Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
“What you do in the off-season determines what you do in the regular season.” – George Allen
Every year as old man winter becomes less nasty, we all get excited to get back outside and enjoy ourselves. During this time of year where we are not out and about as much due to the dreariness and cold, what can we do to make the most of the off-season? We can choose to grow and develop ourselves. Personal growth is a great way to spend during the off-season.
Recognizing that we’re ineffective when worn out, we prioritize rest during the off-season to replenish energy reserves. However, we must also condition ourselves to be ready for the rigors of the great outdoors and the activities we want to participate in. Much as a runner would be foolish to show up for a marathon without having trained, we cannot remain idle throughout the off season and expect to be at our peak when the time arrives. Therefore we must put some time into growing our stamina and a little self-care.
We can build up the unity with family and friends. During the off-season, we have fewer activities than at other times of the year, and we do not have as many events in which to participate. This makes the off-season a prime occasion for investing and growing our relationships. When we connect meaningfully during the off-season, we form bonds that can sustain the unity during the busy and FUN times. Attend get-togethers and meet up for lunch or coffee to keep connected to your friends and family.
We can pursue personal growth. The frenetic pace of the holiday season can crowd out time for personal growth. Conversely, during the off-season we find ourselves with plenty of extra time. We can make productive use of this extra time by attending seminars and training sessions offered in the community. Attend a certification program you have always wanted to get or a First Aid class -those who develop their skills and enhance their knowledge during the off-season have an advantage. The more you know the easier it is to move towards your goals!
We can exercise. Much as a music band must rehearse before going on a concert tour, we must stay healthy in the off-season. We can start that new yoga class we looked into in the fall. We can start reducing the salt in our diets. The time that we put into staying healthy over the course of the off-season improves our performance and instills confidence in ourselves that we are maintaining our health on a regular basis.
Even during the off-season we can still be working towards the vision we developed for ourselves a few weeks ago and enjoy this time. Develop your stamina in the off-season … you will be glad you did.
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