Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
How do you feel about your life? Do you feel your energy level is good? Are you stepping outside your comfort zone regularly? Do you pursue adventurous activities and attempt new things? Or are you bored? Maybe you feel stuck in your routine instead of feeling like life is moving forward positively. Is there any spontaneity in your life?
I’m not referring to being impulsive. Impulsiveness is reacting with a lack of foresight. The actions taken are ill-conceived, hastily expressed, excessively risky or inappropriate, and result in unfavorable outcomes.
Spontaneity is considering any potential ramifications for others or yourself. You examine your schedule or to-do list before deciding to determine if there is anything else that needs to take precedence. A spontaneous decision involves some forethought about the outcome.
When you allow some spontaneity into your life, it adds variety and improves your overall well-being. Why? Because the experiences are empowering and make you feel in control. They also excite you, which makes you feel alive. These feelings allow change to occur without fear.
Feeling fulfilled is living an exciting life. You want to get your day started with enthusiasm and ambition. Looking forward to what the day may hold: new friends, growth, knowledge, miracles, or magic.
Being open to spontaneous events and giving yourself time to think about things rather than hurrying from one activity to the next can be quite good for your mental health.
Be spontaneous, be creative, go out and have fun, and let things happen naturally. ~ Conor McGregor
Guess where true creativity comes from? It rises from moments of alignment with Spirit, which are usually spontaneous, not planned. The more novel experiences you have, the easier it becomes to have free association and problem solve.
Feeling surprised by the positive experience is very relaxing. It taps into the sense of awe and wonder and curiosity about life. It allows the egoic mind to connect with feeling trust, love, and joy. This permits your body to produce happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which enable you to feel the richness of life.
You regain childlike feelings, use your imagination, and remember that life is fun when it’s mysterious. These newfound emotions allow you to explore the world as you did as a kid, instead of doing all the things you feel you should do because you’re an adult.
I’m not saying you aren’t to be responsibly living life. But stop expecting your life to be boring and routine. Don’t move through life on auto-pilot. Stop reacting to what others want you to do and instead break out of the cycle of non-growth and try new things. Be adventurous. No longer deny yourself a life of spontaneity and fulfillment.
Instead, become fully present in every situation. And consciously make choices and take bold action based on growth, new experiences, and overall well-being. To enjoy life doesn’t mean you have to plan everything, be flexible. Allow the energy of life to take the lead and be spontaneous.
Spontaneity is the best kind of adventure. ~ Dimz Media
You must abandon mindless routines and concrete plans to be spontaneous. It essentially means letting go of all the fears that are currently preventing you from truly experiencing life. Living spontaneously entails continually foregoing convenience and comfort in favor of unpredictability and excitement.
To live spontaneously, you must have a deep belief that everything is possible. You simply have to trust the process and go with the flow of life without doubting yourself. You are consciously allowing deviations and happenstances to come into your life.
Here are ten ways to allow more spontaneity into your daily life.
What patterns of behavior do you exhibit? Consider your social contacts, the places you frequent, the food you consume, the activities you do, the decisions you make, the habits and patterns you follow regularly, and so on. The goal here is to find patterns that can anticipate what you essentially do every day. And if you are stuck, ask individuals who know you well how they see you and the patterns they undoubtedly find in your conduct. This will assist you in assessing your existing reality and how it is manifesting in your life. Now consider how you want to live your life so you can alter your routine to allow for spontaneity.
Spontaneity is the moment of personal freedom. When we face reality and see it, explore it, and act accordingly. In this reality, the bits and pieces of ourselves function as an organic whole. It is the time of discovery, experiencing, of creative expression. ~ Viola Spolin
Although you know how slipping into a fixed routine might limit your ability to have a spontaneous life, as well as the significance of asking people if you’re chronically predictable or not, being self-aware of your routine is also beneficial. If you lack spontaneity, merely examining your daily actions over the last week or month can reveal repeated patterns you may be unaware of while living them. This is a foundational step toward living life with more spontaneity.
To be spontaneous means not to act out of the past, because out of the past is all cunningness, cleverness, calculation, and arithmetic. ~ Rajneesh
Remove time-wasting actions such as gossip, surfing the net, scrolling through social media, mindlessly watching television, video game playing, and so on. These types of activities that are done mindlessly do not allow for spontaneity or feelings of fulfillment. These time-consuming pursuits bring short-term satisfaction but do not deliver the long-term fulfillment required to be truly happy. They deprive you of the option to live your life fully, happily, and without regrets.
