Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Last month I was talking with a friend who made lunch for someone and served it on her favorite China because she wanted to. It reminded me that many people keep different things for special occasions. And yet, every day should be distinct and hold a unique memory for us. Why? Because it’s the only one like it, you will ever live. Using your favorite things in your daily life will help you love the life you have.
One of my favorite movies is the Sound of Music. And there is a part where the kids are afraid of the storm and Maria sings of her favorite things to help soothe them.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things…
You know the words and the melody, but the overall lesson she’s trying to share is that when you feel out of sorts, thinking of those things you like helps you feel better. Also, note that this list and the rest of the song are about everyday items. Isn’t that interesting?
My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. The most precious resource we all have is time. ~ Steve Jobs
Maybe you only use your favorite things for specific events because you believe that made them more special, like that China my friend used. Maybe it costs a lot of money or it has sentimental value, and you don’t want it to get damaged by everyday use. Well, if that’s the case, is it displayed so you can admire it regularly? Or is it stored away for safekeeping?
Or perhaps what you truly believe is that you didn’t deserve the item. Therefore, you don’t use it as it reminds you of the lie the ego is telling you that you’re not worthy. But since you are aware it’s a lie, using it can seem rebellious, and fun.
Possibly after collecting many things, you’ve forgotten which items were your favorite and why. In the age of accumulation and disposable everything, it’s easily conceivable that you have much more than you need or use.
So the best way to enjoy those items that excite you is to only own your favorite things. It’s unnecessary to own everything to have it all. Examine the items in your life that you use daily. Are they your favorite? If not, why do you have it?
Isn’t that the only way to curate a life? To live among things that make you gasp with delight? ~ Maira Kalman
It’s necessary to identify what things you find to be your favorite before you can use them in your daily life. Here are some tips on how to identify your favorite things so that you can lead a more fulfilling life.
Our deepest passions frequently begin to bloom in infancy, only to be squashed by constraints from adult life. Therefore, consider your passions before you had to consider being an adult. Writing? Experiments in science? Caring for people? Finding your passion requires getting in touch with those instincts once again. And once you do, you’ll be able to recall those things that were your favorites when you were a child.
Once you have this information, are they still things you currently fancy and enjoy? If so, great. Keep those items and see how you can incorporate them into your everyday life.
For example, my love for coloring as a child has grown into being creative by painting, crafting, and is expanding into making accessories for my wardrobe. See, as I matured, my creativity did as well, and yet, I am still excited to spend time in my studio creating something.
My favorite thing is to be alone in a room with a blank paper in front of me and the time to fill it. ~ Dirk Benedict
I have a little collection of chihuahua figurines on a shelf with pictures of the dogs I’ve had over the past twenty-five years. They have no purpose other than they make me smile as I fondly remember the other puppies that have brought me joy. It’s wonderful to have these types of items around to remind you of happy memories.
I also have a curio cabinet and a printer’s drawer where I display souvenirs from travels my husband and I took. Again, these are mementos of times shared with family and friends that bring back fond recollections of stories to share with others. Having items around you that make you smile and bring you joy are ways to make each day special.
My favorite things often have a story behind them and are usually handmade or discovered at a flea market. ~ Amy Sedaris
Analyze your credit card statements, book collections, subscriptions, movies, and music. Do any subjects emerge? What topics do you find yourself drawn to most frequently? What are you presently focusing your time, resources, and efforts on? Are you seeing any themes that have appeared repeatedly throughout your life?
Check-in with your heart and your body as much as you can, rather than your mind. Anything that, in a sense, lights you up? Do you get a sense of physical expansion? When you think about a particular subject or possibility, do you get excited or possibly even a little anxious? They are all encouraging indicators.
Keep in mind that your emotions frequently defy reason and reasoning. It’s crucial to focus on your physical body and your heart when examining these concerns. Beyond what your mind can comprehend, you endow your heart with wisdom.
Laughing is, like, my favorite thing to do. ~ Agyness Deyn
If you don’t like something moving forward, you have three options: stop doing it, have another person do it, or love it with all of your heart. When you decide to love whatever you do, you build intuition muscles and create a channel for the divine to whisper to you.
Keep in mind that humans are creatures of habit. You can’t spend eighty percent of the day being grumpy, whining, and miserable and then expect to spend the final twenty percent of the day being excited. You want to enjoy each day of your life in its entirety.
My favorite thing in life is writing about life, specifically the parts of life concerning love. Because love is absolutely everything. ~ Taylor Swift
My list of favorite things includes the mundane items that please me, like the smell of freshly mowed grass or the sound of rain falling while I fall asleep. It includes things others might find gross like the smell of concrete release agent from a construction site. There are imperfect items like the portrait of me my granddaughter drew or the first sterling silver piece my husband made for me. There is a favorite warm blanket from a friend, as well as sweet Lelu who’s napping in my lap.
Now it’s time for you to examine the belongings that you save for special occasions and see how you can incorporate them into your daily life. Maybe start using that China once a week. Gather a mini collection of items that make you smile and create a display of them. Or schedule time to create something you would enjoy or use. Using your favorite things more often will help you love the life you have.
My favorite thing is to have a big dinner with friends and talk about life. ~ Carla Gugino
Do you need help to love the life you have? Are you looking for support to empower yourself to move forward? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? If you believe you cannot proceed alone, think about seeking my coaching services by getting in touch with me, at TerriKozlowski.com, and we can put together an action plan for you to add your favorite things to your daily life and love the life you have.
To discover how I cleared out those things that I didn’t love from my life, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to RavenTranscendingFear.com for more information.
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