
Have Faith And Believe In Everyday Magic

Do you believe in miracles? How about everyday magic? What do you consider magical? I think magic is the belief in possibilities.  You know, the chance something can occur. Many people call it luck, fate, providence, coincidence, kismet, destiny, or fortune. Have you considered the idea that magic is the foresight or inner wisdom coming to the surface of your life? Hmmm.

Remember, just because you haven’t seen something doesn’t mean it is fictional. Or even if you’ve had an experience that new and unknown potentialities don’t exist on the other side of you, stretching outside your comfort zone. You must be open to what the Universe has for you and sometimes it arrives magically. Miracles and magic occur when you create the space within yourself that the possibilities are endless.

But to notice the magic in your everyday life, you have to be awake and aware of the signs, symbols, and synchronicities occurring in your daily life. Do you see them? Or does the ego have your eyes shut to the potential and possibilities of living a magical life by keeping you focused on living small? Pay attention to the whispers from your soul so you become conscious of the magic.

It’s all a matter of paying attention, being awake in the present moment, and not expecting a huge payoff. The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses. ~ Charles de Lint

Nine Ways to Unlock the Magic in Your Life

There is magic within you that makes your heart sing. Find it. And as you do, you will discover what holds you back, what keeps you grounded, and how to live authentically.

  1. Constantly Ask Yourself Questions. When you question yourself, it’s about why you do or don’t do things. Why don’t you dance? Why do you paint? I want you to question the assumptions you have about what you do, how you feel, what you want, and who you are. This process allows you the opportunity to see a different perspective, as well as find another way of doing or being you may like better. Be like the questioning 4-year-old who constantly asks why.  This is how children and you learn, by inquiring in novel ways. This will inquisitiveness will help you become more aware.

Magic lies in challenging what seems impossible. ~ Carol Moseley Braun

  • Seek to Be in the State of Flow.   When you awaken to the magic, you open yourself up to be in flow with the Universe. This is how right action occurs.  What do I mean?  When you are in flow, it inspires you.  Therefore, the actions you take are in sync with the Universe. You lose time, and your outcomes are miraculous.

According to Dr. Csikszentmihalyi, there are eight characteristics of flow.  Complete concentration on the task is occurring.  The goals are obvious.  Time is transformed.  The experience is satisfying.  There’s an ease in doing the task.  A balance between being challenged and having the skills to complete the job is present.  It merges actions and awareness.  There’s a feeling of being in control.  When these characteristics are present, you have achieved a flow state. 

Action has magic, grace, and power in it. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • Pass on Magical Acts of Kindness.  When you give to others, it doesn’t mean you end up with less like your egoic mind tries to convince you.  It’s about giving yourself the experience you need to learn, grow, and expand.  Or giving others validation, authentic connection, and love, expecting nothing in return. You are doing this kindness because it’s the right thing to do. Encourage someone with a note, smile at a stranger, hug someone, and pick up garbage on your walk are just some simple ways for you to pass your magic on to another person.

We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. ~ JK Rowling

  • Embrace the Mysteries of Life.  This week I had an incredible encounter with a crow as I drove to work. It hovered in front of my stopped car at a red light to get my attention.  Then it came over to the driver’s side window and hovered before landing on top of the work van beside me.  It stared down at me until the light turned green, at which time it landed in front of my car.  The crow literally stopped me in my tracks. When the car on the other side of me moved, it again hovered in front of me before flying away.  My egoic mind tries to see if there was food on the road to make this happenstance more logical and ordinary.

Why is it hard for people to expect that the Universe tries to speak to us through signs, symbols, and synchronicities? If you accept that magical and mysterious things occur, then you’re more open to not only see them but embracing that they are supposed to happen.  Especially if you are aware and open to seeing them.

The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. ~ W.B. Yeats 

  • Let Your Magical Weirdness Shine. Everyone is unique and different from one another. Even twins have distinct personalities.  Therefore, since you were always meant to stand out, do so on purpose.   Everybody has quirky traits, and you can see that others have their personality quirks as well, showing that everyone has a distinctive character and disposition.  You should be confident in being yourself and proud of how you individually do things, as everyone has exceptional talents and skillsets.  You should develop these skills to showcase the best part of your authentic self. Don’t allow the ego to scare you into conforming and living an ordinary life instead of a magical one.

