Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
The famed poet, Rumi, asks us, “When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” However, we choose to answer this question is based on whether we are listening to our soul. Daily our soul longs for us to hear it. Those gut feelings, the whisper of encouragement as you try something you haven’t done before. They are the ways your soul communicates with you. Your soul’s ultimate desire is to have you expand and become your authentic self. The journey is the reason we are here.
Children know the truth of who they are and what their purpose is. But the adults in their lives influence them, and they begin to forget who they really are. So the first whispers of the soul help us remember who we are, a spiritual being.
Then we need to connect to Spirit. It’s your destiny. We all take this journey in some form. If our family raises us with a specific religious belief, it exposes us to the Divine from a young age. Being aware of a particular religion doesn’t mean we have faith or that we understand what the truth is for us. That’s the journey the soul wants to take you on, and your soul is the only one who can lead you. The soul wants you to take.
What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs. ~ Rumi
The placebo effect is a clear scientific example of how the mind has a significant influence on the health of your body. Everything is made of energy, and our brain uses thoughts as its source of energy. In the revolutionary book, Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton, discusses how the subconscious programming from our childhood is an automatic reaction our ego uses to move through life. But for us to overwrite this software, we have to become aware of our responses.
The soul is always trying to communicate with you. For years I choose not to listen to what my gut was telling me, so my soul forced the issue. It did this by physically upsetting my stomach, which led to ulcers. When I still didn’t pay attention, I started to have panic attacks, which also led to pleurisy, which is when there is swelling of the tissue that separates the lungs. I was stubborn and still dismissed the soul’s message, so my appendix ruptured, which led to peritonitis. This life-threatening ailment forced me to stop and listen to the cries of my soul.
Only five percent of disease is genetic. The rest is how we live, our lifestyle. So, if you don’t pay attention to the whispers of the soul, what is your body telling you? To recognize the soul’s communication, we have to get quiet and sit with ourselves. In the silence, we find the truth that the soul is trying to speak to us.
You experience your soul each time you sense yourself as more than a mind and body, your life as meaningful, or you feel that you have gifts to give and you long to give them. ~ Gary Zukav
The voice of others can play through our minds for decades if we don’t recognize they are there. These are the old tapes of things said by our parents, family, friends, the bullies from high school, and teachers. Their opinions and thoughts about us and our choices and worthiness. They unwittingly programmed us to feel that we have to live up to their expectations, and we allow them to maintain this power over us. We need to turn these tapes off and consciously change who influences us, if anyone. We need the courage to live the life the soul desires.
The egoic voice is the one that puts duality into our world and disconnects us from others. The ego allows hierarchies of love and acceptance when the heart clearly states there is none because it needs to be above everything. This selfishness comes from a place of fear, which is the constant state the ego wants us in because it cares how we look to others. It fights to be in control, but this fearful state is an illusion, which we can overcome when we look at the circumstances with the eyes of love. The Divine, which is pure love, connects directly to the soul, and it has no fear.
The soul’s voice is who you really are. It’s the energy present before you were born in this physical body. And it’s the energy that will go on when the body dies. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed. Therefore, your soul has been and always will be. It’s your pure essence. Your authenticity is found in your soul. It always tells you the truth lovingly. Its desire is for you to grow and expand from the situations that life presents, lessons for us to learn.
As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. ~ Rumi
Growth is about developing, progression, advancement, and evolution. The lessons we learn and apply to our life are how the soul grows. It’s also about recognizing that the self still exists without the body. It’s realizing the belief systems they programmed us with and the need to reevaluate them regularly to see if they still apply to who we authentically are. We develop, and our soul learns the lessons it was here to gain.
Some of these teachings are about how to connect with others in loving ways. Or valuing the differences and accepting ourselves and one another as we are. We are learning how to understand our egoic minds and overcoming living in fear. Another example is developing ways to communicate with Spirit and understanding the messages. For us to know that we have learned the lesson, we have to be tested.
Testing implies struggle and the potential to fail. Growth also involves pain because sometimes the only way we learn is through a painful process. Since growth is about gaining knowledge and applying, it doesn’t encompass the soul’s desire to expand. To be authentic, it requires a transformation.
When truthful knowledge is dispensed, soul growth is accomplished every time, for all parties involved in every situation. ~ Molly Friedenfeld
Expansion is about increasing, extending, enlarging, amplification, spreading out, and opening up. It’s a sudden awareness of truth, an Aha moment. The epiphanies we have in life are transformational. But to experience these life-altering flashes, we can’t be doing all the time. It’s about being.
You being more of who you authentically are is how your soul expands. It’s about letting your magic to flow through your Spirit into the world around you. It’s a creative process. Expansion of the soul is having the mind accept what is and allow what’s coming with ease, without attachments.
The soul wants to have fun. Creativity is a fun process. When we are in the zone, creating something that never existed through our being is the soul’s desire. This way differs significantly from learning, applying, and testing. We aren’t trying to master something or validate ourselves. We are just discovering the magic of our authentic selves by creating through an exhilarating and enjoyable process.
When you are in a flow state, you can feel the energy. That’s what is meant by the spark of creativity. It’s the movement of energy flowing from Spirit through you as you co-create and expand your soul to be one with the Universe. This transformation is the ultimate conversion from the egoic self to the authentic self.
We are here to become transcendent and to become one with God. There is no more to life than this. In other words, we are here to love. ~ Sara Wiseman
The easiest way to enable soul expansion is to spend time in nature. Being in the outdoors and listening to the music of wildlife is a fantastic experience. I’ve been starting my days by spending the time it takes to drink my tea out on my deck. I have been buzzed by a hummingbird, watched squirrels scamper in the trees, and witnessed two fawns grow. The morning songs of the cardinals, caws of the crows, and the hoots of the owls lifts my soul to enlightening places. Try it; you’ll love it.
Do random acts of kindness. Reach out and reconnect with someone from your past, someone who means something to you. Or embrace the new people that come into your life. By being open with strangers, we allow our hearts to flow and accept others from a place of love.
Joy is a universal language that leads us to speak lovingly. Share your delight by doing fun things with others. Dance, sing, cook together. Through this time of play, laughter, and joy, we bond with one another. We embrace the memories, and it expands who we are and multiplies the joyfulness all around us. It causes new friendships to blossom and allows us to remain close to friends and family.
You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you; none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. ~ Swami Vivekananda
In the book A New Earth, Eckart Tolle describes how this planet will look when we all transform from the egoic nature to that of living from our soul. It’s a world built on hope, connection, honesty, and love. But this world only comes into being if we each expand our soul and be our authentic selves.
We are all called to journey into ourselves and remember who we are. We need to recognize our soul is trying to communicate with us and maybe doing so through your body. Realize three separate voices speak to us, the programming from others, the egoic mind, and our soul.
There is a difference between soul growth and expansion. Growth is about learning lessons, applying what we have gained, and being tested to see if we have completed the session. Expansion is about being. It’s about uncovering our magic and creating with Spirit. To encourage the soul to expand, we can spend time in nature and connect with others because connection allows the flow of love into our lives.
As we journey through our thoughts and emotions, we begin to unravel who we are. The soulful, spiritual being is here to love and be loved. The soul that is joyfully creating a life based on the wonders we find within ourselves.
I have been a seeker, and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul. ~ Rumi
As you become more conscious of your soul’s desire, you can start your expansion through fun and creativity. If you would like to receive more informative and mindful articles right into your mailbox, fill this out.
Do you need support to help you expand your soul? Do you want a strategy to help you overcome the ego’s limiting beliefs and live a successful life? If so, please contact me, and we can put together an action plan for you to create the life you desire.
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