
How to Look and Listen to Create the Vision for 2020

It’s the visionaries that move society forward.  The vision we have for our lives, our businesses, and our families emerge from the situations we find ourselves.  The circumstances we find ourselves in can either be the routine of life, a crisis position, a financial emergency, or an administration problem- anything that requires our guidance.  You look and listen to assess the situation as best you can so that you can move forward with a plan of action; to create a new vision.

It’s being aware of what’s going on around you, looking and listening to the nuances of life, as well as to what’s going on inside.  Four separate steps are involved in the process of becoming fully aware of not only the current situation but also understanding what you want the future to be, the vision for 2020.

1. Impartial observation.  This observation is the ability to look and listen with your senses. 

2. The analysis of the situation is the ability to look and listen with your mind, the logical reasoning portion of the brain.

3. Feeling out the circumstances is the ability to look and listen with your heart – the gut instinct.

4. The incubation period is when you look and listen with your soul to determine the course of action based on the intention you have. 

As the trailblazer for your life, you must develop your awareness through these levels before you can move forward. 

The best way to predict the future is to create it. ~ Alan Kay

Evaluating the Present to Create the Vision

As we develop, you begin to see that you can rely on your determination of the next steps, which are needed based on the evaluation process done inside yourself.  Once you arrive at the point where looking and listening comes from your entire being, empowerment is the feeling you have in any situation you find yourself.  Here are some tips on how to look and listen to help you in your evaluation process.

1. Take feedback from many people at different levels of involvement.

Through our relationships, we co-create one another. There are constant input and output. If you get information only from your closest circle, you won’t be in touch with the whole picture.

2. Flexibility is needed to identify changes to incorporate to create the vision.  

Praise for our ideas feels good but may not address the core issues that need resolving.    Being open to other ideas and truly listening can help solve the situation faster, thus allowing others to feel they are contributing to the shared vision. 

3.  Understand your position and feel secure where you are. 

Embrace other ideas and points of view.  Those around you may see something you don’t, and their perspective can be vital if they are part of the shared goal. 

4. Give good feedback.  Feedback is praise and criticism, not blame.  

Praise those for the contributions they made.  Provide criticism for the work not done well, but don’t criticize the person.  Understand that criticism is to help them improve, not demean them.  Praise in public and criticize in private. 

5. Truth is a perspective. 

There are facts, and then there’s the truth.  We all can see part of the picture, so we need to understand that those around us will see things differently than we do.  Therefore, their perspective is part of the truth we are all seeking as we move forward towards the shared vision. 

6. Never lose sight of the central question of the vision, “What do we need?” 

We all need something.  If we go through our lives answering this question for our spouses, our family, and our friends, imagine the love and can be spread in the coming year. 

Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, and magic and power in it. Begin it now. ~ Goethe

Wants and Needs are Not the Same

We all want more of something, but usually, the need is unclear.  Ego and emotions get in the way of determining the underlying need.  There are needs of our spouses, our families, and our businesses that are separate from our personal needs.  To have the most successful vision for 2020, we need to be able to analyze the whole and how we respond to create the best vision for all of those we love.

  • We all respond to the hope that tomorrow will be better than today.   
  • We all want to be inspired by what we do as a part of our worthiness and contribution to the world around us.  New challenges can help to accomplish our ability to overcome, thus empowering us to move forward towards new goals.
  • We all want to know that loyal and supportive people surround us and that we all move forward towards the vision together.
  • We all want to feel safe and secure. 
  • As creative beings, we all need new ideas; therefore, we need sounding boards for suggestions and outlets for further learning. 
  • Everyone needs to be optimistic.  Those who tend to be negative nellies, hinder the ability to fulfill the vision.

Based on these collected needs, we can now look at creating the vision we desire in 2020.

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens. ~ Carl Jung

Intention is the Key to Creating the Vision

Now that we’ve evaluated the present, determined the need versus the want, we can now focus on the desired dream for the next year.  In 2016, I read Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project, and thought it was a fantastic way for me to create more happiness in my life purposefully.  Each year I have created twelve themes, one per month for me to focus on as we go through the year.  This plan was my intention for the year.   The first blog post I wrote this year outlines my project, and I asked you to help me be accountable.  So, here at the end of the year, let’s review. 

January – No Judging: Focus on seeing the light in others.

February – Forgive: So that I can release myself from the chains of the past.  

March- Let Go: To free me from attachments.

April- Move Forward:  To continue to learn (no stagnation).

May- Take Responsibility: For my actions.

June- Choose Wisely:  Think before I act.

July- Gratitude: Be thankful for the little things in life. 

August- Peace: Breath in the calm every day.

September- Be Present: Now is all we have.

October- Be Creative: To stay connected to Source.

November- Be Me – A woman on fire, my authentic self.

December- Love: Choose love always, so fear stays away.

For the most part, each morning of the year, I posted on Twitter and Facebook a quote that is connected to my monthly theme as a reminder as I start my day that I am consciously choosing to be happy and add more happiness to my life. 

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. ~ Michelangelo

 My Vision for 2020

So, for the next twelve months, what I plan to focus on not only to help me but also as part of my service to you is to work on the following areas.

January – Connection with others by choosing love

February – Be different; be me.

March- Be bold, be fearless, and overcome limiting beliefs.

April- Everyday miracles are in the present moment.

May- Empowerment through responsibility.

June- Give back by leading where I am.

July- Begin again by reframing the story.

August- Plant seeds for self-directed growth.

September- Don’t give up, be persistent, and move out of your comfort zone. 

October- Caring for others and yourself.

November- Be the light, inspire others, and lift people up.

December- Be positive and see the joy in life.

I intend to post each morning on Twitter and Facebook a quote based on the monthly theme.  Each weekly article on the blog will also pertain to the monthly theme.  This way, I am entirely enmeshed into the subject and the act of service through teaching you how to create more love and joy in your life as I create it in my own. 

An example of a simple vision board
My 2020 Vision Board

Moving Forward

So what’s your vision for 2020?  Now is the time to think about it.  Create a vision board to help remind yourself as you go through the next year of what your focus is.  Hang it in your office.  Here is a picture of my vision board for 2020 and the places I want to focus my attention on.  Creating a vision board is not complicated. I took pictures from magazines I had, cut them up and glued them on a piece of poster board to create a collage. 

I took a picture of the collage, printed it, and added it to my planner.  It will be my desktop picture for the year as well.  You can put it as your cell phone picture too.  You want as many reminders of your vision, so you know what you want to focus on for the year.

A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.   ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter

As you realize the power of your intentions and become conscious about your mindset, you can alter the next year.  If you would like to receive more enlightening articles right into your email, fill this out now.

Do you need help becoming aware of your mindset?  Do you need support in creating a vision for your life?  If so, please contact me, and we can put together an action plan for you to be authentically you and make your dreams come true in the New Year.

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How to Look and Listen to Create the Vision for 2020
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How to Look and Listen to Create the Vision for 2020
As we begin a new decade we need to look and listen to evaluate where we are, so we can create the vision of where we want to go.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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