Magic comes from what is inside you. It is a part of you. ~ Jim Butcher

  • Be Mindful of the Spells You Cast with Your Words.  The words you speak have a magical power to them.  If you speak it, your ego believes it.  See the power of words? That is why it’s crucial for you to pay attention to what you allow yourself and others to hear.  Over time, the words said to you can either grow into something wonderful because of the encouragement you received or kept you stagnant because of the discouragement you heard.  Words are the seeds that get planted when you are a child and they continue to get planted thought out your life by those you come in contact with.  These people don’t have to be loved ones or friends, strangers can plant seeds with their words. 

In Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements, the first agreement is to be impeccable with your words.  This means that before you speak, you choose your words carefully, as they have the power to create or destroy.  Of course, the goal is to be creative, encourage others, and speak love to all you come in contact with, and you can if you are aware and conscious.  Try using affirmations and mantras as positive incantations to help you create positive magic with your words.

True magic is the art and science of changing states of mind at will. ~ Douglas Monroe

  • Use Rituals to Help Your Mindshift. Those routines you have to help ground you like journaling, prayer, and meditation can take on a magical layer by simply lighting a candle or burning some incense. These practices allow you to open yourself up to seeing the mysteries around you. And at the end of the day, think back and look for things you are grateful for.  In doing so, you may begin to recognize the magical signs, symbols, and synchronicities.  This will allow you to shift your mindset to one that expects miracles every day.

Real magic is not about gaining power over others: it is about gaining power over yourself. ~ Rosemary Guiley

  • Spend Time in the Magic of Nature.  When you walk into the woods, you’ve entered a magical place. Whether you are looking up at the night sky or a ladybug on a petal of a daisy, the magic of Mother Nature is bountiful. The phases of the moon affect the coastlines and you too, if you notice the cycles of the natural world around you.  Look for the magic within the plants that reach towards the sun or curl down during a storm. Or just watch the sunrise and paint the sky with magical colors. The serenity found in the countryside is a great way to reconnect with your authentic self.

Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated. Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible. ~ Paulo Coelho

  • Respond with Love in All Situations. Love is the ultimate source of magic.  When you choose to love someone, flaws and all, it’s miraculous.  When you forgive another, the magic of love releases the negative attachment to the person who harmed you. Love is the balm that allows forgiveness, authentic connections, and inner growth to occur. To respond with the magic of love means you know the ego wants to keep you fearful of how others will interact with you.  But it doesn’t matter, because as long as you respond to all situations from a place of love, you’ll be fine.

Why? Because the magic of the Universe gives you the signs of encouragement and guidance because when you love, you are open to receiving. And as you move forward, you’ll have new insights, see different perspectives, and infinite possibilities. Through the eyes of love, there is more color and richness to life. Gifts are more precious when given with love.  Food tastes better when prepared with love. When you live from a place of love, life is truly magical.

The magic of love is that it has the power to create a magical world in and around us.    ~ Debasish Mridha

Moving Forward

Bringing more magic into your life isn’t about gaining anything.  It’s about opening yourself up to the infinite possibilities and your pure potentiality.  As you notice the miraculous, you understand your inherent power to co-create with the Universe.  When you tap into the mysteries of life, you enable yourself to see more magic. 

This power encourages you to be authentic with others and helps them see the miracles in their lives. How will you create more magic in your life?  In what ways can you infuse love into a situation to cause a miracle? Remember, acts of kindness are creating magic for others. And these phenomena for the people you were kind to magically grow into more acts of kindness as others pass it forward.

The world is full of enchantment if we take the time to see it. When you walk this path of magic, your life will be lived from a deeper level, with more awareness and inner wisdom.  You’ll feel more alive and more in tune with the Universe.

M is for magic. All the letters are if you put them together properly. You can make magic with them, dreams, and hope, even a few surprises. ~ Neil Gaiman

As you become more mindful of the magic all around you, you can alter the course of your life.

Do you need help to get in flow with the Universe? Are you looking for support in letting your uniqueness shine? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? If so, please get in touch with me, and we can put together an action plan for you to add magic to your life and live authentically.

To learn about how I saw the magic in my own life and became a more authentic version of myself, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to RavenTranscendingFear.com for more information.

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Have Faith and Believe in Everyday Magic
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Have Faith and Believe in Everyday Magic
Living a magical life is seeing the wonder all around you each day. Be mindful of the miracles and open your eyes to see the synchronicities.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions
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