Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
What a wonderful experience working with Terri! Truly, none of us have control in many factors that play into our lives—but what’s interesting about Terri and her program — instead of just telling people to reject the negative (which we all know is impossible in the real world), she teaches how to process issues and monitor reactivity and emotion. It’s life-changing!
Before I started working with her – I was tired, frustrated, and only focusing on negativity and the past. It was an endless cycle—I felt bad, so I gave off bad feelings to others, and that brought even more negativity into my life. The spiral was never-ending—until I reached out for help.
After working with Terri-I feel energized/eager to start my day in a more disciplined and thoughtful fashion. Now, I can’t wait to bring sunshine into other’s lives because I know that doing this not only lifts up the people around me, but it brings in the sunshine into my life as well.
A 180 on my life was long overdue- and now that I have it–I wish to never go backwards. She can equip you with so many tools to prevent a backwards slide as well, and that is invaluable! Her approach is a fantastic way to be geared, prepared, and ready for the day today.
Thank you, Terri, for all the fantastic information, insight, podcasts, time, emails of encouragement, and warrior messages! You changed my life, thank you!
-Karen R, MN
“Terri came into my life at just the right moment (which surprised me more than it surprised her, of course). I was not open to new friends or help in any way, having arrived at a life crossroad against my will, but Terri’s matter-of-fact approach helped me trust her.
By diligent questions and patient listening, she helps me devise a set of goals to set me on the course I long to travel: creative expression. And then she calmly challenges me to meet the goals, without judgment or recrimination, whenever I make the proverbial “two steps back”.
Terri is not afraid to ask the uncomfortable question when it is necessary, but with compassion and understanding, she always communicates clearly that she has my best interest at heart. She cheers me on when I make the steps that lead to progress. Terri dialogs with me to come up with ideas when I need to make adjustments. She openly shares her own journey in the delightful back-and-forth of our conversations.
I am thankful for her touch in my life, and the barriers I have gotten past with her mentoring hand. “
~ Denise S, GA
Terri is an amazing facilitator, coach and creative. I took “The Artist’s Way” class with her and it was among the best of my learning experiences! She gave 100% as an instructor. She motivated, guided and inspired me. Her wisdom and serious insight are among her gifts that make her an excellent teacher and coach. I was gladly accountable with my lessons and I joyfully embarked on a path to living creatively! I’d definitely take another class from her!
~Wanda B, GA
I met Terri in our Soul Coaching class last spring 2018 in Woodstock, GA before I moved.
I was impressed with her stance on life and how she knew what she wanted to do…..which is teaching, inspiring, and helping others to grow past their fears.
When she called me last summer and asked if I would like to join her Artist’s Way class in the fall I said ‘Yes!’ Even though the rest of the class was in GA and I’m in Portland, OR, Terri arranged our class through a group email once a week. It worked great and I learned so much from her during our group sessions and our one on ones as well.
At the end of our class she mailed each of us a box with special gifts just for us. She taught us but, most importantly, she listened to us and each gift was proof of that.
Terri is more than a teacher to me she’s become one of my best friends.
~Chris G, OR
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