Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
We’ve all been told that we should journal but how many of us actually do it? I had an on again off again relationship with my journal since high school. After a traumatic event I did a lot of writing in my journal as a way to deal with anger and other emotions I didn’t understand. Then my journal was read by my sister and secrets I wasn’t ready to reveal came out. Therefore I quit the journaling practice.
If you’re serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured, and unique individual, keep a journal. ~ Jim Rohn
So, what does it mean to journal? It’s the act of writing which can force you to organize and make concrete the emotional turbulence swirling around in your head; it is a way to have the vague feelings become structured and measured. Here are five ways a journal can be beneficial:
When I was in therapy during my teenage years to help me deal with the trauma I experienced, I was told that a journal would be a helpful way to release the emotions that I was purposely burying and not dealing with.
This is a great use for your journal as well as a safe way to release any of those negative emotions we may not want to share with others. Getting these feelings out of us helps us regain our footing and therefore our ability to refocus our minds to what we want to do and how we want to move forward.
Thinking in writing has this magical quality of clarifying our thoughts. Journaling helps us prioritize, clarifies thinking, and accomplish our most important tasks, over urgent busy work. Putting our thoughts on paper enables the brain to organize our ideas and helps create a plan of action for our day. It helps us to be more aware.
Writing accesses the left brain, the analytical side. While this part of the brain is busy, your right brain is free to do what it does best; create, discern and feel. Therefore, journaling removes mental blocks and allows us to use all of our brain to better understand ourselves and the world we live in.
As you write about your day in your journal and you explain how the events unfolded you may not realize that it is actually aiding you in reducing your stress levels. Yes, there are studies that show keeping a journal can reduce stress levels. It does this by allowing our brains to reprocess the events in a safer environment as well as allowing us to actually simplify how the occurrence actually affects us. It enables us to re-frame the experience into something we can manage and deal with.
So, Reflective writing has also been shown to improve decision-making and critical thinking. Really, writing down our thoughts can improve how we think? Yes, it can. It helps us to grow and develop.
For the reason, that the more we write the more we are using our brain to intake, process, retain and retrieve information. It promotes a more focused look at our life experiences. Writing boosts long term memory as well as its ability to see patterns emerge. To journal allows the brain time to reflect, develop, and stimulate the brain’s highest reasoning ability.
Studies have shown that keeping a journal can prevent a host of illnesses. Since we journal the negative emotions out onto the page, they don’t stay inside of us and cause dis-ease in the body.
When I was journaling in high school, I was putting all my anger in the journal and when I stopped my anger festered. It aggravated my stomach and was causing a lot of physical issues that almost led to an ulcer. Dis-ease can cause the body to actually develop disease.
In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself. The journal is a vehicle for my sense of selfhood. It represents me as emotionally and spiritually independent. ~ Susan Sontag
Journaling is not an ordinary practice; it is a keystone habit. Keystone habits affect how you work, eat, play, live, spend, and communicate. So, how do we start the process of keeping a journal?
Journaling normally involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of your life. This can be done via pen and paper or via the computer, which ever you prefer. I have chosen a plain journal with nice lined pages that has a bookmark and a basic black pen.
You need to journal every day. I write three pages of sunrise sentiments every morning as I start my day. In this way I have the opportunity to be grateful for yesterday, look forward to this day’s events and the intentions I have for it. I’m purposely setting the attitude for the day as it begins. Taking responsibility for the events that are planned for and realizing that those unplanned things don’t need to take away my joy.
Keeping a journal of what’s going on in your life is a good way to help you distill what’s important and what’s not. ~ Martina Navratilova
A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to become. It is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember, and dream. ~ Brad Wilcox
As you begin your journal process you will have some days where you don’t write until later in the day. Don’t get upset with yourself, be proud that you found the time to do it. If you just begin with listing what you are grateful for this day it is a wonderful start to a keystone habit that will have great impact on your life.
When I restarted my journal by wiring my sunrise sentiments, I didn’t realize how much more fulfilling my life would become. When we take the time each day to organize and clarify our thoughts, we begin to be more aware and more present in each of the moments of our lives. We begin to realize that the choices we made last week impact our results this week. We start to make connections and can consciously choose to improve our lives.
Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding. ~Jen Williamson
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