The best thing about life is spontaneous, because then they are sincere. ~ Effie Adelaide Rowlands
I’m a planner, but I leave unscheduled time on my calendar to allow for magic or something spontaneous. See, you need to remove some barriers to allow the synchronicities and unexpected moments to arise. And when this moment occurs, ask yourself what you want to do and enjoy the time.
If the mind is calm, your spontaneity and honest thoughts appear. You become more spontaneous. ~ Chade Meng Tan
As a planner, I can get annoyed if circumstances alter my plans. But I’ve learned to not struggle against the flow of the Universe. Instead, if something comes up, that means what I planned for that day won’t occur. I believe the Universe will make the most of the new situation and anything that has a deadline will still be completed because I stayed inflow with Spirit. So accept that unexpected invitation or the fleeting idea of trying something new.
Being spontaneous often means not letting your rational mind say ‘no’ to your desires. ~ Conrad Spainhower
What stops spontaneity is the over-rational egoic mind. Your routine and habits are how you keep the ego at bay because it likes the same predictable patterns to occur. It likes you to be on autopilot. But to be spontaneous means you are following your heart. Listening to your gut. You know, reconnecting with your soulful self and taking bold action. When you follow your heart and not the egoic voice, you open yourself to living fully and passionately.
Be spontaneous, be truthful, be free, and thus be individuals! ~ Lydia M. Child
We all have a natural predisposition as kids to be interested and receptive to investigating the world. Most people lose some, if not all, of their curiosity as they age and find their place in life. To be spontaneous, you must possess the curiosity and open mind required to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Otherwise, you’ll carelessly continue with your daily routine, missing out on all the thrills life offers.
We learn to be spontaneous and free as we grow in self-awareness and self-esteem. ~ Melody Beattie
Consider the places where you spend a lot of time, such as the gym, grocery store, or public transportation. There are probably some folks with whom you’ve come into contact a hundred times, maybe even exchanged a friendly nod but never spoken to. Now is the time to speak up and get to know them. Make a spontaneous, authentic connection with those people who are familiar.
Spontaneity is being present in the present. ~ Wei Wu Wei
Connecting with spontaneous and adventurous people regularly is one of the optimum ways to get into the habit of living spontaneously. Make friends with folks who are upbeat and bold. Keep in touch with them and see where life leads you. You can even join groups in your region where people get together to talk about interesting topics, go on hikes and try new things. The more you hang out with folks like this, the more at ease you’ll feel with experiencing life more spontaneously.
When we live a spontaneous life, we may find that life unfolds beautifully. When we’re not attached to anything, how could it not? ~ Puff Dr. Robert
Life is supposed to be enjoyable. It’s not intended to be serious or boring. However, most individuals prefer to live their lives in this manner. One of the best ways to make life more fascinating and enjoyable is to try new ways of doing things. Experiment with how you play, how you work, how you socialize, and how you do things. Through this experimentation, you’ll discover more about your authentic self, those things that light you up and inspire you to move in an unexpected direction. Your authenticity thrives on living life spontaneously.
Spontaneity is a gateway through which your purpose can emerge—a moment of relaxation when the truth will show itself. ~ Srini Pillay
So, to be more spontaneous means you are saying yes to life more often than you say no. Yes to trying new food, places, and interests. Yes to speaking to new people and proactively responding to opportunities that arise. If you continually say no to life, then you’re stuck in the cycles that are predictable, boring, and unfulfilling.
The key to being in the energy’s flow of life is to step into the unknown and act on your instincts–to push yourself in new directions that will lead to your continued growth and development as a person which provides you with a deep sense of fulfillment.
The goal is to expand yourself to move outside of your comfort zone. As you get more comfortable moving into the unknown, you gain confidence and trust in following your heart. Why? Because when you are spontaneous, you’re not allowing the egoic mind to enumerate the fears it has concerning the actions you are taking. Instead, you should just take the plunge and deal with whatever comes your way in the moment, which is frequently not as scary as you had imagined.
Spontaneous creativity arises from being fully conscious and living connected to the source, the inner refuge. ~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
As you become more conscious of spontaneous opportunities, you can use them to transform your life.
Do you need help reviewing your routine and eliminating time wasters? Are you looking for support to become your authentic self? Do you want a strategy to help you create an extraordinary life? If so, please get in touch with me, and we can put together an action plan for you to be more spontaneous and build the life of your dreams.
To learn about how I became more spontaneous in my life, you can do so by reading my book, Raven Transcending Fear, available on Amazon or you can go to RavenTranscendingFear.com for more information.
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