It’s Clear To Live Life In Balance Is Powerful

In today’s fast-paced world, living in balance is more crucial than ever for your health and well-being. So, what does a balanced, healthy lifestyle mean to you? Since there are so many diverse ideas and viewpoints, no two people’s responses to this question will be the same. Since every person’s body and mind react differently, you must find the ideal balance that works for you.

Being happy and fulfilled can be achieved by leading a balanced life. However, striking the right balance for you is a skill. In order to discover the ideal balance for you, concentrate on improving your social, mental, and physical well-being. Attempt to focus on each area so nothing is neglected. Making the most of your life can be achieved by striking the correct balance, but it will require some effort and time.

It’s too easy to compare yourself to those who appear to lead the ideal healthy lifestyle on social media and to believe that everything you do is bad. The important thing to remember is that everyone is on a unique journey, so try not to be too hard on you. Although becoming balanced takes time, every minor change you make is a positive start. It’s okay to continue if you get lost and choose the incorrect route; it’s all part of the adventure.

Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ~ Gary Snyder

What Does Living In Balance Mean?

I believe it means you are in control of several aspects of your life and you don’t feel that your heart or head is being pushed too hard in any one direction. You typically feel inspired, clear-headed, grounded, and at ease.

How do you maintain this equilibrium? Two types of components in life need to be balanced: internal and external. People frequently give one more attention than the other.

For instance, you might discover that you pay very little attention to what is happening inside your heart and mind and you’re more focused on things outside of yourself, such as relationships, activities, and work. However, you can discover that you spend so much time thinking about yourself that you occasionally lose the opportunity to live life fully.

The internal life relates to your body, mind, and soul.  Your body needs proper diet, hydration, movement, and rest. The mind needs time to relax instead of challenging yourself intellectually all the time. And your soul wants to love others, not just be loved, because to the soul love is an action.

The external life relates to work, social, family, and fun.  Are you working harder to reach objectives rather than taking it all in and having fun occasionally? Is balancing self-care with gratifying your social demands difficult? Are you setting up boundaries versus taking on too much? Are you setting aside time for activities you enjoy rather than overdoing it? 

  • Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model. It remains quiet within and is not disturbed on the surface. ~ Confucius

Why Is It Vital To Live In Balance?

While there are many excellent reasons to ensure a healthy balance in your life, the one that is most important to me is that it lessens stress. Even though your body naturally reacts to demands and threats with tension, chronic stress that isn’t broken up by breaks can be detrimental to both your physical and emotional well-being. Thankfully, stress may be stopped in its tracks. The idea is to identify the things that make you stressed and put in place healthy coping techniques.

Living in balance enhances overall energy. Vitality is a measurement of your internal life force. Besides having greater energy to move around and do more, connecting with your sources of renewal also makes you feel involved and in the moment. Life’s energy is palpable and flows through you.

It enhances overall well-being and health. You are more involved, active, and content with your life when your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is strong. It’s about taking charge of your health, being well, and living a fulfilling life.

Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance. ~ Brian Tracy

When Your Foundation Feels Unsteady

It’s normal to feel lost and unsteady when confronted with obstacles and forced outside of your comfort zone. You could become engrossed in other people’s lives and overlook vital aspects of your own. Some people may spend so much time with others that they never get time for reflection or solitude; others may spend too much time by themselves to the point that loneliness sets in.

Regular schedules can provide security. Using a calendar for yourself can help to ensure that you can balance and provide structure in your routine by enabling you to manage your priorities throughout the week. The strategy shouldn’t be so strict, detailed, or lofty that it makes you feel imprisoned or restricted. Instead, it should give you a sense of control and organization and make you feel as though you are setting out enough time to follow your principles and make progress toward your objectives.

For one to be well and happy, one must have a solid self-care regimen that considers the requirements of the body and mind. It’s about finding the middle way, or in other words, moderation.

