth, and remember kindness matters.

R–Release Attachment

Taking a chance is more about having the bravery to attempt something new than it is about winning or losing. It does not, however, simply being reckless. Those who lack fear are wise enough to weigh all the consequences before taking any risk, especially a significant one like establishing a new business. They research the business as much as they can. They are aware of the distinction between delaying because they are afraid of failing and devoting the time to research and consult experts. Yet they release the outcome as they concentrate on the method. They are currently living intentionally. Are not heartbroken if they fall short of the aim. They possess the emotional fortitude to get back up and try something fresh. If they achieve their objective, they will have the strength to push themselves even further because they will know they are being their authentic selves.

I- Invest In Your Intention

Give it everything you’ve got. Locate the time. Scrounge up the cash. Learn as much as you can. Ignore the critics. Engage with your trusted tribe. And don’t give up even on the days when a bureaucrat delays processing your paperwork, an ice storm prevents you from attending an important meeting, a sickness drains your energy, or a loved one needs your complete attention. Consider delaying, but don’t give up. You are not a victim of chance. Achievements occur when you fully and deliberately invest in yourself.

S – Support Your Truth

Talk and behave honestly. People get off course because they lose sight of their commitments. They frequently forget their intentions when someone affects them negatively. Keep in mind that you are the only person you have to face at the end of the day. Without defined commitments, it’s simple to lose direction and feel helpless. Choose an approach instead based on your values, your truth, and the person you want to be.

K- Kindness Matters

Being kind to yourself reduces pressure to be better or perfect than you are and keeps you on the path to happiness and inner peace. Being kind allows you to pause so you can reconnect with your soul and consciously move forward. You must have the ability to love yourself in all circumstances rather than simply those that you or others find to be acceptable. This is an essential part of the internal authorization you require to pursue your own courageous course.

We all need to decide whether to ‘play it safe’ in life and worry about the downside, or instead take a chance by being who we really are and living the life our heart desires. Which choice are you making? ~ Charlie Badenhop

Taking Chances Matter

A risk-taker faces a variety of difficulties. You have to consider many scenarios before deciding what to do. First, you must ask yourself, is it worth it? Do you want the potential results? Because what you already possess could be exactly what you need to move forward living a life that you love.

Consider what you stand to earn if you take that chance. Can you benefit from taking that chance? If you make your shot, can you learn anything, get any experience, or get any skills? Acquiring anything after taking a chance is worthwhile, since you can apply what you learned later. Even the memories made after taking a risk will be priceless.

Nonetheless, you had the option to withdraw if you felt that the risk was too great. Recall that not all retreats result in defeat.

There’s a possibility you could fail, but there’s also a chance you could triumph. Enjoy trying new things and taking a leap of faith. So every time you do it, you’re not concerned about whether you succeeded. If you’re successful, it should satisfy you since you gave it your best. Don’t let potential failure keep you from taking the chance. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to learn more about what will be best for you.

The fears that we don’t face become our limits. ~ Robin Sharma

Don’t Let Fear Stop You

Quite worrying about what others think. Undoubtedly, that is easier said than done. To unlearn what you’ve been taught about social acceptance, you need to practice. It took me years to reach the point where I no longer care what other people think. Sometimes you believe that if you don’t care about their opinions, you need to have a large, bold personality that offends them to make your point. Simply said, that’s untrue!

For years, you stay isolated out of fear of criticism, attention, and rejection from social interactions. You decline an invitation to go out and meet new people because you allow your anxieties to keep you at home.

Paralyzing is the fear of what might occur when you take a chance. What would happen if you took the chance and acted on faith? Imagine that you have a fantasy about scheduling a meeting with the founder of your business to go through some business-boosting ideas. You worry she will reject you or that she won’t listen to you. What do you consider to be the worst-case scenario? How likely is that to actually occur? You can discover that reason and mindfulness can alter your anxieties by showing you a positive side.

One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again. ~ Abraham Maslow

Worst-Case Scenarios

What are the major fears preventing you from doing? Even if writing is not your strong suit, I urge you to journal about them. Put down your major life objectives. To apply for that dream position? Starting your own company? A cross-country move? Aim high! When you consider all the reasons you “can’t,” write every dreadful idea that crosses your mind on one side of the page. Then, on the other side, make a list of everything that could go right!

I encourage you to move one step closer to your objectives today. Take the chance by getting a domain name for your company or updating your resume. Today, take one bold step toward your own greatness, and no matter what happens, always remember to learn from it. Failure does not spell doom. However, sometimes investing in your goals is exactly what you need to build momentum toward major accomplishment. Risk-taking pays off in the end.

Everyone takes chances that are unnoticed. You just don’t believe they’re challenging, or substantial enough to identify a risk. Nevertheless, each time you realize the risks you take, no matter how minor, you build a foundation that will help you overcome your fears. You will feel confident in your ability to follow through and believe that, whatever you are doing, you are making a positive difference in the world simply by being willing to be your authentic self. The greatest risk of all.

Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is the one who will do and dare. ~ Dale Carnegie

Moving Forward Taking Chances

As poet E. E. Cummings said, “To be nobody-but-yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.”

You are constantly engaged in that struggle. Taking chances or risking means standing up for the dream version of yourself. Enjoy the process you’re moving through. Have some introspection and determine ways you will benefit from a potential encounter. Cherish the people you meet along the way. Try to make friends and are having fun.

The saying is, you only live once, but I don’t agree. You shall only pass away once, but you live each day. So, make the most of the days you have. Because you don’t know when your last day will be, so live it wisely and fearlessly.

Bravery does not mean being fearless. It means to be full of fear but still not being dominated by it. ~ Osho

Do you need help learning to move out of your comfort zone? Are you looking for support to empower yourself to take chances? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? Consider using my coaching services by contacting me at TerriKozlowski.com. Together, we can create an action plan for you to take a chance to live fearlessly.

To hear about my full recovery story, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon, or by visiting RavenTranscendingFear.com.

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Are you letting your fears keep you from living a life you love? When you have faith and take a chance, you begin to live a fearless life.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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