Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
The only thing you know for certain is that life will be full of uncertainty. Life stability is achieved by dealing with change wisely and effectively, rather than by preventing it.
Life transitions are the unavoidable changes that occur throughout your life, ranging from milestones like marriage and parenting to unforeseen events, such as job loss or relocation. They include both beneficial and unpleasant shifts, requiring you to adapt and find stability in the face of uncertainty.
Uncertainty regarding the future is unavoidable. Some may believe the best approach is to combat it, doing everything they can to achieve perfect comfort and security. Fighting feelings of insecurity, doubt, and uncertainty only increases their impact on your life. You can never eliminate all the uncertainties of the future. You must live with them.
It’s advisable for those who dislike uncertainty to learn to accept it. People who cannot endure ambiguity will go to tremendous lengths to avoid it. Anyone who avoids uncertainty chooses not to engage in life! It suggests you will not take chances. You won’t travel. Ask yourself or others awkward questions. You will protect yourself to the point of internal death for your soul.
What if, instead, you learned to tolerate uncertainty? Ironically, this would improve your overall stability.
The stability we cannot find in the world, we must create within our own persons. ~ Nathaniel Branden
It’s fair but erroneous to conceive of life stability in the same way you think of physical stability. Stable entities in physics are distinguished by their predictability and lack of motion. However, life stability is an internal barometer characterized by your ideas and feelings rather than your actual circumstances, though both are important.
Your acts don’t have a direct impact on life stability. Consider traveling. Traveling poses a danger. It’s more dangerous than being at home, more expensive, and you’re more exposed while you’re away from home. Traveling sounds like the polar opposite of life stability. In one sense, that is correct. However, the inherent instability of travel is precisely why it can boost your sense of internal stability!
Traveling when you could stay home makes a statement. You’ve chosen to live with and even welcome uncertainty. Consider how people feel when traveling. Free, alive, and connected, even happy, confident and stable!
Travel is just one example of this critical concept: actions that show ease with uncertainty or instability are essential for preserving internal life stability. It may surprise you, but taking calculated risks can improve your life stability.
The surprise key to life stability is to embrace all tour uncertainties, doubts, and instability, which are unavoidable.
Flexibility is the key to stability. ~ John Wooden
Instability occurs when you fight against an immovable obstacle. Regardless of how hard you fight, uncertainty remains. This depletes your emotional and mental resources for an ineffective fight. It’s rational to struggle for something as desirable as certainty, but how logical is it to wage a battle you will never win?
I’m not saying you should get thrilled about uncertainty. Obviously, having financial instability or health difficulties isn’t fun. It’s more about learning to accept and understand how uncertain life is, and then doing your best with that knowledge rather than attempting to ignore or change its nature.
The concept of balance isn’t about standing still, but finding stability in all aspects of your life. As someone who believes in living a balanced and harmonious existence, I’ve realized that genuine balance is about finding serenity and stability within the stress and busyness of daily life.
It’s easy to become engrossed in the hustle and bustle of your daily routines, from work deadlines to social obligations to personal aspirations. However, amid it all, it’s critical to take a step back and evaluate whether you’re genuinely finding stability in all aspects of your life.
Remember that the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability. ~ Ho Chi Minh
Balancing entails prioritizing what is actually important to you and aligning your actions accordingly. It’s about pausing, finding inner calm and contentment, even when situations appear overwhelming. It’s about developing your connections, looking after your physical and mental health, and achieving personal growth and development.
Balance is a constant journey rather than a destination you arrive at and then leave. It causes ongoing awareness, correction, and self-reflection. It’s about making intentional decisions that improve your general well-being and happiness.
So, strive for stability in all aspects of your life: prioritize what offers you joy and fulfillment, set boundaries and make time for self-care, and nurture inner peace and harmony.
Remember that balance is more than just standing still; it’s about finding stability in the ebb and flow of life. And when you do, you can live a more fulfilled and contented life.
True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed. ~ Tom Robbins
It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently. ~ Tony Robbins
When the details of your life appear to be in the air, you have the best view of the bedrock beneath them. I’m referring to the values, qualities, and feelings that remain consistent throughout your life. When you’re connected with them, they invigorate and fill you with delight, but when you’re not, they make you depressed.
Scientists have discovered there is order underlying a chaotic surface. Consider how trees, blood arteries, and rivers branch out into ever-thinner tributaries as they develop and flow in a random yet consistent manner, and how the simple act of wind moving across sand creates beautiful ripples and dunes.
Chaos is constantly transformed into order. That’s something to believe and find significance in. Don’t be a passive viewer in your life. You have some control over how the dunes grow and which area of the tree you end up in as you climb. You can’t become connected to the outcomes or drive yourself insane by believing you have more control than you do. Stay focused on the process and the influence you have.
The dune’s beauty emerges organically when the inherent qualities of sand and wind are simply allowed to mix. Similarly, you grow best when you put competing short-term interests aside and allow what is deep and true for you to inspire your choices continuously. One decision and one moment at a time, your life will form a monument to your best, most honest self.
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t. ~ Steve Maraboli
So, think about what you can say yes to today that will broaden your comfort zone, that you might have turned down yesterday because of fear or laziness, and that you’ll be proud of tomorrow.
Consider contacting a life coach, like me, for advice suited to your specific situation. Life transitions may test your stability, but with the tactics above, you can regain your footing and thrive in the middle of any change which feels unstable.
Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons, you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that comes from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence. ~ Deepak Chopra
Life transitions are an essential component of the human experience. You can find stability and prosper during life’s transformations by accepting change, establishing resilience, and employing effective techniques. I am here to help you on your journey, offering advice and knowledge to help you negotiate life’s trials with resilience and grace.
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