Working with nature’s laws is the key to finding equilibrium. Even though a pendulum might swing from extreme to extreme, it never stops until it finds the balance between the two extremes. According to Taoist philosophy, yin, and yang, or opposites, can be combined to create harmony.

Your body is made to achieve homeostasis or natural balance. For mental health, it’s best to think in terms of the gray region in the middle rather than restricting yourself to extreme stances, which might leave you feeling stuck.

A balanced inner calmness radiates from a peaceful center. It neither craves others’ approval nor rejects others’ presence. Nor pulls towards or pushes away. It has a reverent attitude towards life and all its inhabitants. ~ Donna Goddard

Checking In With Yourself

Everyone has had moments when something doesn’t feel quite right, but they can’t put their finger on it. Maybe it’s a racing mind, a tummy ache, or general uneasiness. In certain situations, you could feel pressured to push past your feelings and disregard your symptoms. This is how your soul communicates with you. One of the finest methods to become more conscious of your needs is to regularly check in with yourself.

These action steps could assist you in realigning your life if you are uncomfortable with being dragged in one particular direction:

1. Accept What Is.

Give your life, mental health, and overall emotions a thorough examination. Recognize the aspects of your life that you’re ignoring and be honest with yourself about it.

2. Inspect Your Life.

Note any areas where you would like to be more balanced within each category or if you focus more on the internal or exterior fronts.

Life is the balance of holding on and letting go. ~ Rumi

3. Establish Objectives.

To assist you in choosing how to balance your life, compile a list.

4. Make An Action Plan.

List the things you must do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to accomplish each of these objectives. What have you previously attempted? Was it successful? What can you do differently?

Love is the undisturbed balance that binds this universe together. ~ Mahavatar Babaji

5. Ponder Your Accomplishments.

What is the most significant accomplishment you have made thus far? What caused you to maintain your focus? How did you respond to your doubts, worries, anxieties, and self-defeating thoughts? How does it feel to know that despite these aspects of yourself, you achieved the goal?

6. Prepare To Move Forward.

In what ways does your egoic mind (doubts, anxieties, worries, negative self-talk) keeps you from taking action? Could you list the phrases you’ll tell yourself to get you off course? (For instance, “I’ll start exercising tomorrow.”) Compile a list.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. ~ Albert Einstein

7. Empower Yourself.

What should you keep in mind during those moments? What can you say to that part of yourself that undermines your objectives? Treat yourself with kindness. Creating balance won’t feel nice if you’re harsh with yourself in the process.

8. Connect With Others.

When things get tough, is there someone or anything you can do to stay encouraged, inspired, and focused? I strongly advise making a connection and opening up to someone about your inner workings. Find a support system that will enable you to face your inner critic and recognize and appreciate your minor victories.

Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices. ~ Betsy Jacobson

Moving Forward With Balance

The key to wellness is adopting a healthier lifestyle. A way of living that improves your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. However, nothing is healthy, in my opinion, unless there is balance. Self-compassion, adaptability, and balance are characteristics of true wellness.

I’m more inspired and driven to prioritize good habits and break negative ones when I am in a healthy mental space. These rituals then serve as the cornerstone of my daily schedule, which enables me to maintain a healthy diet and make time for self-care each day.

Living a healthy lifestyle also entails being able to strive for your goals every day, besides being cognitively, physically, and emotionally well. Now is the time for you to take initiative, follow your ambitions, and conquer obstacles.

However, when you combine it with balance, you have a sustainable flow that makes sure you’re not just aiming higher but also taking the time to enjoy the ride. Leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle can help you live a longer and better life, enabling you to fully appreciate each moment.

Balance is not about juggling everything at once, but knowing when to give each aspect of life its due attention. ~ Aloo Denish Obiero

If you would like more help in finding balance in your life, please contact me at and we can put together an action plan for you to live a balanced and authentic life.

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It's Clear To Live Life In Balance Is Powerful
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It's Clear To Live Life In Balance Is Powerful
By checking in with yourself you can realign and become in balance thereby decreasing stress and living a more powerful life.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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