Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
Transparency was once a term that mostly related to visibility. The meaning of transparent is always changing, in large part due to the dominance of the media in society. The word transparency may seem straightforward, but it’s anything but simple. Its extraordinary power resides in its capacity to reveal intentions, feelings, and facts. In other words, accepting your authenticity.
Imagine living in a society where openness was valued and encouraged in all contexts and on all levels. What if identities and facades were relics from a bygone era? I believe there would be several benefits to such an idea. Both vulnerability and a greater degree of trust would most likely be present.
Would it not make people happy to see others for who they truly are? Would the unvarnished truth become excessive? How lovely is it to have everyone being authentically themselves, without apology, in an environment devoid of agendas and judgment? Not always. As the digital revolution continues, people’s power over what they do and don’t want others to know is eroding, which frequently causes a conflict between the principles of privacy and transparency.
In this bright new world, secrets are becoming antiquated. People are more willing to provide information when they are looking for it. When applied properly, the idea of openness has shown to be quite advantageous for business owners. Those who use social media and openness early on are gaining a competitive advantage over their rivals in a weakening yet fiercely competitive economy.
A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity. ~ Dalai Lama
The advantages of transparency for business are abundantly evident. How do you feel about transparency concerning uniqueness? Envision a society in which candor and transparency are valued without criticism or examination. The truth is that there will never be global transparency. The good news is that everyone can choose whether or not to be transparent. A few platforms that have been instrumental in making it feasible are social media and reality programs.
Individual transparency is rarely addressed or acknowledged. How does one become an owner of their transparency? What would be the number one on a scale of one to five representing your level of transparency? Although being truly authentic with others might be difficult for many, even with ourselves it can often be just as difficult. “What do I have to gain from becoming more transparent on a personal level?” one may wonder. Indeed, there are five wonderful advantages to personal transparency.
Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity. ~ Janet Louise Stephenson
You immediately have a higher chance of following through on your promises when you learn to be more honest with both yourself and other people. Your commitment to matching your words and deeds increases, which can be very helpful when it comes to establishing and accomplishing goals.
When you exhibit positive conduct, other people will frequently copy it, whether on purpose or not. Say, for instance, you wished your partner could listen better; it could be helpful if you could listen well yourself. The same goes for transparency; it could be beneficial to be more transparent if you wish to surround yourself with more transparent people. That does not imply you have to tell everyone you meet your darkest secrets. It simply implies that sharing a little more of who you are or peeling back a few layers could inspire others to follow suit. Authenticity is typically fostered by transparency.
Being completely honest with yourself can help you accept who you are, recognize your shortcomings, and build on your strengths. It can also help you become more confident and emotionally intelligent.
You may overcome your constraints and anxieties by expressing your true emotions. What the ego has been seeking out there in the world, it will never find. The love and acceptance it looks for must be found within, where it’s always been. The ego is fearful of rejection, but the heart is always accepting. For you to accept yourself, you have to stop being something you aren’t and allow your authentic self to emerge. You have to be honest with yourself and trust your instincts. That gut reaction is your soul speaking to you. Learn to listen.
Studies have shown that those who are most liked are also the most authentic to themselves. Although it may require some courage and effort, transparency may have a significant influence. The truth is, even while people might not always agree with what you say or do, in the end, those same people might appreciate you more for having the guts to be who you are.
Eyes so transparent that through them the soul is seen. ~ Theophile Gautier
Frequently you come across folks in your daily life who strike you as being quite authentic. They appear this way because they are genuine and aren’t trying to hide who they are. Becoming transparent may indeed come off as unsettling, frightening, or even unwelcome. But in actuality, it’s a lovely thing, and the sincerest people are frequently those with transparent dispositions.
Others don’t need to wonder about your identity or motivations. That’s because they already know who you are. They can see straight through you, whether you let them or not. This provides you with a great deal of respectability and builds your trustworthiness. That is such a wonderful thing.
People don’t need to ponder over your true identity. You eliminate any uncertainty from it. Nobody has any reason to think, “Is this person really who they say they are?” You are sincere, true, and you mean what you say, and they can tell it nearly right away. This enhances your legitimacy and allows others to relate to you easily.
People look up to you, sometimes right away, since they can see you for who you truly are. Not everyone can be totally honest about who they are, and not everyone has a transparent personality, but here are ways you can increase your transparency with others.
You’ve got to be truthful. I don’t think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you’ve got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it. ~ Howard Schultz.
Decide what you stand for, what you enjoy, dislike, and your objectives. Additionally, keep in mind that people can change, so some of these things might vary with time. Your basic principles and views, however, will largely not be altered by life’s changing circumstances.
People who are close to you may become confused if you seem unsure of yourself or if you vacillate on topics. In life, it’s crucial to maintain consistency in everything. It keeps you moving forward and aids in your accomplishments. Many people struggle with being consistent. However, there are a few simple techniques that can improve your consistency, output, and effectiveness. Simply changing your mentality and forming good habits will do the trick.
Make sure you follow through on promises you make to someone, whether it be to call, hang out, or do anything else. Be as truthful as you can when you say you can’t do something, rather than inventing a lie or an explanation. People will regard you less the more erratic you are, and once more, their trust will begin to erode, but they will respect your boundaries when you are consistent.
Nothing compares to vulnerability. It’s simultaneously incredibly terrifying and strong. Sharing both the good and the ugly fosters interpersonal relationships, trust, and occasionally even kind openings. Take responsibility for your errors and places for growth; this also demonstrates a certain amount of maturity. People understand that life isn’t flawless, therefore keeping your faults and hardships to yourself is condescending to others around you. It’ll become more difficult to let go of these things and, even if you want, to reach out, the more you cling to them.
Trust, honesty, humility, transparency, and accountability are the building blocks of a positive reputation. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. ~ Mike Paul
Being transparent gives you a great deal of bravery. It’s not always simple to be authentic. It exposes you to possible hurt, betrayal, and suffering. It makes you braver than most in that sense.
Rather than withdrawing, nursing your wounds, and erecting barriers, you make use of your past experiences to further anchor yourself, sharpen your edge, and intensify your actions. You display your wounds for others to see and grow from your experiences. Some people are not as fearless as you.
Having an open personality has its advantages and disadvantages. It requires courage, fortitude, and fearlessness to be open and vulnerable with everyone you encounter. But the payoff is well worth the effort.
Nothing compares to accepting who you are, putting your heart on your sleeve, and allowing the world to see you for who you are, no holding back.
A successful life is an authentic life. Happiness and creativity rest on a foundation of transparency to yourself and others. Knowing your own heart and speaking clearly to others keep you on the path. ~ Gay Hendricks
Do you need help to be more authentic with others? Are you looking for a way to be more transparent with yourself? Do you need someone to help you be accountable during this process? If so, please reach out to me at TerriKozlowski.com and we can create a plan for you to be transparent and your true self all the time.
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