Everything that Comes from Love is a Miracle

According to a Pew Report, nearly 80% of Americans believe in miracles.  These are high numbers and are surprising in this age of science.  But, if you look around at nature, there are miracles everywhere.  Just because we understand how flowers bloom doesn’t mean it’s not wonderous.  Understanding the science behind an event like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly doesn’t make it less amazing. 

The real wonder, I think, is the ability for human beings to move past the egoic mind of our limiting beliefs.  The Course in Miracles says that a shift from fear to love is a miracle.  Being a miracle minded person means that our mind is open to possibilities that our brain doesn’t understand. 

That also sounds like what happens when we fall in love, doesn’t it?  Love is something our intellect cannot understand.  Science says that it’s a chemical reaction in the brain that moves us from lust to attraction. Finally, to attachment, each stage is governed by different chemicals.  But despite science being able to explain what’s happening in the brain, love is not rational and cannot be explained.  It’s a mystery, and it comes from Spirit.

Miracles are what happens beyond immediate comprehension.  Explaining it doesn’t diminish the miracle. Scientists may describe what makes grass green.  Their explanations will seem logical, but all they did was put words together in a way to try to rationalize what they can’t understand. The explanation doesn’t hide the miracle. ~ Joe Vitale

Love Inspires Miracles

The word inspire means to be one with Spirit.  Therefore miracles aren’t derived from our egos; they arise from our souls, which are always connected to Spirit.  That is why we must overcome the egoic mind and live in the present moment.  Only when we are fully present in this moment, can we truly love unconditionally and only then can miracles occur. 

Our willingness to be inspired, in Spirit, allows our egoic mind to fall away so we can see the world around us in another way, through the eyes of love.  We are to look at the situations we find ourselves in and search for a loving perspective.  When we change our view, a miracle has happened.  Only through love can a miracle occur. 

To love someone is to always see them as the miracle that they are; as the miracle that they exist, the miracle that makes your own simultaneous existence seem fortunately improbable and therefore defiantly miraculous; is to show them, in your eyes and through the way in which you look at them, the limitless beauty of their true miraculous selves; is to say to them in every glance: “I believe in miracles because I believe in you.” ~ Philip Jason

You are to Participate in Miracles

Since miracles come from a loving perspective, and humans are to love one another, then we as humans need to take part in miracles.   The action isn’t hard; only the ego makes something difficult because of disbelief.  Although it will take some discipline and mindfulness on your part to put them into practice, you can do many different things to participate in miracles. Here are five different ways that I have used that enabled me to experience more wonderous events.   

Miracles don’t happen to you. They happen through you. ~ Mary Davis

Gratitude Causes Miracles

When you are grateful, the energy around you changes.  You are lighting up the darkness around you by your gratitude because you are shifting your focus from a place of scarcity to one of abundance.  When you are grateful, it tunes you in to your connection with Spirit. 

We all have so much that we can be thankful for: the clothes on our backs, the food on our plates, the internet that keeps us connected to the world, the flowers blooming as spring emerges.  Be grateful for the love and supporting people in your life.  Show appreciation for those things that didn’t come to pass that with hindsight was better for you.  Be glad for the healthy body you have. 

Your ability to express gratitude is in direct relation to your ability to be accepting of what is.  This acceptance, in turn, keeps you in a positive state of being, which enables the miraculous to enter your life. 

Gratitude opens our eyes to the miracles that surround us. ~ D. Denise Dianaty

Take Action

Although you may not know what to do, it doesn’t mean you do nothing.  Watching television isn’t going to help you move forward in any way.  So, what positive step can you take when you don’t know what to do?  You can always start with prayer

Doing anything positive, like exercising or taking an online course, opens you up to receive new ideas that lead to other unexpected things.  When you step out and do something, you show the Universe that you are willing to take action, all you need is guidance.  And even when you don’t feel you’re being guided, you aren’t sitting still.  You are expanding your horizons while searching for the next best step for you to take.

A constructive step forward leads to positive results.  Many times I didn’t know what to do, and while going to a yoga class or book club, I met someone who could help me and my situation.  If I’d stayed home and watched t.v, I would’ve missed out on a new friend and a solution to my issue. 

