It’s Wonderful To Know You’re Ascending, The Signs And Why It’s Important

What does the word ascension mean? By definition, ascending is the path taken by people who consciously advance toward a greater state of illumination. It’s a personal decision to bravely enter the uncharted territory of the inner self to grow into your authentic self. To move into a higher awareness of self is to choose it consciously.

The process of ascending entails widening your heart and expanding to reunite with the Universe and all facets of your true nature. The highest degrees of unconditional love and divine alignment are experienced in all spheres of life as one returns to their authenticity.

Ascension is not something that occurs to you on a specific day or that you accidentally enter. Instead, you can rise through increased awareness and integrate the higher frequency perception of your spiritual self.

Aligning with the Divine consciousness is the process of ascension. Ascension comes gradually as you gradually raise the illumination of the present moment; it doesn’t happen quickly or automatically.

It is not just spiritual, bodily, or mental ascension. Your entire existence, how you view the world, respond to it, and engage with it are all affected by the ascension process. A complete change occurs during ascension. To ascend, one must realign with Divine love and a higher state of awareness.

What is art but the life upon the larger scale, the higher? When graduating up in a spiral line of still expanding and ascending gyres, it pushes toward the intense significance of all things, hungry for the infinite. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Awakening, Ascension, and Spirituality: What Is the Difference?

Spirituality is the ability to connect with the soulful self through meditation, practice, tuning into the bigger picture, and bringing the presence of Spirit into your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re communicating with God, angels, your higher self, or your loved ones in heaven. You’re tuning into the spiritual when you have experiences, feelings, senses, and communication that go beyond the physical.

Awakening occurs when you recognize that you’re one with Source. You know that there’s a lot more going on than simply what is visible. You’re becoming aware of the larger divine plan that is being carried out throughout all of reality. It also entails awakening to your higher vibrational reality, your larger perspective, and the knowledge that you are a divine spark.

Ascension includes both spirituality and awakening. You can ‘wake up’ to the true nature of your spirit. And you can empower yourself to intentionally align with higher consciousness, wisdom, and the Divine in every moment as you learn to master mindfulness.

Integration is a crucial component of ascension besides awareness. Release and incorporation of lower vibrational components of oneself are necessary to continue progressing into higher vibrational levels without being drawn back into lower energies associated with fear. Ascension is a return to this authentic you—to your real divine nature—because you are a divine human. You can obtain spiritual energy upgrades through ascension. And when you go this, you can overcome the duality experience, transcend negativity, and exist as an awakened divine being in the physical.

Truth cannot be brought down; rather, the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountaintop to the valley. If you want to reach the mountaintop, you must pass through the valley, climb the steps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Seven Signs Your Ascending

Ascending is the process of letting go of old ego-serving patterns and pursuits to advance toward raising our level of consciousness. It is akin to a “system update,” but one in which you let go of your past self and raise your vibration to enter a higher frequency. Spiritual ascension is a phenomenon in which you become more conscious of your sense of being and your connection with the world around you.

If you’re waking, you probably won’t succumb to lower vibrational ego-centric activities but will instead operate from a higher vibrational frequency. These kinds of awakenings frequently occur on their own; even the most ordinary tasks might cause them. However, significant life-changing experiences seem to provide the catalyst for spiritual ascension more often.

The experiences vary from person to person, and there is no set standard by which to determine if someone is ascending. Fortunately, there are a few frequently seen patterns or indicators that you may be experiencing an awakening:

1. Ascension Causes Increased Awareness

As you become enlightened, people frequently observe their thoughts and deeds from an impersonal standpoint, yet they do so with love and intense interest. It may be a sign that you are moving closer to a greater level of self-realization if you pay attention to and analyze your thoughts and how you respond to the world around you. Instead of being consumed by worry or fear about the future, you might start to appreciate the present more.

2. Improved Intuition

Have you recently started to get a “gut feeling” about different social interactions? Do you believe the Universe has been providing you with hints to aid in your decision-making? One of the best signs that one is ascending is having many instances of “déjà vu” or powerful epiphanies. As you start to let go of your egoic thought patterns, you can more easily feel the energy of various people and things. This allows you to tap into your innate intuitive abilities.

