Terri Kozlowski
Always Moving Forward
Always Moving Forward
What a beautifully written book. The author, Terri Kozlowski’s spiritual journey, is transformational. I so enjoyed each page, each chapter, each lesson provided in this thought-provoking book. Life is about growth. Healing, helping, and guiding your spirit is key to health and happiness. Success is an inside job, and this book will aid your spirit on your own personal journey. A great read. I highly recommend it.
~ Dr. Eric Kaplan, three-time #1 best-selling author
If asked before 2018, if I would write my story, I would have said not only no, but hell no. It was never something I wanted to do. Then, in August 2018, I became pregnant with this book. Thus the writing process began, and this website was born. I am a successful soul and life coach, dedicating my life to supporting others to escape fear in their daily lives. Through talking with others, I realized my personal story about my childhood trauma was inspiring to people.
Raven Transcending Fear is a unique guide to self-empowerment. Part memoir, and part self-help guide, I share a raw and personal account of surviving and thriving childhood trauma.
Though I had loving people in my life, my mother was abusive and enabled others to traumatize me. To get drugs, my mother allowed strangers to assault my 11-year-old body sexually. She then left me and my sister alone on the streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
My childhood left me filled with fear. Once I embarked on a spiritual journey and learned the skills of empowerment, which allowed me to transcend the fear and regain a connection with the Divine.
Everyone is born fearless and knowing who they are and what their purpose is. However, life experiences or abuse may instill fear and break the connection with our authentic selves. I share my story in Raven Transcending Fear, and the lessons I have learned from my spiritual journey, to inspire and support others who are struggling with fear.
It was an honor to be interviewed by my publisher, Rebecca Benton, of Higher Ground Books & Media. We discussed my writing process and an exciting announcement!
It was an honor to have my book featured on The Table Read. The article series where JJ Barnes interviews authors.
A road map for living a happy life after trauma: Terri’s journey from abused, fearful child to wonderfully put together adult provides an excellent road map for anyone to follow to find their way to self-comfort, self-love, and the ability to be truly happen in one’s own skin.
Follow Terri as she finds her way from being closed-off and terrified to being a loving, giving adult who is able to unload the fear that kept her from really enjoying life.
It’s well written and truthful…and shows that you do not have to hang on to childhood hangups, which keep you from sharing your heart in an open and free way.
Congratulations Terri, for shedding these fears!
Bob Unger
Understanding and Facing Fears: This read has great insights into what is driving our behavior on so many levels when it comes to fears and unconscious thinking that keep us from moving forward. I definitely recommend it. Terri is also a very clear-minded logical thinker for attacking muddy mental states. She gets to the root cause of things and can re-train your brain to see problems in a different light. I’d recommend it to anyone as a must-read on your list!!!
Monica Barriga
Beautifully written! I think it’s so brave for someone to write their story like that. I thank you so much for putting it out there and sharing that with me. That I too may one day be so brave as to share my story!
Sinead Keenan
Real Life Solutions: What a powerful book. The journey we go on with the author is transformational. There are compelling lessons provided in this inspirational story. Life is about growing, healing, helping others, and this book is a guide to help you take your own spiritual journey to live the life you dream.
Joshua D Kasparek
Beautifully written, inspirational journey of light and hope and faith from a dear friend and remarkable woman. Terri’s story is one of survivorship and growth, but more importantly, it’s a reminder that each of us is what we choose to be, not just a result of what happens to us and around us. Now, perhaps more than ever, her message of accountability and authenticity is an absolute must.
Susan Keim
Terri Kozlowski was born in Jeannette, PA. She is living out her childhood dream through the book and her coaching. Terri has always been a writer of newsletters and articles for other publications. She is a Certified Life Coach, writer, Soul Solutions Podcast Host. Terri lives in Woodstock, GA, with her husband and pampered chihuahua Lelu. Read full interview…
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