Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Can we achieve unity with the World? Is there a chance for peace, or is humanity too polarized? Some international leaders, maybe because the alternatives are too horrific to consider, speak confidently of world peace as a goal that can be attained.
President Truman signed the UN Charter in a low-key ceremony on August 8, only hours after the bombing of Nagasaki, the first and only instance of nuclear weapons being used in combat. This helped usher in what was a new era of international collaboration.
The cooperation that the UN Charter envisioned now appears more difficult than ever after a worldwide pandemic. Growing geopolitical conflict, the dissolution of international unity, to the degree that it ever existed, and the widening of already-existing ethnic and economic disparities and armed conflicts plaguing the world today.
History shows that prejudice and rivalry have long prevented any possibility of unification, and religion has frequently done more to stoke rather than put out the flames of strife. As many know, anything that divides people can spawn hostility, and religion is one of the strongest dividers. It’s clear that some people conduct horrific things because of their religion.
Is there any chance that the world will ever unite? Sure, however, religions created by humans are not the wellspring of universal unity. They can help change perception.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ~ Helen Keller
The world’s never-ending assault of suffering and strife makes it simple to become overwhelmed. But how did this happen? Perhaps you think God made a wonderful and united world, but if so, how come there is so much suffering and division?
In the Judeo-Christian religions, you see things start out hopeful at the beginning of the Bible. God makes the earth wonderful and gives it life. He creates individuals and deliberately plans for them to have relationships with Him and one another. Everything appears to be building toward a joyful conclusion and unity.
Adam and Eve, the first humans, rebelled against God because they were tempted to gain knowledge and power on their own terms. They cause the world to become shattered and damage their relationship with God. Regretfully, neither of their offspring does better. Cain kills his brother out of jealousy and follows through on the first murder.
The remaining books of the Bible tell the tale of the fractured world and God’s strategy to mend it and bring His people back together, a reunification process. However, people repeatedly find methods to incite conflict or endure suffering because of the decisions made by others and themselves. Racism and cultural separation are natural. Humans are still challenging one another, destroying relationships, and escalating conflicts.
The significance which is in unity is an eternal wonder. ~Rabindranath Tagore
Fear or hate are not innate traits of any human being. When you are domesticated as children, you pick up both characteristics. You not assessing or challenging the ideas others have instilled in you as children causes these egoic behaviors to become automatic.
The source of division comes from the egoic mind. It thinks it’s distinct from others and separate. This is a lie the ego tells you to prevent you from being wounded or from building the life you want. These conflicts emerge from outdated ideologies that your egos cling to, even when they are harmful.
Thus, the ego likes to argue when you get together with others who hold different beliefs than you or whose life experiences have led them to hold a different opinion than yours. It seeks to support your argument and prove you’re correct and they are incorrect. The ego seeks to condemn, humiliate, and place blame on others for having a different thought process than you.
Your thoughts are merely the concepts, beliefs, and ideas that your egoic mind conjures up in response to your surroundings. It doesn’t prove that someone else is incorrect or that your way of thinking is the best one.
The capacity to differ without coming across as disagreeable is the hallmark of unity. To achieve this effect, listen to the other person intending to comprehend their point of view. To understand someone is to be open to seeing from their perspective without having to agree with them.
Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. ~ Mattie Stepanek
You can’t watch TV or browse social media without encountering some sort of disagreement or dispute. Political strife, racism, and injustice, that split people apart, are pervasive in the culture. Unfortunately, amid all this turmoil, individuals rarely treat others who differ from them with respect and decency.
Is unity conceivable in a world like this, where people have so many diverse origins and viewpoints? Is it possible to disagree with someone and still feel at ease in their presence?
Humanity lives in a dualistic universe where notions such as good and evil, peace and conflict, and black and white are opposites. The mind constructed this dualism to create order in the universe. It’s an illusion that generates separateness, while the soul knows that everything is one. I’m talking about the unity and fearlessness that come from having a connection to Source.
It’s difficult to imagine because the mind has to compare something it doesn’t understand to something it’s already experienced. This creates duality. The mind uses this contrast to organize the world and form associations. It’s just is, like many other traits of the ego; it’s neither good nor evil.
