Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
I don’t know about you, but I don’t find it interesting when people are constantly discussing my issues and challenges, highlighting my shortcomings and things I’m doing incorrectly. To be honest, I don’t want them to press on my weaknesses to where I give in and become hopeless about my circumstances and myself. I won’t be their captive audience. And then, of course, purchase something from them to lessen the suffering.
The individuals who captivate me are those I can draw inspiration and knowledge from. They give me confidence in my future and help me feel good about myself. And time and time again, I wind up purchasing from them.
I can listen to these folks for hours on end, seeking more and more stuff to absorb, because they see the possibilities in me, they can see who I can become and what I can achieve, and they speak to my greatness.
Yes, this is only natural, isn’t it? That I want to continue paying attention to those that encourage and support me? Isn’t it common to find ourselves captivated by those who give us positive vibes?
My goal is to captivate in managing a business and drawing in clients. To be that person whose words are captivating, inspirational, and transformative—that’s who I want to be.
In general, shorter is better. If you can encapsulate your idea into a single captivating sentence, you’re halfway home. ~ Len Wein
Not much of what I’m about to tell you is new. You need to be captivating to attract people, and it’s much easier to figure out how to be enthralling than you might believe.
The key to being captivating is only to avoid being uninteresting.
It took me some time to properly get the significance of that sentence, as plain and idiotic as it may sound. Not only does being captivating imply that you possess amusing traits, but it also implies that you do not possess traits that turn others away from you.
This remark implies that those who wish to learn how to be intriguing must attempt to eliminate the traits that make others want to avoid them. Consider the following characteristics if you want to be captivating to others.
No matter how furious and wild a wave is, it will always be beautiful and captivating. ~ Sai Pradeep
Consider a period of your life when you were discussing something you were enthusiastic about. Have you noticed everyone is staring at you? Consider how your confident, well-spoken words captivated attention because of your intensity. What you were saying was credible, and your audience was eager to learn more.
Being captivating about something involves more than just having knowledge of it; it also involves having potent feelings for it. A person’s passion provides them with a feeling of direction in life. People with passions have a sense of purpose and optimism for a promising future.
The fact that your passion is uniquely yours is what matters. It has nothing to do with what your family or society says you should be concerned about. It’s what you truly appreciate about yourself in your purest form. Your passion will come through and captivate your audience if you have the fearlessness to speak your opinion about what matters to you.
Take up the cause of something you believe in. When you make a difference, people will notice and possibly even support you. People are drawn to those who have invested the time to become experts in fields where many others lack knowledge.
When they speak, passionate people exude confidence and clarity, letting everyone hear what their ideals and objectives are. Those that are most captivating and charismatic are those who pursue their passions in life.
Facing our problems, first, and living by the seat of the pants, and opening ourselves to the world can turn life into a captivating journey on a sparkling rainbow. ~ Erik Pevernagie
Arrogance is the one thing that turns people off the fastest. If you are truly humble, people will be more open with you. Being modest is essential to getting someone’s attention, since it shows you care about other people and you have their best interests at heart. It enables others to have faith in you. Humility makes one personable.
You genuinely attempt to listen to comprehend what others are saying and are aware that hearing other perspectives can always teach you something new. You take responsibility if you don’t have an answer. Instead, you are prepared to seek help from others who possess greater knowledge than yourself. When credit is due, you give it. Humility is the ability to recognize others for their contributions rather than taking credit for them.
You have more opportunities to show who you really are when you stand out from the crowd and take bold actions. Attempting to stand out from the crowd makes you more attractive to others. You ought to have the guts to rejoice because you differ from everyone else.
You’re the person you are because of your life experiences. People will be curious to hear what you have to say if you have the courage to think outside the box and to share those ideas. Your efforts will have a unique effect on others.
In actuality, being unique can be advantageous. It indicates that you are imaginative, truthful, sincere, and unafraid to be authentically who you are. People will be drawn to you when they realize you’re confident in your identity. People will see you can be honest with yourself, which is a captivating quality for anyone.
It was their individuality combined with the shyness of their behavior that remained the most captivating impression of this first encounter with the greatest of the great apes. ~ Diane Fossey
Make an engaging conversation. Boring, bland, or expressing the same things as everyone else will not captivate. When you can keep an audience’s interest and your message is interesting, you have captured their attention. Being a captivating person entails having a distinct personality and being prepared to share something novel and standing out from the crowd. Dare to be the one to contribute unique ideas, viewpoints, and views since there is much too much homogeneity in the world.
