Destiny is for the Authentic Self to Reconnect with Spirit

We’re born unafraid.  We come into this world, knowing that we’re beings of light. Understanding that we’re worthy.  We recognize that we’re here to love and be loved. We come knowing what we’re supposed to do. Aware of our full potential.  Confident and ready to fulfill our purpose.   Moving forward into the unknown without fear; fear is a learned behavior.  This unknown shapes us.  The family we are born into is the first unknown we encounter.

Born into this Earth school, our parents give us a name, and mine is Terri Marie.  They give us a religious belief. We’re born with an ethnicity into a family that has its own set of baggage that it inadvertently passes on to us.  This new family tells us who we are, not necessarily allowing us to develop as Spirit intended – as a human being of love. 

Our life’s journey is to grow and be our authentic selves.  Children learn to fear, to think negatively, and to close off their instinctive selves based on their experiences, both good and bad.  This process is how we forget who we really are.  And our ultimate destiny is to return to our authentic selves and reconnect with the Divine. 

The purpose of life is fulfilling the essence of your creation.  ~ Sunday Adelaja

Recognizing the Disconnect with Spirit

Despite knowing the significant causes of my fear-based living, it took me decades to realize that I wasn’t my authentic self.  In my twenties, I realized that I was co-dependent.  Due to my mother’s alcoholism, I became her caregiver at a very young age.  When she abandoned me on the streets of Albuquerque, 1700 miles away from the nearest family, my egoic mind solidified the incorrect mindset.  I started to believe that I needed to do certain things so others wouldn’t leave me. 

Regardless of the codependency, I was fiercely independent.  Taking responsibility for my life was essential for me to move from being a victim to a survivor.  But I overtly shunned being controlled by others. This fear of not being in control of the situation ended up being a defense mechanism that is helpful for a while but ended up being harmful.  Because it too is an illusion as we all need one another. 

Basic self-care was not something I practiced, which is another sign that we’re disconnected from Spirit.  Self-care is everything that we consciously do that is a part of caring for our mental, emotional, and physical health. While it’s a simple notion, it’s something we frequently overlook. Self-care is vital to improving mood and reducing stress.  It is about refueling ourselves so that we can continue to live life fully. 

The Lord is knocking at the door of our hearts. Have we put a sign on the door saying: ‘Do not disturb’?  ~ Pope Francis

Disconnection with Spirit Causes Chaos

My egoic mind would not rest.  It kept me in a constant fearful state, depressed about the past, angry that I was being rejected, doubting myself, and anxious about the future.

The ego is always a negative influence, and its job is to instill fear.  But, you can learn to overcome the destructive power of this instinctual mechanism that is doing more harm than good. 

Through this disconnection with Spirit, we become more divided from one another.  This division is reinforced by the ego’s desire to compare everything.  Comparing ourselves to others an act of fear, the fear of being our authentic selves

Since we feel as if we don’t belong, we allow the ego to keep us from reaching out and connecting with others.  This withholding of ourselves, in turn, reinforces the egoic idea that we’re independent and don’t need others, which is a lie as our brains are wired for personal connections. 

As you can see, the disconnection we have to Spirit can cause chaos in our lives.  We aren’t happy because fear rules our daily lives, and therefore, we cannot be at peace.  But when we recognize the disconnect, we can begin to realign ourselves back to authenticity and connection with Spirit. 

When you are disconnected from God, you’re not really living; you just exist. ~ Rick Warren

Commencement of the Journey

We usually don’t realize that we are starting this journey back to our true selves.  Part of it is recognizing that there must be something more than this life of fear we’ve been living.  We desire more meaning in our lives.  We’re tired of feeling lonely. 

We start asking the big questions like who we are, why are we here, and the meaning of my life?  Yet in searching for the answers, we confuse ourselves because the ego is still controlling our mindset.  So, you look for ways to change your mindset.  You adopt more positive thinking, you try being mindful of your thoughts, and maybe you attempt meditation. 

Now, I’ve always been optimistic, so I was able to adjust my thought patterns.  But quieting the egoic voice in my head was an enormous challenge for me.  I tried meditating but didn’t seem to be able to get to the peaceful state in between the egoic thoughts. 

Most of us grew up with some sort of religious belief that introduced us to the concept of prayer.  But not many of us were told that prayer is a two-way communication between Spirit and us.  I was taught to ask God for what I wanted.  I later learned that the Lord’s Prayer is an outline of how to pray, which helped me improve my communication with the Divine. 

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence; see the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence.  We need silence to be able to touch souls. ~  Mother Teresa

Ways to Connect to Spirit

I’ve found that the best way for me to connect to Spirit is through four specific activities because connecting is an action.  We must choose to move towards being connected to the Divine. 

The first way is through prayer.  Since most of us know how to speak to God, we must now learn to listen to the still small voice.  The whisper of the heart that we tend to ignore is how the Divine communicates back to us.  Another way to hear Spirit’s voice is to pay attention to the intuitive reactions our body has.  Our intuition is Spirit indicating to us a course of action, but we have to be aware. 

