Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
I believe that we are all connected, and these connections to others are vital to us and our growth. From a physical perspective, the brain is wired for human associations, which enhances our social relationships. But how are we all linked scientifically?
Science’s current theory of the evolution of the Universe is the Big Bang. At its basis is the belief that everything, all that is in the Universe, was, at one time, altogether. All that is was once one concentrated mass, a singularity. Then, B-A-N-G! The Universe expanded into what it currently is.
So, at one point, we really were all connected. And more importantly, we are all created from the same origin. All the energy that existed from the Big Bang is still all the energy that exists in the Universe, because energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed.
As human beings, we are energy inside our bodies. We can feel that force within us. The universal power flows through each of us and everything in the Universe. That is why you are a unique part of me I may not know yet.
We are all connected; to each other biologically. To the Earth, chemically. To the rest of the Universe atomically. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson
Although humanity at large has become more concerned about the egoic self, we are still interconnected. The rise of the ego because of materialism and competition has caused us to believe that we’re separate from one another.
Through our individualism, we have had a significant expansion in creativity, innovation, and progress. Still, it has eroded our connection to one another and the planet. This disconnection has caused an increase in apathy for others and their endeavors as we focus on ourselves.
I’m not saying that we don’t need our alone time, because we do. Self-care is an integral part of our authenticity. But the notion we don’t need others is a lie of the ego. The egoic mind wants to keep us safe, and it assumes that people have ulterior motives and, therefore, cannot be trusted. But this idea isn’t necessarily accurate. We have to get to know one another to build a tribe of like-minded individuals to thrive.
Only through connection can we give and receive love. Our relationship with others allows the love we all seek to enter our lives. Through this connectedness, we share our lives, share ourselves, and know that we aren’t alone.
Mankind is connected in ways it does not understand. Mitch Albom
So let’s look at what genuine connection with another is. When we are with others, we can tell if there is a connection. We sense if there is a bond of commonality or a feeling of oneness. As humans, we desire this feeling, this connection.
But for us to sense a link, we have to be open. We have to be willing to expose our true nature to another. We must be authentic to connect with others.
And this is where the ego jumps in and interferes with the process. So, the interdependence that exists in nature doesn’t thrive among humanity. The egoic mind instills fear into us, and we don’t connect with ourselves, others, or nature.
We need to see the similarities of those we meet and unlearn this false belief that the ego’s fearful tactics taught us. We do this by moving out of our isolation and making new connections that help our collective communities.
In doing so, we allow the energetic flow of a positive force to move through our community and us because we allow the connection to harmonize our energies. This harmonization allows us to treat one another with love instead of fear.
I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. ― Brené Brown
The Universe builds all of us the same. Every human has matching internal organs, requires nourishment, and lives a similar life cycle. We are all on a comparable adventure we call life. Yes, there are differences between us, but from a universal perspective, they don’t matter and should be accepted.
Genetically we have more in common than our differences. We are 99.9% genetically identical to every other person on the planet. So we base the differences we see on only a 0.1%, a statistically benign amount.
As human beings, we all share universal feelings. Our emotional lives tend to rule how we live, but we all understand happiness, anger, love, and fear. How we as individuals choose to express them depends on our social upbringing as well as our cultural background.
We all share this planet as our home. Each of us needs Mother Earth to provide us with clean air, nourishing foods from the soil, and fresh drinking water to sustain us. So far, She has done so. We receive all our needs. We are one human species, a global family, each responsible for caring for our home planet.
Our ability to connect with others is innate, wired into our nervous systems, and we need connection as much as we need physical nourishment. ~ Sharon Salzberg
Anything we do affects others. We aren’t solitary beings who can live without influencing others. The choice we make today impacts us and our families, friends, and our communities. We are linked to one another no matter how isolated our egoic minds try to convince us otherwise. This connectedness gives our lives meaning, gives us love, and allows us to grow.
Once we see the ties we have to another, we hold tight to them. Humans attach to things and people. This attachment can lead to suffering, but it can also lead to love and friendship. The ties become stronger when we share a similar story, as stories bond us to one another.
