Award Winning Soul Solutions Podcast

Soul Solutions Podcast

Welcome to Soul Solutions Podcast with host Terri Kozlowski, author, and a certified life coach. 

The podcast that helps you take control of your life. It also develops successful ways to overcome your fears and limiting beliefs.  Please join Terri as she cuts through the intricate thought patterns and old egoic mindsets.  We will go within to find the answers and create the life you desire through self-growth and soul expansion

Through a mix of nurturing guidance, personal stories, practical insight, and on-air coaching, Terri will lead you to become your authentic self. 

Listen to the show below.

Don't Compare; It's an Act of Fear; Empower Yourself By Being Authentic Soul Solutions

Episode 204:  Don't Compare; It's an Act of Fear; Empower Yourself By Being Authentic Description: Don't compare yourself to others. It is an act of fear and disempowering.  Instead, choose to be authentically you and inspire others. Episode Highlights: ·         [2:28] The Danger of Comparing·         [3:58] Where the Focus Goes·         [5:25] Be Aware of Accomplishments. ·         [6:52] From Competition to Appreciation·         [8:44] Your Imperfections are Authentically You·         [10:22] Learn You are Enough·         [11:49] Moving Forward Without ComparingEpisode Links: ·· · · · ·· ·· ···  LINK: the showCan't say no to others? Are you allowing drama into your life because you can't set personal boundaries? Here is a FREE checklist for understanding what they are, why they are important, and why it's hard to implement personal boundaries as a part of our self-care routines.
  1. Don't Compare; It's an Act of Fear; Empower Yourself By Being Authentic
  2. Expand Your Life By Having The Courage To Savor Life
  3. The Synchronistic Lifestyle; How to Make Your Own Luck
  4. The Synchronistic Lifestyle; How to Make Your Own Luck
  5. How to Embrace Your Life Instead of Fearing It

It was an honor to be featured in JJ Barnes website, The Table Read. The article series where she interviews podcast hosts.

Soul Solutions Podcast
Why author Terri Kozlowski started the Soul Solutions Podcast

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Views: 867

Soul Solutions Podcast
Article Name
Soul Solutions Podcast
Soul Solutions is a podcast that helps you take control of your life and develop successful ways to overcome your fears and limiting beliefs.
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Kozmic Soul Solutions
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