We have been looking for the burning bush, the parting of the sea, the bellowing voice from heaven.  Instead, we should be looking at the ordinary day-to-day events in our lives for evidence of the miraculous. ~ M. Scott Peck

Sharing Causes Miracles

Whether we are sharing our time through volunteering or giving someone something they need that we no longer use, sharing what we can with others allows them to experience miracles. 

Our kindness towards others does wonderous things.  By showing our love for one another, even strangers, we allow the inspired acts to bless others in ways we cannot imagine.  Sharing our humanity provides for connections to be made that are invaluable to others. 

You may never know how your interaction with another person changed their life.  You can be the conduit for the miraculous if you allow yourself to be open to others.  Showing kindness to those you meet in your day.  A kind word, a simple smile, can be life-altering for someone. 

A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.  ~ William Hazlitt

Expand out of Your Comfort Zone

All the significant growth in my life occurred when I moved out of my comfort zone.  Look over your life, and you will see a similar pattern.  When we stretch ourselves in new ways, this opens doors to us that weren’t there before.  You can’t expect a new perspective if you aren’t willing to change your environment.  You have to make a change, and any positive change will do.

There may be unexpected and even negative results, but we are to use these to help us learn and to see differently.  Being courageous and moving towards something new is always rewarded.  Routines don’t cause growth, and miracles happen when we reach out and develop ourselves in new ways. 

You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one; each day brings a miracle of its own.  It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle. ~ Paulo Coelho

Listen to Your Heart

We all have inner guidance we can tap into if we are willing to get quiet and listen through mediation.  This innate wisdom that we each have access to is the heart whispers, our gut instincts that help us through life.  We have to get the ego to be quiet enough for our consciousness to become aware and mindful of this inner knowledge. 

The directions we get from our connection to the Divine will align us to the best outcomes possible, the miraculous ones we couldn’t even dream.  This awareness will put us back on track and navigate us in ways the egoic mind could never take us.  This capability is because our hearts are our authentic selves; it’s who we truly are. 

You will see them as synchronicities in your life.  The unusual circumstances that work out for you.  The overwhelming sense of peace you feel even amid strife.  By listening to your heart, you summon miracles into your life. 

A miracle is nothing more or less than this.  Anyone who has come into a knowledge of his or her true identity, of one’s oneness with the all-pervading wisdom and power, this makes it possible for laws higher than the ordinary mind knows of to be revealed to him or her. ~ Ralph Waldo Trine

Moving Forward

We can turn any situation we find ourselves into a positive place of growth.  We take a realistic view of the condition we see ourselves and consciously choose to shift our perspective from listening to our fearful egoic mind to following the love of our hearts.  By relating to our world through love, we open ourselves to the truth.  By being open to the possibilities, we can lead others to do the same, thus transforming the world around us.  Seeing the authenticity of one another, we allow miracles to flow.  

Miracles are reminders that possibilities are endless.  They happen every day.  In our daily lives, we need to open ourselves up to see them.  They are inspirational, but more importantly, they remind us that each of us is miraculous.  And this knowledge is life-changing. 

Miracles are heaven-sent.  They instill awe and connect us to wonder and mystery.  Miracles are divine interventions sent to help us, instill hope, deeply encourage, and comfort us.  They relieve our suffering and express God’s compassion and love.  Miracles are outward occurrences, like a healing that extends life or a turning point, but they are also a frame of mind. ~ Susan Santucci

Love is the beginning of all that is miraculous You can participate in the miracles around you by having gratitude, taking action, sharing with others, personal development, and by listening to your heart. Shift your view and see the wonderous all around you.  As you become more conscious of your life and become aware of the everyday miracles around you, you can enter a peaceful existence.  If you would like to receive more informative and mindful articles right into your mailbox, fill this out

Do you need support to see the miracles in your life?  Do you want a strategy to help you overcome the ego’s limiting beliefs and live authentically? If so, please, contact me, and we can put together an action plan for you to create the life you desire.

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Everything that Comes from Love is a Miracle
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Everything that Comes from Love is a Miracle
A miracle minded person means that our mind is open to possibilities that our brain doesn’t understand. Love is a miracle. Moving from fear to love is too.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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9 thoughts on “Everything that Comes from Love is a Miracle”

  1. David says:

    I am glad to have come across this article, it’s beautiful, thank you. The quote from Philip Jason was almost exactly word for word how I feel when I look at my girlfriend. Could you tell me where to find this quote? Thank you.

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