Our connections to others actually enhance ourselves. And as we improve ourselves, we can help others grow and expand their own experiences. This service to others enhances our connectedness to another.
Everything you do has an impact. Who you are–that you are–actually matters. In an interconnected world (the only kind we have), our actions and the actions of others are inextricably linked- we are always and forever in a dance of mutual influence with those with whom we directly and indirectly participate. It is the unavoidable reality of being social creatures, only magnified by an ever-increasingly complex and interwoven societal structure. We matter to each other. ~ Paul Grenier
We think because of the internet, we are more connected, but the opposite is true. At best, social media is a superficial bond that easily is broken by “unfriending” someone. These weak ties give the egoic mind the idea that we have connections, but this is false.
To have a meaningful relationship with someone, we must have personal interactions, not engaging in social media commentary. Individuals with strong ties to their communities bond with those they share with their town. Communities with tight bonds with the people fare better in times of adversity than those that don’t have similar bonds.
We can see these communal bonds at work in times of disaster. But we should see them more because our connection to our home towns has a direct bearing on our daily lives. Where we work, shop and worship should matter to us. We should desire that we feel a connection to these people and places we visit regularly.
When we reach out and bond with our co-workers, cashiers, and fellow worshipers, we expand our communal ties. None of us are perfect, and we know this, yet we allow the ego to put up barriers. Instead, let’s help one another feel welcome and essential to the community at large.
Connection and connectedness are other words for community and communion. Parker J. Palmer
First, we must connect to our authentic selves—that whisper of our hearts. We need to get silent to hear our soul voice speaking to us. By connecting with our natural state, we allow the magic of flow to enter our lives. This bond enables us to grow and expand. Once we connect with our true selves, we automatically see the bond with nature and with others.
The next connection we need to have is with Mother Nature. All of us need to understand and respect the environment. We only have this world, and we must take care of Earth and all the interconnected creatures that share the planet with us. Nature has time and time again, showing us how it’s all interconnected. When one aspect is out of balance, the planet suffers.
Connecting with people is as simple as showing respect for one another. Being kind to those you meet isn’t difficult and shows respect for them. Listen to the person who’s speaking. Smile at the person who’s passing you. Share a joke or other humorous story to allow laughter in, which enables us to relate.
Connecting isn’t tricky, but it takes effort on our parts because it has to be initiated. Why not let us be that special someone that reaches out to another?
Relationships are all there is. Everything in the Universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone. ~ Margaret J. Wheatley
Through our bonds, we can transcend conflicts. When we see our similarities, when we recognize ourselves in another, we see our disagreements’ futileness. We can choose to rise above the egoic fear and see that we are one. That our adversaries are merely a part of us, we haven’t gotten to know.
The ties that bind us to another are what allow the flow of love. We cannot love in isolation. Humans need touch, communication, and meaning in our lives. Through connection, we share our humanity with another. But we cannot have any of these if we isolate ourselves. All these human needs come only through connection with others. If we are lonely or feeling unloved, it’s because we choose to disconnect ourselves from the love that surrounds us. Through forgiveness of others and ourselves, we can reconnect with others.
We meet all our biological needs through connection with Mother Nature. We are inseparable from our environment. Without it, we cannot survive. The interconnectedness of humanity to the Earth is inseparable, despite the fact that many ignore it. The dependence humanity has on the planet is undeniable.
It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly. ― Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our natural state with the world is one of connection. We are all connected to one another. And oneness means that we are never alone, despite what the egoic mind says. The problem we have is that we believe the ego’s lies, that something separates us from everything. Our consciousness was one with the Universe, and as we recognize our connectedness, we allow the duality to slip away and oneness to take hold. Together we can overcome our conflicts because we have more similarities than we have differences. When we do, when we live from a place of oneness, we allow peace and love to be how we respond to others.
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us, “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion, to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein
As we become more conscious of how we are all connected, we allow ourselves to replace duality with oneness and live a more peaceful and loving life.
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