Meditation was something I learned during yoga class.  The last activity in yoga is the corpse pose.  I think I was able to meditate because my body was tired; it allowed my mind to rest.  Through this daily practice, the connection to Source is maintained. 

Spending time in nature has always brought me a feeling of awe and wonder of creation.  Here we can see the beauty, power, creativity, wisdom, and caring of Spirit for creation.  In nature, we can feel the presence of the Divine. 

Create something.  Through creating, we find ourselves in a flow state.  Where time stands still, we’re feeling joy, and all is going effortlessly.  When we’re creative, we’re in sync with Divine power. In other words, we are inspired.  The word inspiration means “in Spirit.” 

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. ~  Anne Frank

Sustaining the Connection with Spirit

Now that our authentic self has reconnected to Spirit, we want to maintain the connection.  I’ve been able to do so through the following four daily practices.

Journalling is vital for your growth. It isn’t an ordinary practice; it’s a keystone habit, which affects how you work, play, live, and communicate. I had an on-again-off-again relationship with my journal. Still, once I started doing it every day, it’s become a sanctuary. I write three pages every morning.  I have the opportunity to be grateful for yesterday, and I look forward to this day’s events.  I’m purposely setting the attitude for the day as it begins. 

Each day, be thankful for what you have.  People with a strong sense of gratitude, love, and appreciation don’t necessarily have more than others; they recognize and see more beauty in their lives. A 2014 study suggests that people who count their blessings are generally happier and healthier than people who don’t.

Creativity is another word for playing.  It means we’re having fun, and we’re enjoying what we’re doing.  You know creativity is happening when you have lost time because you were in the flow. Whether you are writing, painting, or coding, creativity is necessary.  It enables us to take ideas and make them a reality. 

Grow each day. Each day we need to learn something new.  By opening ourselves up to new ideas, we allow Spirit to guide us in ways and directions we can’t imagine.

To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; seeking him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement. ~ Saint Augustine

Reconnection is Miraculous

You will know when you are reconnected to Spirit.  Let me say here that you were never really disconnected. You were just unaware of the link and closed off.  But by awakening to the connection, you are now able to see the synchronicities around you.  In spiritual terms, synchronicity is the ultimate ability to connect our needs with an answer from our soul through Spirit. 

We also become aware of the miracles taking place in our lives.  Whether it’s a medical recovery or something that we never thought would happen, unexplained events occur.  Maybe this is our consciousness creating a better reality for us to live.  Our awareness that is connected to Source allows us to access consistent moments of bliss, perfect health, and flow. 

Love is the foundation and the embodiment of our souls.  Therefore, our connection to Spirit allows us to respond with love in all situations.  If our offer of love is met with hate, we need to show compassion.  This miracle is a shift in our awareness.   It evolves from the awakening of our soul to the realization that we are one.  We’re connected to the Divine, and we’re connected to all humanity.

We all have the same God. We just serve him differently. Rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans all have different names, but they all contain water. So do religions have different names, and they all contain truth, expressed in different ways forms and times. When you believe in God, you should believe that all people are part of one family. If you love God, you can’t love only some of his children.
~ Muhammad Ali

Moving Forward

We’re all on a similar journey to become our authentic selves and reconnect with Spirit.  It’s part of the Earth school process we’re participating.  The first step is remembering who we really are.  As we recognize the disconnect, we begin the searching.   We connect through prayer, mediation, time in nature, and creating.  Then we start the maintenance process by journaling, gratitude, creativity, and focused growth

With our relinking to Spirit, we now see the synchronicities in our life as well as the everyday miracles.  We also realize that through our connection to the Divine, we can respond with love, thus, knowing that we are all connected, through Spirit. 

The universe is wired with the electricity of God, and each of us is a lamp. It doesn’t matter the size or shape of the lamp; it only matters that the lamp is plugged in. With every prayer, every thought of forgiveness, every meditation, every act of love, we plugin. The more of us who plugin, to more the darkness of the world, will be cast from our midst. Today, let’s all increase love’s wattage! ~ Marianne Williamson

Our destiny is for our authentic self to reconnect with Spirit.  It’s the ultimate hero’s journey.  As you become more conscious of your life and become aware of the connection you have with the Divine, you can alter the course of your life.  If you would like to receive more informative and mindful articles right into your mailbox, fill this out now.

Do you need support in your return to Source?  Do you want a strategy to help you overcome the ego’s limiting beliefs and become your authentic self? If so, please, contact me, and we can put together an action plan for you to create the life you desire. 

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Destiny is for the Authentic Self to Reconnect with Spirit
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Destiny is for the Authentic Self to Reconnect with Spirit
We are all born connected to Spirit. Due to life's circumstances, we forget who we are and why our connection to Spirit is vital for our Authentic selves.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions LLC
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