Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Excellence is the space between average and exceptional. It’s your ability to exceed expectations and consistently deliver superior quality. By developing habits of excellence, you achieve influence and stand out from the pack. By cultivating a culture of excellence, you attract new supporters and win the loyalty of long-standing associates.
I don’t take excellence for granted. As I’ve worked as a writer, podcaster, and life coach, and in the corporate world throughout the years, I’ve learned to adjust this daily routine and mindset. Here are some lessons I’ve learned throughout the years that can be useful to you as you strive for excellence.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. ~Les Brown
I’ve spent my entire career working on productive and high-functioning teams, so I know what it’s like to have perfection expected of you every day. My internal competition with myself is the source of that perfection.
I’m without a doubt among the most competitive individuals in whatever space I go into. That rivalry is usually inside of me. Every day, I compete to raise the standard I’ve established. I know that pushing myself daily is the only way to achieve my goals of doing my best and continuing to grow. The benchmark is reset when I get up the following morning, and the rung I want to reach is moved up a little.
I’ve realized that there is no age limit to establishing these standards for oneself. You may become an invaluable member of the team, regardless of how long you’ve been there—30 years or three months. That does not imply that you know the answers to all the questions right now. It indicates that you are incredibly curious and want to learn about the team, the project, and how to become a resource that people turn to. It’s crucial to deliver value every day, whether it means matching people with the appropriate team member for the project or revolutionizing an existing procedure to increase its effectiveness. You can establish yourself as a major player rather than the new kid on the block by achieving this expertise.
Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution. ~ Aristotle
Why not learn to live with the discomfort as it’s a constant and lifetime challenge?
That idea encompasses far more than just accepting occasional minor discomfort. Building self-resilience for the sake of excellence is the goal. There are many occasions in life when tough conversations or awkward circumstances must be had. It’s important to learn how to handle those circumstances so that you can quickly figure out how to proceed when a larger risk calls for mediation.
It is through uncomfortable circumstances that we develop as individuals. When your back is to the wall, you discover a lot about yourself. You learn how to lead, overcome, and behave your best by practicing finding a way out. You can show that toughness by finding solace in the agony as you strive for and attain excellence.
If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work. ~ Thomas J. Watson
It’s never simply about the work at work. There is always a human element at play. Building those enduring working relationships with my supervisors, the program leadership, and the individuals in my programs has been essential to my quest for success.
Building relationships can help you become the driving force behind many significant, essential, and lasting improvements. This job frequently goes unnoticed. You may make a difference by attempting to shake hands with everyone in the office or by introducing yourself to strangers when you start a new job.
Today’s society lacks that intentional face-to-face engagement. Bringing enthusiasm and vitality to the table can improve those connections and lead to better outcomes overall.
Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. ~ Ralph Marston
Each team member has a certain role to perform. You can sometimes be the best at your job because of that role. It turns you into a supporter in other situations. In either scenario, your role requires you to be the best version of yourself.
I was trained throughout my life to leave things in a better state than when I found them. When you join a new team, project, or role, it’s the same. As you strive for greatness for the team, you can continuously shift that benchmark for yourself by learning how people who have held your position performed and then figuring out how to improve that performance.
My everyday aim is to set a higher standard for excellence in whatever I do. In order to do this consistently, I am learning how to backfill and teach other team members as I continue to advance that goal. My contribution to the program is not complete until that backfill onboarding and training is finished. I couldn’t possibly claim that I left the project in a better state than when I arrived because I departed and moved on to the next position.
Examining oneself and the legacy one leaves behind after leaving a team is essential to attaining excellence. Until someone can consistently duplicate your efforts, the work is not over. However, this way of thinking is far more than just a to-do list. It’s a habit of always getting better and striving for more.
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. ~ Vince Lombardi
Aristotle says that “Excellence is not an act, it’s a habit.” To gain a reputation for excellence means delivering significant results every time. Hit-and-miss performers are neither trusted nor respected. On the other hand, those who repeatedly show competence in all that they gain credibility with their contacts.
Imagine what success looks like. Analyzing something too much can cause you to lose focus on the problem you’re attempting to solve. You’ll get the best results if you remember what success looks like, particularly from the client’s perspective.
The facts are on your side. When faced with a decision, you never have the advantage of complete knowledge, but if you base your decision on facts, the correct course of action becomes clear.
You make your own luck. You make it in training. ~ Simone Biles
Pat Riley, basketball coach, defines excellence as “the gradual result of always striving to be better.” Organizations with a spirit of excellence continuously improve; they are better tomorrow than they are today. Excellent leaders are insatiable learners. Since everyone is constantly growing, they always have fresh insights to impart to one another and new abilities to contribute to any organization or business they are involved.
Try to comprehend. People become more involved when you listen to them, since you show you value their opinions. It’s said that since we only have one mouth and two ears, we should listen more than we talk. Try saying “tell me more.”
Address the issue. The quote “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions” is credited to Albert Einstein. Make sure you’ve framed the issue in front of you appropriately by asking “why” five times.
I often say ‘pursue excellence, ignore success.’ Success is a by-product of excellence. ~ Deepak Chopra
Creativity attracts others to us and to our organization. Everyone enjoys interacting with people who open up their imaginations through the originality of their efforts. Creativity also gives rise to excellence by facilitating problem-solving abilities. Sometimes creative people break new ground; at other times, they simply find innovative ways to apply existing ideas. Either way, they add value by enabling the association to move beyond the obstacles that had been holding it back.
Appreciate variations. People who share the same beliefs or experiences will support a similar way of thinking, but those who think differently will challenge the preconceptions and help others see the wider picture.
It takes time to create excellence. If it could be done quickly, more people would do it. ~ John Wooden
The secret to success is, in fact, teamwork. A tree standing among other trees may withstand several storms, while a tree standing alone is more likely to perish from the effects of the weather.
Regardless of your position, be a mentor. Always assist teammates in presenting themselves in the best possible light. Everyone has both a “shiny” and a “dull” side, as I have frequently stated. If everyone shows off their positive traits, we can have the most influence.
Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. ~ Pat Riley
“To excel” literally means to go beyond average. Responsible people will do what is expected of them, but excellent people routinely do more than ask because of the desire to see their group and its members thrive. Persons of excellence deliver results in such a way that leaves everyone pleasantly surprised.
Quality and meticulousness are important. Always hold yourself to a high standard, since doing so will satisfy you personally and add value for your clients. But be mindful of when to put down your “pencils”!
Continue to learn. Never stop asking questions. Since the world and businesses are always changing, it is imperative that as individuals we never stop learning and adapting.
Remain composed and proceed. Regardless of the pressure, act like a duck and move forward without flinching, so they can’t see how hard you’re paddling beneath the surface.
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. ~ Colin Powell
Considering this, achieving success in both your personal and professional life causes a dedication to continual learning and constant skill and knowledge updating.
People react positively to excellence with loyalty, and they reward excellent leaders with support. Doing your best in every situation you find yourself in is easy to do. Therefore, excellence is easy to achieve.
Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends. ~ Brian Tracy
As you become more mindful of the moments in your life in which you excel and become courageous about being excellent in all areas of your life, happiness is the natural outcome.
Do you need help to notice the magic in your life? Are you in need of support in excelling in all you do? Do you want a strategy to help you create a marvelous life? If so, please contact me and you can put together an action plan for you to be authentically you and inspire you to excel in all you do.
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