
Actually, You Do Have The Ability To Live A Powerful Life

Many people think they are unimportant.  That your life isn’t as significant as another’s because you are allowing your egos to compare. But the truth is, your life is just as vital as someone else’s.  It doesn’t matter what any one person does, it’s the ability of each person to do their part so globally it all works together. So, you are living a powerful life with meaning.  You are worthy just as you are and what you do is important.

Maybe the issue is that you aren’t taking responsibility for the role you play in the world.  Perhaps you believe the lies of the ego that self-care is selfish. Or you’re too busy, too tired, or too numb to see how truly powerful you are and how you belong in your community doing the work you do. The egoic mind doesn’t want you to believe in your power.  It wants to keep you fearful so you do things in a small, powerless way and allow it to maintain its fearful control over your life. 

See, if you believe you can live a powerful life, then you can conquer your fear and believe in miracles. You then have faith in yourself and trust those people in your tribe to assist you in seeing alternative perspectives. And you take responsibility for all aspects of your life, including your missteps. This is the ultimate fear of the ego, that you realize your limitless power and potential.

Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself. ~ Elie Wiesel

Take Responsibility To Live A Powerful Life

The first thing you must do to live a powerful life is to accept your part in how you got to this stage of your life. Accept that your life situation results from the choices you made, the missteps you took, and the beliefs you have. Therefore, there is no blaming, shaming, or excuses being made for where you are. 

Being responsible for your behaviors, reactions, and beliefs allows you to alter them. If you want to do better, respond to life circumstances differently than you have in the past.  If you want to alter your conduct, change your habit and routines.  To adjust your beliefs, determine where they came from and if they still serve you or not. All things your ego won’t want you to do as change is something it doesn’t like because there is the risk of the unknown to contend with.

Being responsible is the hallmark of a mature, conscious, authentic person. But the ability to thrive in life also requires risk-taking, intuitive leaps, innovation, imagination, and thinking outside the box.  Being responsible means showing initiative, taking thought-out risks, walking the talk, having integrity through your words and deeds, as well as living up to your beliefs. As seen from the level of the soul, your chief responsibility is to lead yourself on the path to higher consciousness, one of empowerment through change.

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. ~ Mary Engelbreit

Steps To Live Powerfully

  1. Understand your perception. How you perceive your life and your response determines the outcome of the situation. Be sure what you are seeing is the truth and not a fearful lie of the ego. You can see the circumstance as a problem or an opportunity, a roadblock or stepping-stone, or the prospect of learning something. Be flexible and open-minded so you can see the many facets of the issue. Your perspective has a bearing on the result. Choose wisely.
  2. Monitor your self-talk. Don’t allow the ego to assail you with negativity and self-doubt about how you want to move forward with your life.  Don’t let it discourage you.  You control what you believe and what you focus on.  Therefore, consciously choose to focus on those things that bring you positivity and move you towards your dreams, even if you take a misstep to learn a lesson. Be your best advocate and be intentionally positive with yourself.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.  ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • Living a powerful life is to forgive yourself every day. You already know that you will take missteps, so you should be ready to forgive yourself when you do.  Holding onto any of the things the egoic mind will tell you or shame you into believing is a waste of time.  Don’t let the ego take the focus off the lesson or how to take the next best step. This type of daily maintenance allows you to not get distracted by blame or self-pity.
  • Remember your words have power. Speak lovingly to yourself, but also to others. Don’t be a weapon someone’s ego uses against them because of unkind words you said to another. Be supportive to others with your words, which is encouraging not only to them but also to yourself. Be assertive with your words which give life to your dreams.  Speak using the words I, will, can, which are affirming instead of you, should, or can’t because you are speaking your intentions.  Therefore, speak with clarity, power, and integrity.

Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts. Perhaps the fear of a loss of power. ~ John Steinbeck

  • Trust yourself. You know all the answers to all the questions if you only look within yourself. Get quiet so you can learn to listen to the soulful whispers of your heart instead of the screams from the ego. Meditate or pray to get the egoic mind to stop its incessant chatter. When you do, you can hear the universal truth which comes only from your soul.
  • Be empathic and compassionate.  When you can see the pain of others and recognize yourself in their suffering, you close the gap the egoic mind tells you there is between yourself and others. Empathy is how social transformation occurs and how you make authentic connections with people. And compassion is part of human nature.  When you can share them with those in your life, the world becomes smaller and more peaceful.

Love is a verb. Love — the feeling — is a fruit of love, the verb. ~ Stephen Covey

  • Let your light shine. As you share your light, your wisdom, your gifts, and your talents, you can inspire others to do the same.  Encouraging those around you to be their authentic selves elevates everyone. It enables you to find your tribe of like-minded people to support you and for you to teach them. The people in your life influence you and vice versa.  Therefore, be wise about who you allow close to you.  Make sure they are inspiring, encouraging, and loving towards you. You don’t want someone trying to compete against you, tear you down, or plant doubts about your abilities or dreams.
  • Be courageous. It’s doing what you know you’re supposed to do, even though it’s scary and uncomfortable.  It means believing in yourself, even when you think no one else does. Defy your ego by listening to your intuition, your gut instinct, the soulful whispers of your heart, and not the rationalization of your mind. Your courage in living a powerful life means you keep moving forward despite the fears the egoic mind keeps thrashing at you. It means moving out of your comfort zone. Remember, all the fears are within your mind which you can dismiss or believe.  Have the courage to reject them and move forward anyway.

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~  George Bernard Shaw

  • Consciously choose to be authentically you. You are an extraordinary being. You were the only you ever created and you have important work to do now. Be bold and choose the path only you were meant to take. The limitless being you are has the potential within you to achieve all you ever dreamed of.  The only limitations you have are the ones you believe. You were created to be different, unique, unlike anyone else.  No one was ever meant to fit in and be normal. Embrace your personality quirks, those things that make you whole, worthy just as you are, and more than enough.
  • Believe in everyday miracles. Look around you and see the awe and wonder in your life.  You’re a magical being with your creativity, talents, and gifts you share with the world. There is no difficulty in the miracles in your life, you just have to believe they are possible. Put your imagination to work and prove to yourself the revelations you’ve had are the fuel for your dreams.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

Moving Forward Living A Powerful Life

Life is an adventure. You must make the appropriate decisions and remember to give yourself the grace to live powerfully. No one is without flaws. Nobody has everything under control. This realization can help you solve a lot of struggles and accept what is.

Remember, your egoic mind believes it’s in charge and can walk all over your dreams if you allow it. Only you have the power to secure your future. Only you have the power to allow your future self to blossom. Every day, you have crucial decisions to make regarding your own life. Give it everything you’ve got. Spiritually and mentally, give it your all.

You should live your life as you dream of doing. Accept the responsibility of living each day with an open mind and heart. Decide to learn from your mistakes. Attempt to live a life that is both purposeful and honest. Be modest enough to admit your mistakes and adaptable enough to adjust. Recognize that when you hand over your power to others, even your egoic mind, you are squandering the gift of your life.

The only way that we can live is if we grow.

The only way we can grow is if we change.

The only way we can change is if we learn.

The only way we can learn is if we are exposed.

And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.

~ C. Joybell

As you become more conscious of how to live a powerful life, you can alter the course of your destiny.

Do you need help to take responsibility for your life? Are you looking for support in in forgiving yourself? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? If so, please get in touch with me, and we can put together an action plan for you to live powerfully and authentically.

To learn about how I began to live a powerful life, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to RavenTranscendingFear.com for more information.

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Actually You Do Have The Ability To Live A Powerful Life
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Actually You Do Have The Ability To Live A Powerful Life
When you realize being authentically you means you are living a powerful life, you are more purposeful because you believe in your abilities.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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