3. More Synchronicities During Ascension

You might notice patterns and coincidences all around you as you ascend because it sharpens your intuition and speeds up manifestation. Every idea, conviction, and deed can trigger a series of events that will move you one step closer to realizing your hopes and aspirations when you are awakening.

4. Stronger Connections

A rising sense of oneness with the Universe and a progressive loss of egocentric beliefs and actions are obvious indications of an awakening. You might start to shed your prejudice and bias, and you might get the need to think about other people’s perspectives before passing judgment or coming to a decision. You realize how important your authentic connections with others are.

5. More Acceptance and Compassion

When you’re ascending, you might feel more compassion and have a propensity to accept fresh ideas with an open mind. You discover a deeper level of self-acceptance and have more compassionate self-talk as you embody more unconditional love. This automatically spreads to other people, and you’ll eventually start to approach everything you do with more mindfulness.

6. Deep Feeling of Clarity As You Ascend

You may begin to doubt your goals and priorities because of the ascending process, which can help you discover your true calling in life. You’ll start to purge ideas and frameworks that no longer serve you. And your sharpened intuition may make it easier for you to spot manipulation. If you listen to the whispers of your soul, this re-evaluation process will lead to better clarity. Furthermore, you’ll realign priorities, even though it may be a bumpy ride while you manage it all.

7. Seeking Truth

You typically notice that your self-worth and confidence are growing from the inside if you are experiencing the ascension process. You can start to feel less and less inclined to follow the standards and guidelines established by organizations and society. Furthermore, you might have a tendency to place more weight on your inner sense of pleasure in the decisions you make rather than looking for approval from others. Your journey to becoming the truest, most honest version of yourself could be marked by this inner awakening.

An epiphany enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation. ~ Abraham Isaac Kook

Helping Others Ascend

You have the power to assist those who are struggling. You also help yourself by doing this. If you pay attention to the signals you are receiving and the energy that is emanating from a person, you may sense their growth if you tune in to it.

Therefore, by helping someone else, you are also benefiting yourself. Because you’re all interconnected and embarking on the same journey toward a shift in consciousness. Additionally, you experience the other person’s shift firsthand.

It can be helpful for you to be near someone who is moving forward. Just as it can be therapeutic for the one seeing someone go through the death transition. A road map for you and your ascent is emanating from that person. You still benefit fully from that energy and that guidance, even though you are vibrating at a higher frequency than the individual you are helping.

Remember that you are also on a journey when you wish to help someone else and be of service to them. It’s not as important as you might believe to do something or say anything to help someone else. Additionally, it includes the energy you give off, the frequency you maintain, and the room you make for someone else. People watching your light shine provides most of the aid. As you ascend, you must elevate and pull others up along with you.

I’ll lift you and you lift me, and we’ll both ascend together. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier

Moving Forward In The Ascension Process

The world is witnessing a widespread transformation known as spiritual ascension. While the process of awakening can initially be unpleasant and make you doubt everything you know, including the people in your life, accepting it will eventually enable you to live a meaningful, connected, and fulfilled life. And making relationships with like-minded individuals or groups helps ease the process of moving to higher frequencies.

No matter where you are, have faith that every interaction has a purpose and a lesson to teach. You’ll be more sure-footed the more you can listen with an open heart and mind to the greater wisdom that enters through your soul.

Every day, you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. ~ Winston Churchill

Do you need help to ascend to the next level of your life? Are you looking for support to help you see the synchronicities in your life? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? Consider contacting me about my coaching services at Together, we can create an action plan for you to advance your life.

To hear about my ascension process, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or by visiting

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It's Wonderful To Know You're Ascending, The Signs And Why It's Important
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It's Wonderful To Know You're Ascending, The Signs And Why It's Important
Ascending into the best version of yourself is vital for your personal growth. It's an awakening of your authenticity to hear the soul's voice.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions
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