This world-ordering is taken a step further by the ego, which is detrimental to the soul. The ego isolates itself from everything because it thinks it’s special. Because of its uniqueness, it chooses a side in a cause rather than considering the big picture.
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. ~ Rudyard Kipling
The goal of the egoic mind is to isolate you from other people. The ego encourages you to reject someone who disagrees with your beliefs and avoid forming a relationship with them. However, diversity is what your soul desires because it wants you to be exposed to different viewpoints. The idea that everyone in your tribe should be the same as you is a lie of the ego.
Another idea the ego lies about is that the people you meet stay in your life forever. This might have been the case when your basic survival depended on each other. People are, however, far more mobile. Which means the people in your tribe will come and go. As you tenderly tend to your connections, you, too, need to be adaptable. The sense of unity endures because it is ageless.
The ego makes several inaccurate assumptions about how members of your community will treat you. It doesn’t imply you won’t experience occasional hurt feelings, though. Or that differences of opinion won’t occur. Rather, it suggests you can accept disagreements in a healthy and responsible way. Why? Because despite the dissimilarity, you have comparable values and are consciously choosing to respond with love. Being correct is not as important to you as the relationship.
The best way to predict the future is to create it together. ~ Joe Echevarria
You must let go of the past and stop worrying about the future in order to transcend the dualistic universe. You can sense other people’s unity when you are in the moment. But you can only escape the dualistic reality of the ego in the present moment.
There is no beginning or end to a time when you’re in unity with others. Now is the only moment. Because unity is the entire experience, time can appear to stand still or to speed by when your attention is focused on the present. This is because of the experience’s timeless quality.
A wonderful, peaceful sensation emerges from deep inside you when you get past the dualistic reality and welcome the oneness into your existence. Silence, unity, and unconditional love are the true foundations of peace. You can reach what some consider to be an unreachable destination, but unity can only be attained by being aware of the oneness of humanity.
Only in the present moment can there be peace. You must be living true to yourself if you want unity to enter your life. It demands the stillness of the egoic mind. Since experiencing oneness includes these aspects as well, tranquility originates from your relationship with Source.
Ultimately, having harmony with the world helps us to love people without conditions. In order to transmit the serenity you experience with the outside world, your inner selves, or souls, yearn to form sincere, loving connections with other people.
United, we will achieve lasting change, peace through strength, and prosperity like never before. ~ A.E. Karpovich
Your heart can respond to situations with love when you take the egoic mind out of the picture. When there is conflict, the ego responds with violence, retribution, and drama. It acts in this way out of self-doubt, suspicion of the other person, and a self-centered drive to come first. You resolve nothing by wanting an eye for an eye.
When there is disagreement, you learn that there are people who think differently than you do. Whether you will damage or improve your relationship with them depends on how you approach the conflict. You can learn more about the topic because of your conversation to rectify the situation. Then you experience a shift in your knowledge and develop greater empathy for the other person.
You have an obligation to treat people with respect throughout difficult talks. Therefore, you must have faith that they also want to find a solution that benefits all sides. Miracles happen when you approach others with love.
You invite the soul to suggest ways for peace to arise when you respond to disagreements with love. It makes you more receptive to friendship, acceptance, and forgiveness. And when you intentionally decide to tackle disagreements with love, everyone involved benefits and grows.
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
There is an awakening occurring in the world. A revolutionary shift in human history: the gradual assimilation of people into a global consciousness. There is less conflict, compulsion, and competitiveness when people practice mindfulness and see themselves as supporting all of humanity. When more people awaken, there is cooperation and a natural awareness of each other’s needs.
What part do you play? You must be in tune with the individuals you interact with daily if you want to increase the unity in your life. These folks are being influenced by you to live a more harmonious lifestyle. There is a ripple effect. See, your actions impact society. You have been empowered. It gives you the ability to start changing where you are.
There is beauty and power in unity. We must be united in heart and mind. One world, one people. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Do you need help to shed the duality of the egoic mind? Are you looking for a way to create more unity in your life? Do you need someone to help you be accountable during this process? If so, please reach out to me at TerriKozlowski.com and we can create a plan for you to create inner peace.
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