Reading stimulates the brain and allows the creative side of you to flourish. While you read, your brain forms new connections and conjures up distinctive images that can later inspire you in any area of your life. Reading expands your vocabulary as well, which is significant, since intelligence is the most attractive quality.
Take in as many concepts and captivating tales as you can. Reading can help you develop a more nuanced and holistic perspective on the world, which will make people from all walks of life more able to relate to you and desire to spend time with you.
One method to become fascinating yourself is to show interest in other people. How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie‘s 1936 book, helped popularize this idea. Pay attention to what other people are saying and note their reasoning and behavior. It’s difficult to form the habit of constantly learning from the experiences of others, including questioning whether you might be mistaken in your own beliefs. You will, however, have a richer life experience if you listen to other people and use your creativity.
Hollywood wants to make women so perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect job. Perfect manners… I know some of the most beautiful women, and they are so weird. That’s what makes them funny and captivating. ~ Melissa McCarthy
Is there anything more satisfying than being inspired to make a change or go in a different direction in your life? That’s the sensation you get after attending a class that you can’t wait to implement or after listening to a podcast and learning exactly what you need to do to pursue your goals.
Your imagination is sparked, and you’re propelled into action by inspiration. It makes sense that those who can inspire you to create are captivating—the rush of inspiration that comes from having a ton of ideas is highly addicting and leaves you wanting more.
Have confidence in yourself. You don’t need other people’s praise or approval when you already fully understand and appreciate your own worthiness. This has to be genuine because it pulls others to you potently. You need to reach a point where it truly doesn’t bother you if someone doesn’t like you.
Playing it safe is boring, even though there are certain benefits. Put aside what other people think of you and simply do your own thing if you want to become captivating. In actuality, those who lack personal convictions or who disapprove of what others say are boring. Even if you’re aware, some people may not agree with you, speak your mind. It’s likely someone around may share your viewpoint and appreciate your courage in speaking up.
Eloquence, at its highest pitch, leaves little room for reason or reflection, but addresses itself entirely to the desires and affections, captivating the willing hearers, and subduing their understanding. ~ David Hume
Be beneficial to others. I need to take away something useful from you in order for me to be captivated with you. I can use your experience of how mindset work helped you quit your job. Make sure the information you’re presenting is practical and simple to apply if you want to captivate others.
Nonetheless, you can be certain this will attract others to you if you’re someone who genuinely wants to change the world. Those with bold, change-oriented personalities are the most captivating. People are drawn to you because of your desire to be a change maker, whether that change is as improving the environment, transforming ideas about fear, or restructuring financial institutions.
When morale is low, are you able to mobilize the troops? Having the ability to lift people’s spirits in difficult situations is a very captivating and useful quality. It’s like being tossed around on a ship during a storm until someone arrives with the knowledge to straighten the bow, raise the sails, and set you back on course. It’s possible for you to enter a terrible circumstance and at least somewhat improve it.
Even if they aren’t always well-liked, truth-tellers who don’t sugarcoat the unpleasant are always fascinating. This trait’s unifying characteristic is fearlessness; a fearless sincerity even in the face of unfavorable reactions, setbacks, and declines in popularity. Truth is always captivating.
What is more important is finding the soul of the character and making sure it fits well into this story. And that it be dramatic and interesting and captivating, because these people weren’t entertainers, you know. ~ Mary Stuart Masterson
You may find it difficult to look away from some people when you first meet them. There’s just something about them, and it has nothing to do with how they look or anyone’s particular quality. They just captivate you with their humble and approachable authenticity.
With any luck, the aforementioned tips on making yourself seem more captivating will make people want to spend time with you. Accept your individuality and allow it to come through in all of your interactions.
Possessing a compelling personality makes you more influential and adept in social situations. People gravitate toward you and will overlook your actions and words. You have enormous potential to be a leader who innovates and transforms the world when you’re captivating. Make good use of your gifts!
Nothing bubbled up from the depths. For once, the present was so alive and captivating that the past was not even an echo or a shadow-she was, in this moment, wiped clean. ~ J.R. Ward
Do you need support to find your passion? Do you want a strategy to help you take off your armor and make authentic connections? If so please, contact me at TerriKozlowski.com and we can put together an action plan for you to be authentically you by being more captivating.
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